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Monday, April 16, 2012

Kindle Editions

Finally decided to put my 2 books on Amazon Kindle. I set the price lower than it shows, so I don't know what's going on there. They're also in the 'KDP Select' system, which is like some kind of library...I think.

Man by a tree
The Bethlehem Fiasco

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Writing - who for? Editors?

I've just received some constructive criticism on my introduction from a few members, and one of them rewrote it, taking out what he considered to be unnecessary. It looked good, stripped to the bone, but it got me thinking. Who am I doing this all for? Am I writing to satisfy the needs of an agent / editor looking for a fast buck and publish my books? Am I writing for myself, my friends and aquaintances?  Am I writing to make money? Am I writing for the pleasure of writing? The dream is to be published and make money. The reality is to have fun and spread it around. But I looked at the stripped-down version of my writing, and that isn't me. What's the point of writing a book which isn't me? Taking out bits like "the crowds of fancy-free flag waving freaks" and things like "with blood reaching his black buckled boots", never to be seen again. That's just not me. That's a machine. That guy can be a machine. I'll be me.

Writing has begun...

The first 1000 words of the 3rd book have slipped out, and it's...different from the 1st and 2nd books. I can see the humour, but so far, it's closer to the 1st than the 2nd, in that there are less one-liners. And definitely no jokes about camels. I guess 'political' humour comes out another way...actually, what's written scares me. Where will it go? Well, I know the main plots, but the interactions are what's interesting..."It's not where you go, it's how you get there"...all that kinda stuff. I think the 'usual' crowd of hobgoblins and angels will add some of my typical humour. These Atlantians are too serious and utopian. But that's the funny bit...???...satire is the word, yes.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

3rd book coming soon

My 3rd book is coming. I've thrashed it all out in my head and found the main plot, sub-plots, characters and their motives, it's still only in my head. It'll take some time to put it all down, get it all sorted, but this'll be another good 'un, filled with secrets, bad apples and scapegoats. All with the usual droll wit of my first 2.
I had a problem putting it together, I had a title first, 'The Rage of Atlantis', from my 2nd book, but I couldn't feel where the rage was, all I knew was that there was a battle at the end because of it. Now it's all sorted :-) It feels great, just hope I have time to write it before...

'Man by a tree' - the 1st 30-50 pages

I've got some reviews up about my 1st book, 'Man by a tree', and they mention that the first few pages are tricky, fantastic but tricky, but after that, it's a cruise, it's fun, fun, fun! This book is, I won't say so different from anything else you've ever read, but comes from a different angle, it's like a landlover who's just jumped into the sea from a cliff. You're walking along, comfortable (or not), then you see the book, you open it's pages (and jump) SPLASH. It's takes you some time to acclimatise to the feeling and confusion of being immersed in the book (sea), but after a while, you get used to it, start to enjoy it, and finally you're zooming along with the story (swimming around). You can dive in and look deeper (hidden meanings) or just read ( swim around on the surface). The 2nd book 'The Bethlehem Fiasco', is rather like the SECOND time you jump in, you know what it's like, and just enjoy it :-) The 3rd, well, that's more serious, still fun, but now you're a veteran, you're trying to look for something of the main characters will be a female dolphin, get that!

The Da Vinci, sorry, Leonardo Code

Just finished a draft of a 30+ page thesis about Dan Brown, mainly based on 'The Da Vinci Code'. Oh, can the guy write! (no). But you have to give it to him, he can SELL. He found a way with pseudo-intelligent words and puzzles, and 'oh-so-curious-but-not-so-true' facts to attract readers, and found the mass market's area of reading interest. 80+ million sales can't be wrong. I'd just like a TINY proportion of that. Please. Maybe my 3rd book will be influenced in the Dan Brown direction...maybe, but hopefully written better. I can't seem to read one page of 'The Da Vinci Code' (which should be called 'Leonardo's Code') without going all sicky and slimy inside, the words he uses in combination with each other (get me a bag)...I can see his point, but...

Friday, April 13, 2012

You don't need a PhD to write

Too damn right - you don't need a PhD to do a lot of things, yet everywhere you go they expect a piece of paper which 'proves' you have a brain. A piece of paper given to you by other people who had been given the same paper some years before. A piece of paper which tells other people that you 'know' something about something - which is a lie because most people cheat - oh yes they do. I went to a Philosophy exam the other year, about 50 people in the room. The teacher received a text on his phone (yeah, right), and left the room for a few minutes. The room exploded with opened books, piles of paper and cheat lists appearing from all places. Where was I? A piece of paper get the gist. Continuation of a corrupt system.
Frank Zappa says it all in 'Dummy Up'.- "the college-degree is stuffed with absolutely nothing at all, you get . . . you get nothing with your college-degree . . ."
I've learnt a lot from college so far, and when I finally get that paper which represents my work, maybe I'll have a different viewpoint.

Also, just watched a bit of an 'academic' discussion on Shakespeare (Shaky-baby, the greatest friend to all writers, the greatest source of inspiration to all - in my opinion), can't wait to watch more. Though when that'll happen...Iambic pentameter, lovely. I'll have two, please, with an egg on the side.