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Monday, December 9, 2013

The deeper picture...

Yes, my books are entertaining, whimsical, a little nuts, but they also have a deeper thing going on...just wanted to say.
The 1st, Man by a tree, works on self-sacrifice, unwilling at first - nothing worse than a volunteer who wants to volunteer - who learns from that?
The 2nd, Bethlehem Fiasco, works on martyrdom - again, nothing worse than someone who wants to become one.
The 3rd, Rage, works on complete destruction - start again, you never know, it might be good the next time...
The 4th, Manna-X, works on insanity - if you can't beat the system, leave it.
The 5th, How to..., well, you'll see, still finishing off the skeleton :-)
So, there you go, not just cliches, references to classics and 1000 year-old jokes :-)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Posty posty post post

Haven't been here for a few days - it takes more clicks to get here seeing as Google changed my setup and I can't work out how to change it back. Maybe I will do that Wordpress blog - if I can decide what template, etc,etc.
I put an excerpt from 'Bethlehem Fiasco' on WEBook for the December It's revamped to only one POV.
I judged on Grudge Match 2 (Challenge 40) and the one I voted for won (so I must be doing something right.)
I'll also be in Grudge 3 as a contestant. It'll be anonymous, but I'm sure you'll be able to spot which of the 4 stories is mine :-)
Waiting for the winners of the November WEBook never know, it would be nice to have an iPad Mini.
And I 'won' NaNoWrimo this year (2013)....BUT Createspace only give TWO free paperback copies rather than 5, as in the years before.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to make money in the self-publishing business for FREE

Yes! Once and for all...'How to make money in the self-publishing business'...(great, huh?)
Well, here we go...are you ready?
Rule 1: Be unethical
Rule 2: Always smile
Rule 3: Believe in your own writing 110%
....and that's it!
Of course, I do none of these. But if YOU follow these 3 simple rules, you can become successful in the self-publishing business!
(As you can see, I still have my 'hate' head on :-)~)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 2013 VERSION 2.. what happened...

Version 2 - 1st version was too much 'poor me'...
Not much. After a crazy September of over 1000 downloads and a few sales, in November someone kindly bought a paperback copy of 'Manna-X' and also 'Dani's Shorts'. I have some nice feedback on the beginning of my new book 'How to', but I still haven't finished the skeleton yet. A little more, then I'll add description, senses, edits.

Got some 'LIKES' on my new facebook page, though :-) Thanks!

I'm a judge (again) for Iron Writer Grudge Match 2. I did my own take with the 4 'elements' and it was difficult because it had to be a certain type of poem (Terza Rima - a strict form!) I read the 4 contenders and they didn't do any better than me, so I'm happy. There are 2 good ones, 2 not-so-good ones. Only one of the poems uses all 4 elements correctly, and is more entertaining than the others. So I give my vote to that one (if you wanna know, just check them out yourself...

AND this blog got a mention on 'The Freedom of Speech Daily' here under 'Stories'...

Things to do... what happens in the November WEBook Challenge... Grudge Match 3 and see what happens (early/mid December..probably Challenge 42)...
...continue to write up the Iron Writer Challenges + Weekend Quickies until Week 52 and publish 'Dani's Shorts 2'...
...continue to work on 'How to' until it is finished and publish it to 'rapturous' applause....maybe...

Friday, November 29, 2013

And that's your problem

Sometimes I've got my 'hate' head on...

Priest: So you don't believe in God?
Me: No, I don't.
Priest: He is all around you.
Me: Is he? Okay, let's do a deal. You willing to do a deal?
Priest: I...err...
Me: For 10 seconds I'll believe in God.
Priest: Ah-ha...
Me: And then I'll tell you how I feel.
Priest: Ah, yes.
Me. And then for 10 seconds you don't believe in God.
Priest: I don't think I...
Me: Okay, here I go...
Priest: ...
Me. Right. At first I was happier, much happier. I knew God was responsible for everything in my life. Then I realised he was looking down on me and judging me and I felt guilty.
Priest: Oh, he...
Me: And now you.
Priest: I don't think I can do...
Me: Yeah, and that's your problem.

...and I'm the bad I killed 800 million people.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Feedback (so far) from a rough 'How to'

I already have a little feedback from about my 'How to' beginning, mostly some good solid points made - one guy said I should 'tag' my lines of dialogue..."I was never one for that," said Dani."Pass the salt," said Bob. "No," said Dani.
Need to sort my Short Pitch out...but here are the good things said, so far...
Debbie Roxburgh - "Well, this has certainly made me smile. I have been transported into a strange, madcap world of larger-than-life characters. Some of the scenes had a Monty Python feel to them as they are just so bizarre. There is also a strong element of fairy tale to it which makes for a refreshing mix.... it made me laugh..."

Jack Cerro - "certainly has the comedy angle"'s a bit quiet on both website, for me, ATM. WEBook is still 'happening'...
Alina Voyce - "Loved this! I've laughed my way through the first three sections and I'll be back to take a look at the rest as soon as I get a chance. You certainly have a talent for comedy, Dani!  I thought this first chapter was good, but this story just gets better and better!  :)"
SocialGadfly10 - "First let me say that you have a gift, to create such witty and down-right hilarious dialogue is something I can only dream of. This was simply brilliant..."
Erika Walter - "This was fast paced with great imagery and characterization. The voice was clear and spot on through all characters. It was corky and fun and light."
William Stone - "This was easy to read and fun. Good humor and tongue-in-cheek witticism. I would keep turning the page. Thanks for sharing and good luck."
EddieTol - "This was a fun romp, full of humor and tongue-in-cheek comments that work well together."
Aftab - "I do like this. It has the feel of some forgotten Monty Python sketch...Overall, very promising. I sense you'd make a good screenwriter."
Bob Lance - "How many times did I laugh outloud in 750 words? Three at least and lost my place each time. I wouldn't categorize the style or banter as whacky or confusing because I had a visual just from the dialogue. Dani, I have to have this book when you finish."
Ernest Lee - "...the wacky dialogue is very amusing indeed! I'd certainly be impelled to read."

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Facebook page

Yep, made one earlier this year but never promoted it. Now I'm starting. Please share it around, if that is, you want others to know :-)
Moving on with 'How to'...difficult day, had an afternoon of 'deja vu' and even what I can only describe as a 'vision'...are my 'art of dreaming' days coming back?