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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brand New Something...

Shade is now at 46 ratings! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!

I thought I'd have time now to get the new book done, but SOMETHING else has appeared, something which I've never really done before. I'll need to complete it before moving on with the new book, which is SOOO close to finishing. I will tell you what I'm working on when I have more info.

So, the new book IS coming along. (Yes, it is). I DO have a message to tell. (Yes, I do). I WILL complete it soon. (Well...) ...I MIGHT get it done soon. BUT it will get done... after this latest project.

So... while you're STILL - yes, STILL - waiting for the new book, if you haven't started this amazing journey into our future yet (Future? I think you may find... I'll let you make up your own mind) - where have you been? - or wish to continue it, here's the link to Humanity H2O.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

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