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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Big Leg Emma / Baby Snakes - Blogging from A to Z Challenge

In continuation of the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge", I think I've chosen Zappa as my theme :-)
With each of these 26 posts in April, I will write what the songs/albums/other means to me, personally. I love all of his work!

Today I'm choosing 2 songs...
"Big Leg Emma"
I used to sing this to my first born to get her to sleep, and found that I could do the 'scatting'. A few years after that, I was recorded singing it and it got on the end titles of an educational DVD. Nowadays, I irritate people, and especially the children at my school, by singing a very fast collection of certain vowel/consonant sounds :-)
Hear it here :-)

"Baby Snakes"
The same reason, really, I used to sing it, reaching the high notes, too. I loved to sing it, and again, much to the irritation of all :-)
Here's that great little stop motion clay animation :-)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Apostrophe (') - Blogging from A to Z Challenge (April 2014)

Well, this is the first of 26 posts for the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge (April 2014)" :-) And why not?
I'm No. 2210 :-)

My 'A' would have to be "Apostrophe (')" by Frank Zappa. I'd heard "Joe's Garage" when I was in some cheesey 2nd rate local rock band and I thought it was funny yet fantastic, but it was "Apostrophe (')" which really sucked me into the world of Zappa. Commercial, fun and damn unbelieveable playing! After hearing this album, I bought everything he ever made and loved it all. Zappa took me into a spiral of awareness in which I can never leave. Thank you Mr. Zappa, for "Apostrophe (')" :-)
It's all here in youtube...

Map and Spiel of 'How to' :-)

Here's the spiel for 'How to build a castle in 7 easy steps'...

No one was injured in the making of this book. However, there may be some casualties while reading.
In an ancient and long-forgotten deranged land obsessed with power, greed and mud, one boy alone stands up to the problems around him. His is a typical story of 'boy meets girl, boy turns into soup, escapes, boy meets girl again, boy is kidnapped and becomes the 'chosen one' for a tribe of canibalistic vampirish desire-driven crazed warriors, boy leads them into battle, loses the chance to bed hundreds of Amazonian women and finally wins the girl'. Come, accompany him on his fantastic wonderful superb journey. Or follow the cat. Whatever.

And here's a map I made...perhaps one will go with the book, who knows...

Published! And 'How to' finished!

Yes, finally, I'm published by someone :-) I wrote a Steampunk short for an anthology which will be printed by a friend I know who has a publishing house in the USA,Three Fates Press, and it'll be out probably (hopefully) in May sometime! The story is 'Tracer's Choice' and it's about...oh, you'll see it later. It's a step up from self-publishing, they can do things I can't, for example, they can go to conventions and fairs and meet the readers :-)
HOW TO is finished!
Yes, after I sort out the quotation marks (Mamie), I'll send it to my friend (as mentioned above). You never know, she might wanna publish it. I've already got a better idea for the cover...human skin photo with a Celtic tattoo, with patterns and title in that style. What do you think? Well, after reading the book through a couple of times, this seems to be the only cover possible.
Watch this space...Face-slapping Literature is coming your way :-)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Another Great little review of 'Manna-X'

Wow! Another great little review of 'Manna-X' from an old friend! Thanks, mate! Only two lines but you said it all, excellent! I have an aquaintance who loves the book but because of religious grounds he can't publicly acknowledge it...LOL
Find 'Manna-X' here...

Oh, and here's the review :-)

5.0 out of 5 stars Great and original book, March 23, 2014
By szakib -
Amazon Verified Purchase 
This review is from: Manna-X (Kindle Edition)
A witty and highly entertaining read with unique characters and a pretty unpredictable storyline. Not necessarily compatible with people who take the Christian religion seriously. :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weekend Quickie No.29! :-)

There's a wonderful selection of 200 (ish) word stories this Saturday at TIW Weekend Quickie :-)
See them here....

Of course, here's mine :-) A Quickie in a Quickie

"Where's Brian? He's got the keys to the plane," asked Jordan.
"He's probably busy with his grandchildren on Skype, he really misses them," replied Mamie.
"Yeah, I think it was a good idea we all banded together on this Gung-ho world trip, seeing as we're now all famous writers, but I sure do miss my family," said Michael.
They all agreed and drank their cocktails, watching the plane bob up and down.
"Are we in 'Castaway' or what?" laughed Jordan.
"More like 'Lost'," said DaVur. "Watch out for fast-moving invisible monsters…oh,  no Equinox winners here."
"So, what do we do now?" asked Michael.
"Well, what are we?" questioned Mamie.
"No, look, we're Iron Writers and it's Saturday, isn't it?"
"Hey, a Quickie!" screamed Jordan.
"You'll be lucky," remarked DaVur.
"We can write a Quickie! We need elements."
"A beach?"
"Good, now, what's here?"
"Other than that plane, us," said Jordan.
"5 Iron Writers, including Brian," stated DaVur.
"And now an emotion?"
"How about 'the desire to travel about', like what we'd like to do now?" mentioned Michael.
"I think that's called 'wanderlust'."
"Perfect! Let's write!"
They sat drinking their cocktails, watching the plane bob up and down.

PS: 'Editing 'How to' is almost over! :-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Edit No.3 - a juicy hamburger!

Onto the 3rd and possibly my last edit of 'How to' before I hand it over to someone to read.
The 1st edit puffed up my initial skeleton, bringing the book to 50,000 words by adding description and changing a few things. The 2nd edit was all about who, what, where and POV fixes. This 3rd edit is making sure it feels like a fat, juicy hamburger with all the trimmings :-) Doing well so far, 20% done.
Yes, I think I will try that publisher, though I don't know whether my submission will be successful. I can but try. Here's hoping (and not hopping).