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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Write for someone to read!

 After all that excitement of the 4th book and the discount... The Bohatch Chronicles was a success! Not such a success as all those BIG writers out there do, but at least books went out and have a chance to be read at some point. 

The whole idea of writing is for someone to read. Without that, a writer is writing to the wind, to a vaccuum. What is the point of that? Or even worse, writing for 'family and friends'... only a few members of my family read my work, and friends... I have no idea. All I know is that 95% of my reviews and ratings are from people I don't know. Which is a good thing! Flattery isn't real. Unfortunately ignorance is (those 1 and 2 star reviews).

So... let's get back to... books! Sorry, they're back to normal price, which is STILL cheap,

So... waiting for more readers to take my work away and read it. Readers keep writers alive. No readers, no writers...

Enjoying Twitter, Being myself... and Being BLOCKED!

These past couple OF weeks (capitals for the Southern States there) have been fun, especially opening up on Twitter, trying to see if anyone is 'out there'. A few. Some people with interesting tweets, some people sharing their lives, their books, etc.

Me? I was trying to sell a few books (it worked... a little) and seeing if Twitter could handle the REAL me. Yes, look at my replies to other people's tweets. That's me, all me. I enjoyed reading what I found and replying to it.

Anyway... unfortunately, some people can't 'take me', especially those who aren't really being themselves. I can't say who it is, but there's one guy out there, who didn't like my replies. I can't say any more because last time I gave more information, the person tried to sue me. Me? I have no money. Just people like to hurt those they perceive to be 'smaller' than them.

I just thought I'd share. Watch out for yourselves on the web, there are people out there using and abusing you.

So... let's get back to... books! Sorry, these are no longer on offer, BUT they're still there!

So... waiting for more readers to take my work away and read it. Readers keep writers alive. No readers, no writers...

Thursday, December 16, 2021

STILL on Discount! 99c!

AND... still on offer! 99c for the first three books! It's a CRIME, a complete crime I know, what's inside will blow your mind! And outside they have black covers.

So... waiting for more readers to take my work away and read it. Readers keep writers alive. No readers, no writers...

Working on the next book... slowly.

Bohatch Chronicles Discount offer (December 2021)

 Yep, still on offer! 99c for the first three books! It's a CRIME, I know, what's inside is entertaining, classy, and outside they have black covers!

You may wonder why I looked back at the last 10 years, using the countdown for Over Reif and Under? No? Okay, then I won't say...
Just come and read my books, all 4 series! (Bohatch Chronicles, Humanity H2O, How to, Graham Reader)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Over Reif - 5 star review!

 Over Reif got its first review, and it's a 5 star from my fantastic reader, Daniel JK! Thank you, sir!

 So if you'd like to finish the journey, here is the link to the book.

And YES! there's still an offer on the first three books! 99c each. They're worth a lot more!

Ends... 18th December 2021!

Over Reif and Under... No.2 New Release!

 Over Reif and Under reached No.2 New Release in a subcategory behind EG Foley, a favourite of readers, so not bad! 

If you'd like to help it reach No.1, I just need a few more sales, I'm sure...

And YES! there's still an offer! 99c for the first three books!

Can you see what I did with the covers? As many have said about my books "Don't judge [them] by the cover" but I try to get some continuity and meaning.
And you may wonder why I looked back at the last 10 years, using the countdown for Over Reif and Under? No? Okay, then I won't say...

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Special week, special Day! 3 books on discount, 4 book series out!

All 4 books are now out in the world, ready to be read! Books 1,2 and 3 are on discount for a week (99c) and Book 4, well, it's out! It connects both of my sci-fi series, Humanity H2O and this one, the Bohatch Chronicles, the first series from the point of view of Bohatch... I've been building him up to this point! It would be a damn shame if no one read it!

And a BIG thanks to all those who have!