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Friday, January 29, 2021

Reif's Return - No.1 New Release AGAIN!

Over a month later after first getting a No.1 New Release (and a No.1 Best Seller in the subcategory), yesterday Reif's Return (book 4 of my wonderful Humanity H2O sci-fi series) received the honour once again for a short while! And it's still at No.3 now.

Yes! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! It seems there were quite a few readers over on KENP which brought the book back into the charts, No.1 in that subcatgory and No.5 and No.6 in the others. Maybe I'll reach another 'first' soon!

I now have a title for the new book based on an earlier time of Bohatch..."Under the Shade of the Sun". I'll show the blurb another day. Still working on it.

And another rating for GD! A 3... again... at least it isn't a 2 or 1! Any reviews out there? What do people think? Well, actually, I already know... Hey, another little thing, the averages so far: Gubacsi Dulu 3.6, Radnoti X 3.7, Farkas Alpha 4.0, Reif's Return 5.0! (Actually there is that 4 star somewhere) Looks like either the story gets better as it goes along, or the books find their readers! (Or the readers find themselves...)

Humanity H2O! It's the truth, you know it is...

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