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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Review Request for Gubacsi Dulu! (If you can...) #Amazon / #Goodreads

After three days of free promotion, there are now well over 1000 copies of Gubacsi Dulu spread across the globe, through (USA) and the sites in the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Brazil and India!

(UPDATE: Include Japan in that list! Thank you!)

I call this a HUGE success! (Though it's a lot of work without a cent) 

And it's all thanks to you... and those who helped, Jasper T. Scott (successful sci-fi author), Chris the Story Reading Ape (incredible blogger), 'David' (free promotional Twitter service), my aunt in Australia(!) and many others!

Now comes the second phase... the reviews? At the moment I have a slightly strange 3-star review. Just one review. It says good things (except the first part) and then gives 3 stars...

On the surface, the first few words, and the number of stars given aren't so good, but I'd still call this review a success! Do you know why? Because I wrote it this way - imperfect, as we all are - it is as true to life as I can possibly get it, we live in only one Point of View, and our lives move in twists and turns, and there's no way to guess the end. The reviewer 'hit the nail on the head', though as one friend once said to me about my first ever book... "I can feel there's something I'm missing, I know it's good but something's telling me it's better. But I don't know what it is." Exactly. Maybe one day...

So if you were so kind as to download the book, please take the time to review it - that is, if Amazon allows you to! I've also downloaded freebies and found I can't review... so what do you do? Find the book somewhere else, on Goodreads, for example, and leave a review! I really need the feedback, to know whether someone actually got the message, whether what I am doing is getting through and appreciated.

(UPDATE: Received a review on 5 stars and said great things! Thank you!)

On Amazon...

On Goodreads...'s my Goodreads Author Page if you'd like to see what other people thought of my other books...

Now, onto the next book! Pre-Orders are available...

HumanityH2O Series together! #FREE Gubacsi Dulu STILL available 1000+ FREE downloads!

 Amazon put the series together! ...damn, if only they'd done it a few days ago...


Over 1000 FREE downloads of Gubacsi Dulu! Which is an excellent number for me, little 'ol me!

The FIXED numbers (for only a second, and then 'poof'...gone)


There's still time to get a copy! (If anyone wants the book in another format, message me here on the blog)

Working on Book 2, getting it ready for publishing... going well!


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

#FREE Gubacsi Dulu - Last Day of 3!

 Yes, the book has done so well in the free downloads, excellent, thank you all!

Still time to download if you already haven't! A whole day to go...

Hopefully I'll get some more reviews, and hopefully some 4 and 5 stars (well, that's really up to you, put down your honest feedback, that's what I really want)

One thing that got me on the Amazon ranking was that I got to No.1 on Children's Steampunk, and No.2 on both Science-Fiction Adventure and Steampunk Science-Fiction (my book has slipped down to No.4 now, so the chance is lost)... and it was the same book which stopped me from getting the No.1 slot. And it wasn't even FREE.. it was the MOST EXPENSIVE KINDLE I'VE EVER SEEN! ($22.90!!!!!!)

Let's have a look at that...

The author has been writing for many years now, has tons of good reviews, holder of many writing awards, and sells their books at heavy prices. If you can do it, why not? So, I read some of  'Knocking on Heaven's Door' (terrible ripoff title, by the way), and then I ignored the 5 and 4 star reviews because obviously they were seeing something I wasn't. The 2 star reviews were describing what I saw: boring, slow, chaotic. Funny thing is, the book starts with a cat, like my 'How to' series! The dialogue, one of my favourite things to look at is the typical, sparse fantasy talk...the first four lines of dialogue strewn across the first couple of pages (yes, description, description, description for those readers who have no thought of their own)...

Anyway, to have the No.1 FREE Ebook slot to be taken away by a $22.90 boring book just sums up life, really. Like when 'Golden Brown' got stuck on the No.2 slot and couldn't beat a terrible cover of 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' (which is a great song but that cover was awful and was brought out to make sure The Stranglers didn't get a No.1 - conspiracy theory there) 

I've sent a message to Amazon and also Tweeted to the book's publisher because the author is... nowhere. But nobody cares. My free promo will be over, I won't be able to get that nice little screenshot with No.1 in all three categories, poor little ol' nobody me... so I 'fixed' it (Photoshopped) to how it SHOULD HAVE BEEN WITHOUT a HIGHLY PRICED Kindle in the TOP 100 FREE list! POS Amazon.

Update: I jumped over the HIGHLY PRICED BOOK, only for 3 other FREE books to jump me.. so my 2 second chance of glory is lost forever... BUT the book is still available to download for free (see above :-))

Pre-Order Radnoti X (Book 2 Humanity H2O)

Gubacsi Dulu is STILL #FREE for a few more days...


Book 2 is coming along fine and will be available soon! You can Pre-Order now!

It's even more claustrophobic than the first! A little shorter maybe but packed full of words...what else can I say without a spoiler?

"A book is meant to be felt." (Me, as I throw one at someone)

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt." (John Green, The Fault in Our Stars)

And why are there butterflies on the cover?

You can Pre-Order it here...


Monday, August 31, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu! #FREE 2 more days ...

 Gubacsi Dulu FREE downloads are doing well!

See? Actually, No.1 in Children's Steampunk, No.2 in Science Fiction, No.3 in Steampunk on!


and even


So far I've only got 1 review (I hope to get more, and hopefully a few 4 and 5 stars, that would be nice... a 3 star to start is okay, though - better than a 2!)

So, come along, download, read and if you can, review! Join Officer Karina Reif's journey into the unknown!

And Book 2 is right on its heels! Radnoti X! Pre-Order is here!


Chris the Story Reading Ape + #FREE ebook!

 I have an article on 'Chris the Story Reading Ape's Blog' well worth the read.

"Whatever Happened to Dani J. Caile?"

Because this is it. The last big push. 

My latest effort 'Gubacsi Dulu (Humanity H2O Book 1) is #FREE on Amazon right now for a few days. 

PLEASE come and download it, read it and review it. I already have one review - not so flattering but at least the reader says 'Good story line'...

Not perfect but interesting enough to keep me reading. I liked the twists and turns. He managed to keep me guessing!

Yes, it's a 3 star... so PLEASE come download and help me out! It's worth more than 3! Did they even understand the depth?!? ...I can tell you a story about that later...

Gubacsi Dulu #FREE for 3 Days

 The day has come! For three days, my latest book, Gubacsi Dulu (Book1 Humanity H2O) is #FREE as an ebook!

Come, download, tell your friends, tell your friends to tell their friends, tell your friends to tell their friends to tell their friends, tell your friends to... you know where this is going...

Read the book. Review the book. Tell everyone how you loved the book. Tell everyone you told how you loved the book to tell everyone how you loved the book and how they should read it too. Tell everyone you told... you know where this is going...

Take it from Karina Reif herself (the real one)...

It Was Mind Blowing! Classy!  I have read many sci-fis, but this was GENIUS!!!! The whole book represents the brilliance of Dani’s fantasy and knowledge! 2 is not far behind... be warned! Pre-Orders will soon be available!