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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

New Review AND new rating! (Man by a Tree + Under the Shade of the Sun)

 One day, two books got some attention!

Man by a Tree, my first ever book and the first of a 4-part fantasy series, received a 5-star review from one of my sci-fi fans. Thanks, Daniel!

If you'd like to have a read, here's the link. It's also available on KENP. (Never judge a book by its cover...)

AND... Under the Shade of the Sun, (mmm, can you see some continuity there, perhaps?) got its 52nd rating, a 4-star... thank you, whoever you are!

If you'd like to check out any of my books, here's the link... (I'd still like 4 more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu to get to the 100...!)

Proofreading at the moment, but soon I'll get back to writing book 2 of my latest series... unless Amazon has other ideas... they said they are reviewing my reply...

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