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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

'Over Reif' Countdown...7... 2014...

The Over Reif and Under Countdown is now on...2014!

In 2014 I didn't write a novel, but I was heavily into short stories and flash fiction.

Both Dani's Shorts 2 and 3 came out, FREE, of course, along with Ironology 2014, the official paperback collection of all 'winners' of the Iron Writer that year.

I also became involved with Line by Lion Publications and had a steampunk story included in their paperback only Circuits & Steam...

And also another group of writers called the Indie Collaboration, the first collection being...

And if you still haven't started on Bohatch's journey, follow this link...

Monday, November 29, 2021

'Over Reif' Countdown...10....2011...

I thought I'd do a 'Countdown' for the Over Reif and Under launch, seeing as it's been 10 years since I started writing books and stuff. So... today's countdown is 2011...

2011 was when I first saw NaNoWriMo, a writing 'competition' in November, where you challenge yourself to write 50,000 words in one month. I thought it would be good to try and write a novel. I did the 'challenge', though after editing, the novel was below the 50k. I tried to get some interest in it through Authonomy (I think that's what the writer's website was called), and it faired quite well, with some wonderful reviews (though some nasty ones too) and it almost got into the Top 10 one month (11th) so it would be read by a professional editor, but then I realised no one would buy yet another book about the Grim Reaper. So I published it... 'Man by a Tree'. It did quite well, even some paperbacks... sometimes I get a sale every once in a while as well.

And if you still haven't started on Bohatch's journey, follow this link...

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Book 4 coming out on 10th December 2021!

The paperback for 'Over Reif and Under' is already out for those who love paper and can give reviews to help the ebook, which will come out on the 10th of December!

It's a strange title, in fact the whole series is strange, isn't it.

Under the Shade of the Sun - how can you be that? 'Shade' in this case meaning 'protection'.

Slaughter Under the Bridge - it speaks for itself, but hey, 'under' seems to be in both titles...

Ascension Under the Stars - again, it speaks for itself, and again the 'under'...

Over Reif and Under - an incredibly strange title. 

Well, book 4 is basically (spoiler)...

... and that's why the title.

If you still haven't started on the journey...

Monday, November 22, 2021

Over Reif and Under - NEW publishing date - December 2021!

Yes, book 4 of the Bohatch Chronicles will be out in December 2021! 

The paperback is already out for those who love paper and can give reviews to help the ebook, which will come out on the 10th of December!

I'm already working on the next book, now whether it is a single work or a series, I have no idea. I'd love to create a new series but maybe that's a book or three to far...

If you still haven't started on the journey...

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Ascension - 5 star rating! (2 out of 2) (Amazon UK)

Yes, a 2nd 5 star rating for Ascension Under the Stars on the Amazon UK site - I have no idea why that rating hasn't gone over to the main Amazon, but who knows how they work?

So a BIG THANK YOU to whoever gave a 5 star!

Book 4 will be coming soon it'll be ready early December 2021. 

I'm also working on the next series, again set in the same universe, the same timeline, but from the Point of View of another character mentioned in Humanity H2O/Bohatch Chronicles. It's going to be interesting. And there are already plot twists, questions unanswered answered, etc.

If you still haven't started on the journey...

Monday, November 15, 2021

35th rating for Shade - 5 star!


The 35th rating for Shade... and it's a 5 star!

So a BIG THANK YOU to whoever gave a 5 star!

Book 4 will be coming soon it'll be ready early/mid December 2021. 

I'm already working on the next series, again set in the same universe, the same timeline, but from the Point of View of another character mentioned in Humanity H2O/Bohatch Chronicles. It's going to be interesting.

If you still haven't started on the journey...

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Latest Promo - I'd say it was a success!

 This latest promo... I would say although I didn't break into fame and fortune and all things great, there were people out there who supported me and bought all 3 books, either on a deal (Shade), or not, (Slaughter and Ascension). A few sales are still coming in, as is some KENP. Ascension got No.1 New Release in one subcategory and Shade was right up there with the Bestsellers for almost a week. Over Reif and Slaughter were also there.

So a BIG THANK YOU for all those who bought the Bohatch Chronicles! Book 4 will be coming sooner than you think! Only one foreword to work out and it'll be ready, probably I'll launch it in December 2021. 

I'm already working on the next series, again set in the same universe, the same timeline, but from the Point of View of another character mentioned in Humanity H2O/Bohatch Chronicles. It's going to be interesting.

If you still haven't started on the journey...