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Monday, January 25, 2021

Farkas Alpha 6th rating - a 5 star rating on!

 Yes! Although there's a 5 star over on, this is the first 5 star rating over on! THANK YOU whoever you are! I hope you will continue the story all the way through to the end! And a 4.0 average! ...just need a few more reviews and then I can advertise on a few websites (IF it stays 4.0 or above).

Reviews and ratings keep me, the writer, alive and wanting to do more to entertain, to share thoughts, ideas, inspiration. Recommend it to your friends! Sooner or later (probably later), the series WILL break through into the main market. YOU, the reader have done and will do your part! Read, think, and it will happen. Positive thinking? No. just thinking, that's all that's needed.

Humanity H2O!

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