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Sunday, November 10, 2019

In Search of Reviews... FREE! Manna-X!

Yet another FREE ebook promotion for Manna-X to get those reviews!
Manna-X has 19 reviews... if you could please download the book (it'll be FREE for a few days) and give an honest review, I'd be SO HAPPY!
Isn't that why you're here? To make me happy? Or to make you happy? Look, if I'm happy, then you're happy, right? Well, 'happy' within the context of reviews and books and reading and writing and stuff... where was I?
Yes! Manna-X is a MASTERPIECE... a piece of a master... a mast of a piec,err... a master pie, see?
So, please! Come along, download, read and review!

Click this sentence to receive HAPPINESS!... hap pie ness... a peni... whatever...

Here's a very old review in a UK newspaper, to wet your appetite...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Great 'review'...from my Publisher!

This doesn't often happen.
My publisher, Lion by Line, gave a 'shout out' to my book "How to Sink a Ship" on their Facebook page... or was it "How to Build a Castle"... I wasn't sure, they kinda got the title wrong in the 'shout out' but hey, beggars can't be choosers. My work was recognised!
Apparently they were at LA BookFest and people sought them out in hopes of finding sequels to ones they've enjoyed, which included mine... hang on, that means they enjoyed "How to Build a Castle".
One day I'll get round to writing the third installment...

Here are the two books mentioned...great covers for great stories!


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sales, Sales, Sales! Can you believe that?

Oh, it's all happening! Well, okay, there seems to be someone or a few people buying my books in the last few weeks, and not only the anthologies with other authors, but my OWN books... which is AMAZING!
Thank you, whoever you are. I know it's only one sale here, one sale there, but it all adds up and keeps me in good spirits knowing that somewhere out there, there's a reader!
Thankfully, the anthologies are always selling, which gives me some joy knowing that someone could be reading my stuff but for a are the ones...

...and then there are these...

...Circuits and Steam being a paperpack from 3 Fates Press - I have a great little story about Tracer in there... and then of course, my own books, two published by Line by Lion...

What can I say but THANK YOU! I hope you (whoever you are) enjoy the read!
(And maybe give a review or two? Please...)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

WOW! Another sale?!? "How to Sink a Ship!"

Yes, this surprises me as much as anyone... someone bought another paperback of "How to Sink a Ship"!!!
Thank you, whoever you are...:-)
It's now at (or was yesterday)...

Here are the only reviews so far of my latest romp into the land of Norby and Co. If you have the time and the inclination, please go have a peek inside by using the link below...

"Pirates and Zombies collide in hilarious ways in this unlikely mash-up of genres. The result is pure laughter and distraction from the weightier matters in life. The style and tone is fairly reminiscent of Monty Python, and the writing is fantastic. Dani Caile has reached a pinnacle with this book. I wish someone would make a movie out of it so my wife and I could laugh ourselves to tears together!"

"A giggle a minute. To really appreciate this book, you have to have a quirky sense of humour. I loved it."

"Dani J Caile has used his brilliant dialogue to bring the book to life and to capture your imagination.
Fast moving and crazy with a hidden political message which doesn't show itself till the end. Very clever."

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Dani's Shorts 3 at over 1000 FREE downloads!

Yes! The second compilation of short stories to go over 1,000 FREE downloads!
The tiniest of milestones in the publishing world but a large one for myself.
If you haven't got your copy, here's the place...

And here's the blurb from 2014...

"Wow, it's already Volume 3 of TIW shorts! The third collection of totally pointless exactly 500 Challenge and exactly 200 Weekend Quickie word nonsense (plus a few collaborations and extra TIW things) to entertain you while doing whatever you do when reading. For myself, it was a long and exciting half year in The Iron Writer. It has become a part of my life now, this TIW phenomenon, every week waiting for the next group of elements to hit the site and dwelling on the story which could link them all together in the style of my choice. It's thanks to this challenge that I can say I never suffer from writer's block - touch wood.
In this third volume, I have also included some collaborations and TIW ‘experiments’, such as the Genre Mash Up from Miranda Hawley and impromptu relays which mainly involve a new and highly talented young TIW writer, Mathew W. Weaver, complete in a suit of armour – he is the Iron Writer Protection Program, his identity is a secret. Other writers include Neal Sayatovich, Jordan Bell, and Tony Jaeger. I'd like to thank these writers for writing their words and allowing me to publish them.
In mentioning, I also cut the 10 worder 4 element challenge story "He tutted as she stood there in a mini skirt." (Challenge 45) down to a 'zhong', a form made famous by Ernest Hemingway, "He tutted as she smiled, naked."
To finish, in Volume 2, I separated the Weekly Challenges from the Weekend Quickies though now I see that some continuity of ideas was lost and so everything in Volume 3 is in chronological order to show the development…if there was one.
I hope you enjoy these short snippets just as much as I enjoyed writing them, and thanks again to Brian and all the other Iron Writers for allowing me into their community…I wouldn’t."

Friday, August 23, 2019

Itty Bitty Writing Space - NEW Anthology on Amazon! PLUS another SALE!

And yet another 'Man by a Tree' ebook is out there, this time in Germany!
Thank you, whoever you are! I hope you can get through it - an acquaintance of mine said it was a 'cracked masterpiece'. Every now and again I go back to it and read a few pages. Where did it all come from?
If anyone else would like to pick it up, here's the Amazon link...

I've finally realised the new anthology is on Amazon! Over 100 stories in one book, the paperback is kinda heavy... but I know there are a ton of great stories in there, including mine, 'The Bell Tower'.
Go and have a look!

And yes, I'm still working on my next novel/novels... there's a sci-fi I started some time ago, and also the one I mentioned before. I keep switching between them...

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Sale! Oh, good gracious!

Took a few weeks off and HEY, someone bought one of my first novel, it has its moments...

AND read a few pages of...Manna-X...well, how could you not? 19 reviews...

Smashwords FREE downloads are going well, too, mostly Dani's Shorts 2 through to 7...

And writing another in my free time, though it might take a while...