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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Flash Battle (1.2) has begun! (Space and Time Magazine) + 5 star for Radnoti X! (13th rating)

Space and Time Magazine's Flash Battle (1.2) has begun! If you'd like to read and vote for the 4 stories, here is the link. My 500-word story is there, called 'To Better Pastures'. I was slightly surprised by the other stories. And you can vote for one or ALL of them (yes, I voted for 3). It's one of those "get your friends and family to vote" type competitions... and I know those oh so well... it was a delight to write the story, and it can surely become a book. 

AND...unlucky for some, but not for Radnoti X! A 5 star rating has come in. THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!

You know, Gubacsi Dulu (brown) and Radnoti X (black) were given out for FREE, so they were available to all, whereas Farkas Alpha (green) and Reif's Return (purple) weren't. It's strange how this chart looks, all the ratings together (5 star down to 1). Sometimes I'm in the mood for a chart.

Anyway, finishing off the first draft of the NEW BOOK! It's set in the same universe as Humanity H2O but twenty-five years before. I can't wait for the edit! I read someone's comment on a post the other day about 'art' being relegated to unessential, saying that 'art is PAIN'... if that's the case, stop doing it, you're in the wrong business. Yeah, sometimes I've felt pain while writing, but usually it's because I'm sitting incorrectly!

Humanity H2O!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

68th rating of Gubacsi Dulu - 4 stars! (AND review!)

Things are still rolling along, ...just now...a Farkas Alpha sale, somewhere in the world.. THANK YOU!
...AND Gubacsi Dulu got its 68th ratings! A 4 star! THANK YOU, DBP! 

And it also came with a review! They're rare beasts! Let's see what it says...

The review is... interesting. Seeing as it's a series and Gubacsi Dulu is the first book of four, surely the major plot line has to continue through to the end? Anyway... still a 4 star review! (What's that quote, "You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time but...." (John Lydgate))

Humanity H2O!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

5 star rating for Reif's Return! (3rd rating)

 Well, it's been a month since I received a rating on for Reif's Return... and it's a 5 star! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! Still no review but I'll of course welcome the rating! 3 ratings, all 5, maybe I did something right! See that nice orange line at the top? Wonderful... I'm enjoying it while it lasts :-)

I'm almost on the last stage of the plot in the new book "Under the Shade of the Sun" (The Bohatch Chronicles Book 1), based around 25 years before Humanity H2O ... yes, the new book is now a series, there will definitely have to be another book. When, who knows?

But hey! Humanity H2O is here!

Space and Time Magazine - Flash Battles!

 Yes, Space and Time Magazine has brought back the ol' Iron Writer Challenge flash fiction 500-word competition, in the form of 'Flash Battles'! 4 writers have 3 days to write a 500-word story with 3 given picture elements.

I'm in the second battle, opening up on the 18th of February, so I'll put up a link here if you wish to read both my entry and others, and vote for one of the stories. I used to push these flash fiction competitions many years ago when they started, but it didn't get me anywhere, really. ALTHOUGH I did get to communicate and connect with a ton of great people trying to do the same thing I was trying to do: write. You see, the problem with these 'reader vote' competitions is... (blah blah). Just let it happen :-) It was fun writing the story.

Here's the FIRST Flash Battle, between 4 authors of 2 'groups'. You can vote for only one... and yes, I've already voted. (Hope they don't mind me using their logo...)

L.A.J.D. 1:1 Flash Battle

And me? I'm two thirds through writing the first draft of the new book. I think there's a second book, but that can wait.

If you STILL haven't read or reviewed/rated... Humanity H2O, here it is...

Sunday, February 14, 2021

5 star rating for Gubacsi Dulu! (67th rating)

And we're back! Another 5 star rating for Gubacsi Dulu! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! You keep me going, really (Yes, blame this person, and those others who give me good ratings). The book also has an average rating of 3.8 on, so getting closer to a chance to advertise it! (Need 4.1)

AND another Radnoti X sale! THANK YOU! (Maybe you're the same person who put on the rating, who knows?)

The new book, "Under the Shade of the Sun" is going well, over half is completed: some action, some humour, a lot of twists and turns... I'm enjoying working it all out. I hope the readers will enjoy reading it! (I hope I can get some help from my friendly neighbourhood Master for this one - it might go far!)

So... Humanity H2O! Still going strong!

43 Republican Senators

 Political Post. 

McConnell logic: You can't prosecute Trump for the things that he does when he's President because he's the President, and you can't prosecute Trump for the things that he did when he was President when he isn't the President... 

Anyway... 43 Republican Senators couldn't see that Trump incited the TERRORIST ATTACK on the Capitol Building on the 6th of January. Trump was acquitted in his Second Impeachment. I hope those 43 Republicans get a lot of money for that because unfortunately for them, this is...

Yes. Those 43 Republican Senators are ALL DOUBLE TALK and HYPOCRACY. Things are only good when it suits them, things means the things they mean when it suits them. These people will go down in history for allowing Trump to get away with his crimes against Democracy and for the deaths and injuries he incited. But then, no surprises, what with all the meetings these Senators had with the TERRORISTS  beforehand, and also the MESSAGES they sent to them, telling them where to find the Democrats in the Capitol Building. They should all be locked up. 

You do realise that this is a repeat of history. Hitler and the Nazis tried to take power of Germany in 1923 - the Beer Hall Putsch (Munich Putsch). He failed, but because nothing was done, he rose to power and eventually took over as Chancellor in 1933, and we all know where that went. If you think that was a good thing, you have much to learn. Much of how the Nazis rose to power is similar to how  Trump gained the Presidency and also what happened during his four years... and, of course, now. Trump hasn't disappeared. If nothing is done about these NONSENSICAL Republicans and Trump Supporters, the US will suffer from Trump yet again.

These people below. Vote them out when you can. Though you probably can't because they rig their votes (Mitch McConnell did. Research it.)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Something completely different...Spams/Scams

Just put this picture here... a stranger wrote this about me once :-) You can see it on the side of the blog...

It's Saturday, so not much is happening...

I've been running through some new comments on my blog and found a few interesting things, but there were mostly spam messages. Then I thought... let's have a look in my email! (Yes, I've got to a difficult part in the writing process... how to kill your procrastinator). I found these...

I just think it's amazing that somewhere someone thinks this is going to work. The first says 'Dear' with no name and then continues to try with the line 'probably related to you'... if you go back far enough, like back to the trees. Or maybe even further, as we didn't come from the same trees. and the second... that sounds legit.

Anyway... this is where we're going? No. We're going in the direction of...

Humanity H2O!