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Friday, November 27, 2020

Activity on all fronts!

Yesterday, all across the board there was a little activity... except in reviews and ratings, though should I push for them? Of course! I need feedback from readers, not only to punch my ego but also to fluff it up as little. My Humanity H2O series has been a success, small on anyone else's scale but large for little me.

Yesterday Farkas Alpha still held 2nd in that subcategory of New Releases!...

The Flash anthology (entitled 'Worth a 1000 words') is almost ready too, so that's coming soon. 

I have also had another idea... more on that later.

Humanity H2O!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Freebies going strong! (Smashwords)

Just saw that the last person to buy a copy of both Gubacsi and Radnoti was in... Japan! Thank you! I hope you enjoy them! :-)

Other than that, which is excellent news, it was a slow day for Humanity H2O yesterday, so I went over to Smashwords to see how the Freebies are going. They had a bit of a dry spell recently. I got a nice surprise to see that some people have downloaded them! 

Freebies on Smashwords...

But of course, for those who wish to support my latest project, Humanity H2O, here it is :-) If you notice, I keep the books as cheap as possible because...

 1. I'm unknown so no one will want to pay 5 dollars to read; 

2. I'm never going to sell enough to get rich, anyway;

3. I want as many people to read them as possible - hell, I gave book 1 away for free for 4 days! (Over 1000 downloads) See! Even Baby Yoda got one!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

44th+45th rating for Gubacsi Dulu! (4 stars...maybe...)

 And things are still happening! From the international side of Amazon (UK, Canada, Australia, I can't tell, the system doesn't tell me) Gubacsi Dulu (Book 1) received TWO ratings in one day, I think probably two 4 star ratings, I can't be sure. From the way the percentages changed, that's my best bet. Which is good! Thank you, whoever you are! I'll take them!

Amazon aren't working so fast at the moment, updating neither reviews, ratings nor giving payments, due to the situation we're all in. But they'll get there, in the end.

And what does happen in the end? For those who have read Gubacsi Dulu, you just have to come and pick up Radnoti X... and then you'll need to get Farkas Alpha. Oh yes, the story must go on. Hang on, what was that you said?

Humanity H2O!

Monday, November 23, 2020

New Review for Radnoti X! A 5 star!

 I hadn't checked the for a while, but hey! There was a new review from one of my long-time readers! And yes, it's a 5 star! I have no idea why the rankings haven't changed to add this but it's there on the UK site. So, the 2nd review and the 4th rating...5,3,5,5!

That made my day :-) Now you can help make my tomorrow! Recommend my series to a friend!

Thank you!

Humanity H2O!

Sales + Russian BOTs

Well, the Russian BOTs are at it again. Great figures in terms of hits for the site, but not real, of course. What did I do to deserve this? Write a few books, try to entertain a few people. That's all. And I get the BOTs so I can't find out who is really reading this... well, I know, not many!

But enough people read this blog AND and I'm still getting sales! Yeah! More readers! I hope they enjoy the books!

Humanity H2O! May humanity find a way! (And stop with the MTSG already! LOL)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Still going on! + 'Worth a 1000 words' anthology

 The Humanity Series is still moving on in KENP, but I'm really waiting for some reviews and ratings... I know that didn't work out so great for Gubacsi Dulu as some people don't have the reading level to appreciate any of the subtleties hidden within, but I'm sure there are tons of people who do! All they need to do is rate and click... and a little review would be nice! Some feedback...

Humanity H2O!

Anyway, while that's still happening, something else is happening... "Worth a 1000 words" anthology, which includes 100 short stories from 100 authors. The Kickstarter has ALREADY made enough to start the print, but you can still go over to the website and have a look! I'm doing the editing and just can't wait to see the cover!

Friday, November 20, 2020

And now the peace...

 Oh, it's been a fantastic three months. This latest sci-fi series has so far been more successful than anything that came before - okay, it wasn't thousands of sales, interviews and global recognition (in my dreams), but all three books received the new Amazon #1 New Release orange banner, they have some sales, the first has the most reviews/ratings I've ever received, and KENP went ballistic (compared to before). I am also proud of myself for creating the series, a one person POV (not multiple heads) set in a possible future with many messages within. Is there more to come? I am thinking... a solution has not been given... though an idea has shown itself...

And I'm also glad that so many people picked up my books and read them! Okay, some didn't like them and were willing to show their distaste, but others showed me and the world how much they liked them. Thank you!

Humanity H2O... come and witness the future...