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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Researching the next book - Bohatch + NEW RATINGS!

 Yes, it's time to do a little research. I've read A TON of military biographies, so I thought I'd have a look at a sci-fi version... 450+ reviews, 57% 5 stars... shit, absolute shit. The guy was a high ranking officer in the army and decided to become a writer, and that wasn't good for literature. Sure, he has a whole regiment to put 5 star reviews on his books for him, but what is he really earning from that? Money. Yeah, but he dumbs down the readership, no one learns, especially him, that HE is an example of poor writing. 

I'll need to look elsewhere for a good example... but I think I'll just have to WRITE one.

...and Gubacsi Dulu gets its 59th rating... a 3 star... well, better than a 2 but only just. Radnoti X got its 10th... another 3 star... and Farkas Alpha got its 5th... a 4 star! (And got a GD sale!) Those 5 star ratings are becoming elusive... but thankfully no 1 or 2s (touch wood). Unfortunately, I don't have a large circle of associates with the capacity to chuck 'fake' 5 star reviews on Amazon... and if I did, would I really want them to? That would be a lie. But isn't the whole trash sci-fi community lying to their readers? Anyway...

...while you're waiting, give a review or rating over here (preferably a good one)...

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

"Lord of the Flies in space" - Radnoti X 9th rating 4 stars! (+List of 10)

And finally, someone has made the connection. There are hints to classics throughout my Humanity H2O series, and this was one of them! "Lord of the Flies in space." Thank you Doug McGonegal!

Many positive things to take from this review - very interesting storyline, thought provoking plot, twists and turns, great characters and character growth, and to repeat in capitals LORD OF THE FLIES IN SPACE!

But if you notice in Radnoti X's ratings, someone gave a 1 star rating to Radnoti X... they must be a well-read person, indeed (sarcasm is alive and well). 

Looking at my 10 novels, I'm doing quite well with the reviews so far for the latest series.

1. Gubacsi Dulu - 58 ratings (Humanity H2O book 1)

2. Manna-X - 20 ratings (Graham Reader book 4)

3. How to Build a Castle - 11 ratings (How to book 1)

4. Radnoti X - 9 ratings (Humanity H2O book 2)

5. Rage of Atlantis - 5 ratings (Graham Reader book 3)

6. Farkas Alpha - 4 ratings (Humanity H2O book 3)

7. Man by a Tree - 3 ratings (Graham Reader book 1)

8. Bethlehem Fiasco - 3 ratings (Graham Reader book 2)

9. How to Sink a Ship - 3 ratings (How to book 2)

10. Reif's Return - 1 rating (Humanity H2O book 4)

So, Humanity H2O! Connections to classics! Come and find them!

Monday, January 11, 2021

3rd+4th Rating for Farkas Alpha...?

Okay, so, my Beta readers said that Farkas Alpha was fantastic, and it made them want to move on to the last book... but somehow it still hasn't got a rating or review of 5 stars... what is the problem? What did I get wrong? Does the reader want a happy ending? That's Book 4, Reif's Return! You have to have the fall before the rise. 

1. Setup - Gubacsi Dulu = Karina awakens from her 'not-so-pretty' reality.

2. Confusion - Radnoti X = Karina realises things need to change.

3. Development - Farkas Alpha = Karina can do something about the situation.

4. Climax - Reif's Return = Karina is able to find an end!

It's all quite simple if you put it this way. Thank you to those who have all 4 books! I hope you can get to the end with some feeling and thought inside (hopefully enjoyment and fulfilment!).

Humnaity H2O!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

"Schematic Elicitation" - my version of Hemingway's "Iceberg Theory"

Everyone knows about Hemingway's Iceberg Theory, the writing style of omission which makes much of the story hidden, also making the story richer. In this way, the reader needs to think, if they wish to, about those parts which are not given by the writer, using their own schemata, their view of the world and objects around them. 

