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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Russian BOTs are off my back!

Well, got that 54th rating for Shade back, PLUS... it seems the Russian BOTs have left... for now.

My cup runneth over. I think I have another meaning for that now. Must be the age. Anyway...

I've got a ton of books. I really don't know how much longer Amazon will allow me to sell my own books on their website. So get them while you can...


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Got a Sale, Lost a Rating...

Thank you to the person who bought a paperback of Man by a Tree! My first ever book. It's strange for me how people are only just finding my stuff.

And thank you to Amazon for taking a 5 star rating off Shade! Why, thank you! Is there anything else you could do that you already haven't tried? Banning me from my own books, you tried. Deleting my books from any category lists, you tried. NOW it's taking my ratings away. And why a 5 star? Why not one of the lower ones, the ones where the people didn't actually read the book? Nah, Amazon, you took a 5 star. Sure. Thanks.

So, anyway. Another short rant. 

Oh look! Some books! I don't know how much longer Amazon will allow me to sell my own books on their website. (I. Have. Done. Nothing. Wrong.) So get them while you can...

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

New Review for In the Midst of Fools!

Yeah! A new review for In the Midst of Fools!... oh, hang on, no, not yet. Apparently, although other authors get 100+ reviews in less than 24 hours from their ARCs/paid promotions/family & friends, one of my readers has been given an email which says it could take up to a month to put the review up. What? First Amazon try to prove that my books aren't mine - like, who the hell else would write them?! Then they try to prove that I put them into the wrong categories - those categories they mentioned don't even exist?! And now I can't get reviews? Yep, it isn't what you know, it's who you know / how much money you can make. Small independent authors such as myself have very little support, and then Amazon walks all over you too.

Anyway... rant over.

Gabacsi Dulu STILL needs 2 ratings for the 100, so if you have read it (we're talking 4 figures here, people) and haven't rated it yet, could you please swing on over and add a few, that would be great!


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Pussy Riot: Protest song about the war

 More Russian BOTs, so...

                                                                 (Image: The Guardian)

Pussy Riot's protest song about the war, watch it here...

Actually, Putin IS a pussy. He's like one of those bullies in the playground, stealing other people's lunch money, except now he's stealing land and spilling blood.

When I first heard of Putin, I knew he'd been a top member of the KGB or something, and there were many stories and images of him being strong and holding his country together. Now I know that was all propaganda. Strong. If he were strong, he wouldn't need to terrorise other countries and make threats with nuclear weapons. "My Dad's bigger than yours" kinda shit. And now that Ukraine is STILL fighting against him, he keeps making more threats about nuclear weapons, says he'll never give in, etc., just like that bully in school who never knows when to back down and accept that they are in the wrong. They never know. They can hit you but when you fight back, they scream and shout and try to get you into trouble, or at least give that as the reason why they 'retaliated' to your actions... even though they struck first. It's just that they have a bigger mouth, and that's what Putin has. A big mouth. Especially within his own country. Long live Pussy Riot!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Bestseller AGAIN! #FREE #ebook ...still free for a short time...

Bestseller again! (In FREE subcategory, of course). There's a certain author who keeps posting up how fantastic he feels that his book was Bestseller, and that everyone should be happy for him, ie. he sold about 10 copies a year ago and we need to hear about it every goes...

So, these two ebooks are still FREE for a short time...

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun... 

There's also the NEW series, of which only one book has been written, In the Midst of Fools. Still working on the second...

Sunday, January 15, 2023

FREE #Scifi #ebook Gubacsi Dulu + Under the Shade of the Sun

Under the Shade of the Sun just received another 5 star rating (Thank you!) so I thought I'd make both that book and Gubacsi Dulu FREE for 2 days. I'm still looking for 2 more ratings for Gubacsi Dulu to reach the 100, and Under the Shade of the Sun is going strong on 54. Would be nice if any reader would like to continue the stories onwards, too. The books are cheap, but so full of 'goodness'! Yummy!

Gubasci Dulu...

Under the Shade of the Sun... 

There's also the NEW series, of which only one book has been written, In the Midst of Fools. Still working on the second...

Friday, January 13, 2023

Time to Post

This one's for the Russian BOTs... nah, or, actually, yes, I guess.

Just like to say thanks to whoever just read Over Reif and Under! Hope you enjoyed it. It's nice to get a little KENP in the month.

At the moment, I'm trying to get one of my two new manuscripts moving past the 15k word point. I'm too busy to sit down and have a good think, which is what I need right now. Things just keep getting in the way of serious contemplation, like 'life' for one. 

While I'm twiddling my fingers, please go and buy, read and rate these books, maybe even review them! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest.