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Monday, January 25, 2021

Sales, KENP and a New book coming

Would you believe it... sales! And KENP! And an interview is coming in a few days on a popular blog! AND an article on Chris the Story Reading Ape's excellent blog seen by many!

Of course, this is tiny stuff compared to my million-copy selling comrades, I'm looking for my first four-figure over here, let alone six.

But it is STILL happening, slowly, quietly. Which makes me want to move on and write... Yes, I've started on a new book. I still have a long way to go but some ideas are there, but... there's always time needed to think, to think, and think again.  Maybe a series, maybe just a one-book spinoff... who knows yet. Does the world need another book from Dani J. Caile? Do I need to write one? There are still many things I'd like to share.

But hey! Humanity H2O! It's out there... have some time off and read a great series.

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