My writing has ALWAYS been based on this theory, especially after realising the 'strangehold' on my own imagination and creativity while reading certain writers, the particular example I like to give is John Grisham—he is FAMOUS but although he writes thrillers, they would be much better in a literary sense if he stopped describing people and places right down to the socks and bricks. BUT he knows he would lose MOST of his readership because they like to immerse into HIS imagination.

Therefore, my writing allows readers the opportunity to delve into their OWN imagination and creativity to help embellish the story which is given. Before Humanity H2O, I gave multiple POVs (Point of View) to show the stories from more perspectives (How to series = 4 POVs, Graham Reader series = many, though the most important character in the 'scene' kept the perspective). In Humanity H2O, I stayed with ONE POV throughout, which relates 100% with the reader's own POV.

My writing style is called "Schematic Elicitation".

I wanted to add another paragraph about those who give Humanity H2O books 1 or 2 stars (and even 3), but I think if you have got this far, you already know.

And one day after the BIG PROMO? Still more sales! It's fantastic! THANK YOU! 

Humanity H2O! We'll find a way!

The End of the Big Promo - results! Reif's Return = No.1 Bestseller!

 A 3-day promo, with 2 books free and 2 books at $1.99 before the price rise... brought a lot of success for little me! Okay, not success like JK Rowling or Dan Brown, but SMALL TIME SUCCESS for small time little ol' me :-) I could tell you but it's better if I show... if you notice, Reif's Return (book 4) was No.1 in 3 New Release subcategories AND No.1 BESTSELLER in one (with Farkas Alpha (book 3) as No.2) Reif's Return ALSO got its 1st rating...a 5! THANK YOU whoever you are! So... I made this...(see below). 

Radnoti X and Gubacsi Dulu ALSO got No.1 and No.2 in two FREE Radnoti X is kind of a FREE Bestseller... strange but true... 

They were a HUGE three days for me, especially the second day, thanks to my friend and acquaintance, Jasper! THANK YOU! 

Humanity H2O... all books are back to $1.99 now, until the 25th when they move up to $2.99... because something else is going to happen! (Have you guessed it yet? No, not another book... well, not yet)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Third Day of Promo : #FREE GD + RX

 This week... Yesterday, the day before yesterday and TODAY (the 7th until the 9th (3 days)), both Book 1 and Book 2 of Humanity H2O are FREE! Books 3 and 4 are still at $1.99 each, but think about it... $3.98 for FOUR books? That's less than a dollar per book (just) Remember that... the normal price is $1.99 each , and after the 25th, they'll all go up to $2.99... because something else is going to happen!

Yesterday, the last great promo dropped and the series had one of its best days! Many were downloaded, many were sold. It was a success, still on a small scale compared to those known authors but one for me, unknown me. Thanks to all who helped with the promo, downloaded... and bought... the books!

Of course, still one day to go...

So...Humanity H2O! Is there any hope? At all? Maybe there IS an answer...or not...


What happened on day 2?

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Second Day of the Promo - #FREE ebooks GD+RX

This week... Yesterday and TODAY (and tomorrow, the 7th until the 9th (3 days)), both Book 1 and Book 2 of Humanity H2O are FREE! Books 3 and 4 are still at $1.99 each, but think about it... $3.98 for FOUR books? That's less than a dollar per book (just) Remember that... the normal price is $1.99 each , and after the 25th, they'll all go up to $2.99... because something else is going to happen!

Hopefully they'll be a big promo today sometime, so I'm hoping to get a few downloads, maybe even a few sales!

And hopefully also an impeachment or 25th amendment for Trump. Would be nice before he tries to start a Civil war (something else he'd lose).

So...Humanity H2O! Is there any hope? At all? Maybe there IS an answer...or not...


And a little action from yesterday... Radnoti X and Gubacsi Dulu got 5th and 6th place in FREE Childrens Steampunk... well, that's something! THANK YOU!