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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Distributed Copy Sold!

 And that doesn't happen every day! Somewhere in the USA, someone bought a paperback copy of my first book, Man by a Tree without using Amazon, which means a book store or library. Not the first time but it's always a wonderful surprise when it happens! And my first book, too! 

Also got another pre-order for Ascension, and some KENP, too. THANK YOU! Who knows, one day Dani J Caile might be known! 

So, come along, find my work! Entertaining with a message, all in one!

Monday, July 26, 2021

More Typos found in Radnoti X!!!

 Yep! About a dozen quite embarrassing ones, but now they're fixed. Maybe that's why RX has a lower average than the other books? Nah, it's because the message isn't coming across. RX is when Karina is lost, has no purpose, no point, and that's the book. Just a slave to the system. I'm sure you might be feeling that now. And if not, you still think you're living in some form of freedom and democracy? Wow.

Come and find my work on Amazon!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Activity helps!

 A sale! Yet another Farkas Alpha is out there (book 3 of Humanity H2O). Hope whoever it is enjoys it. 

And a new rating for Radnoti X! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!

And... some KENP! 

Yes, shooting in the dark here. I never know who is buying and when, who will rate, who will read. It's simply my work is out there, someone picks it up. No posse, no writers group, no circle of family and friends to keep me filled with flattery. The real stuff. Out there... waiting. ...and writing... book 3 of the Bohatch Chronicles is coming soon.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

A little quiet...

 After months of activity... it's gone a bit quiet for a few days... it's strange to be back in the indie desert again... I can hear the wind... too many sprouts, perhaps.

This past month I have mostly been doing really tough home improvement stuff... cutting up 50 year old 10 cm metal pipes, cutting radiators, building a gate, a driveway, basically getting my hands numb with hard work. But the ideas for book 3 are still coming, slowly but surely. One day I'll get some time and BOOM!, it'll be written.

If you'd like to get me out of the self-publishing desert, come and find me on Amazon!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

3rd rating for Slaughter - a 5 star!

THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! A 5 star rating for Slaughter! Phew, I thought I was in trouble there. I could've sworn it was a good book. I don't have a 'rating posse' or a ton of friends/relatives/acquaintances to ask a rating from. I tried. It doesn't work. And anyway, I'd rather get ratings and opinions from those I don't really know. I don't like flattery. Plus how do you know you're a good writer if all your friends tell you that you are? They're being nice... I know SO MANY writers like that... I'd feel sorry for their delusional selves but I'm jealous of the ratings and sales...

Anyway! Find my work on Amazon! (Yes, search. You love to search. Go on.)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

More Sales, more ratings!

 The action is still happening. Some sales, some KENP and some ratings! THANK YOU!

What concerns me is the 2nd rating of Slaughter, an anonymous 3... well, at least tell me what is wrong with this excellent book? Because you see, if you tell me why it's only a 3, then I can make the next one better. If someone gives an okay or poor rating for any other reason, then tell me that too!

So... looks like Slaughter needs some reviews and ratings! Please come and help! Good reviews and ratings, of course. What else would they be?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

A sale, some KENP...

Still a little action going on while I'm away thinking about book 3. A sale, some KENP read. It's all good!