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Friday, April 16, 2021

And ANOTHER great review for 'Under the Shade of the Sun'! 4 stars...

Yes! Thank you NWDave for the 4 star review, so fresh and new that Amazon still hasn't changed the main ratings graphic. Another 4 star! Yeah! That makes four 4 star on and one 5 star on

And yes, this part, I'm trying to get my NEW BOOK out there, so... here's the link to the NEW BOOK, UTSOTS if you're thinking of buying it or recommending it and supporting my work because YOU are CLEVER enough to read it and UNDERSTAND it...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!) Reviews and ratings would be nice...GOOD ratings from GOOD people! I need more reviews PRETTY SOON, too! The MORE the better! (Some 5 stars would be nice but hey...) Things are happening... yes, they are. Oh yes, there are. (Yes, I copy and paste this and change it a little every post - do I? Yes. One day it'll turn into an octopus - Look, see it already has one leg... ~~~~.... and another ~~~~).

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