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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Big Leg Emma / Baby Snakes - Blogging from A to Z Challenge

In continuation of the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge", I think I've chosen Zappa as my theme :-)
With each of these 26 posts in April, I will write what the songs/albums/other means to me, personally. I love all of his work!

Today I'm choosing 2 songs...
"Big Leg Emma"
I used to sing this to my first born to get her to sleep, and found that I could do the 'scatting'. A few years after that, I was recorded singing it and it got on the end titles of an educational DVD. Nowadays, I irritate people, and especially the children at my school, by singing a very fast collection of certain vowel/consonant sounds :-)
Hear it here :-)

"Baby Snakes"
The same reason, really, I used to sing it, reaching the high notes, too. I loved to sing it, and again, much to the irritation of all :-)
Here's that great little stop motion clay animation :-)

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