Why Queen? Isn't this meant to be a Zappa A-Z Challenge? Well, yes, but do you know how difficult it is to find something relevant to my own experiences about Zappa that is linked with 'Q'?
Well, apparently, Zappa admired the mixing done on Queen albums, saying "Some of the things they're doing mix-wise on these albums are very difficult." And this is from someone who was a MASTER of mix!
Listening to the YCDTOSA 6 double disc set, you can hear it!
Zappa admired Brian May (the guitarist of Queen if ya didn't know, the one who uses an old coin as a pluck), and Zappa even sung 'Bohemian Rhapsody' on a radio show once!
Brain May said this in 2005...
"I was fortunate enough to meet Frank Zappa, a truly great rock musician, and a very unorthodox and innovative creator. He was already very ill when I met him (I was working with his son in L.A. ) I told him I admired his skill and courage in improvising so much in his music, live in front of large audiences. He said, "Courage? - What do you mean?! " I said that I was always very aware of the possibilities of making mistakes. He replied, "How can you make a mistake? It is your solo, your guitar, and you are playing a piece of your own music. Who could possibly tell you you are making a mistake ? Zappa wasn't afraid at all when he went out there. Gotta admire that."
So, what's the youtube video today? How about this Bio :-)
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