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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu ...two more 5 stars AND a FANTASTIC review!

 Now there are 27 ratings and 16 reviews for Gubacsi Dulu! Collecting them well, I'm really pleased that people were able to grab it when it was free and also able to read it through KENP AND of course the sales!

Today I received a 5 star rating internationally (thank you!)... and then!!! another 5 star on WITH a FANTASTIC review! Looks like Mr. R. Adkins 'got' it! Thank you, sir! Read this, he kinda gives the story away but what a great summary! Maybe the next 5 star rating will make the book hit 4.0 out of 5 (due to those poor souls who didn't 'get' it)...

It's still there, waiting for your opinion, rating, review...

And the next books are on their way!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu... 25 ratings (a new 5 star!)

 It was a slow weekend (slightly ill but still working on Farkas Alpha), with KENP moving along (thank you, whoever you are!) and half a dozen sales (thank you!), and Gubacsi Dulu also recieved another 5 star rating on Thank you to all who made me reach 25 ratings (15 reviews)!

But there's still room for more! And Radnoti X is going to 'hit the streets' soon! It's still at #2 New Release in Children's Steampunk (really, I put all 3 books in Juvenile Steampunk but I guess Amazon only has Children's as a category)

Some people have already asked me, the 'X' in it 'X' or 'ten'? The latter. I already have an older novel called 'Manna-X', where the 'X' was 'x'. It's a small part of conceptual continuity (Frank Zappa) I mentioned earlier...

And in that and pre-orders are welcome!

Humanity H2O series...

Science Fiction Influences...books

 My new Humanity H2O 3 book series has, of course, influences, both in book and film. Of course I love all sci-fi films, I watch them all, but some influence stronger than others. First, the books...

There was this short story, I read it when I was a teenager and every now and then I read it again. Blood Music by Greg Bear. There is also a novel which I read as soon as I had the money (and inclination) to buy it.

I then read more Greg Bear novels which are more 'typical' sci-fi, then moved on to Asimov, etc.

Next, of course, there's Flowers for Algeron - what more can I say about this one?


And I can't NOT say I wasn't influenced by this one...!


And his many other books and radio series (of which there were three)!


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Over 10,000 KENP read! Another first!

 For such a small author as myself, these last few weeks have been CRAZY! Now another first, what with the 'New Release' banners, the 1000+ free downloads, a growing collection of sales and reviews (including reviews from across the globe and the full range of stars available)... over 10,000 KENP (Kindle Edition Normalised Pages) have been read by those members of Amazon in Canada, the UK, Australia and those connected to!

And this is only the beginning of the whole journey, the start of the story... Book 1 in the Humanity H2O series. Maybe the whole series will bomb, maybe it'll be 'respectable', maybe it'll go big... who knows. All I know is it's been a GREAT few weeks, all thanks to those who helped me get this far (friends, acquaintances, readers, reviewers).

Have a look at what people say about Gubacsi Dulu...

Maybe even think about pre-ordering the next two...

Friday, September 18, 2020

Radnoti X No.1 New Release in subcategory AGAIN!

 Yes, as with Gubacsi Dulu, Radnoti X received the #1 New Release orange banner ONCE AGAIN in the subcategory Children's Steampunk!

It was a 'slow' day yesterday, some KENP, a sale, though a little bird told me there were some Paperback sales of Gubacsi Dulu coming... haven't seen anything yet. And I'm working on Farkas Alpha...looking good!

So, come, browse the Humanity H2O series...

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Going up again! Gubacsi Dulu, Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha!

 Well, more pre-orders and sales means this in the subcategory Children's Steampunk...

Gubacsi Dulu is back at No.7 and Radnoti X is back at #1 New Release and Farkas Alpha is #2 AGAIN...the rollercoaster continues!

Starting to type up Farkas Alpha, though it has to be right! Can't let you down...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Still going strong! Gubacsi Dulu (and Radnoti X)!

 Yes, the Humanity H2o series is still moving along, with Gubacsi Dulu with 22 ratings (just received an international 4 star, I think) and still #9 in Children's Steampunk, with Radnoti X (after being No.1 and Farkas Alpha No.2) is still No.3 New Release in the same sub category. Gubacsi Dulu is still also under the #100k ranking overall!

 NEWS: I'm waiting on my Beta readers of Radnoti X, and will soon be able to publish. As for Farkas Alpha, I know where I'm going with it and I'm beginning to write - ideas are sprouting from its roots! Oh, what an end that'll be!

Gubacsi Dulu...!

Pre-Order Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha...!