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Thursday, December 24, 2020

You WILL get something out of my books

During my time trying to write, trying to get my books and stories read, I've somehow been able to get onto about thirty to fifty email lists, all from 'wanna-be' authors trying to sell their books. When I first started I wanted to do this, create an email list, but then I realised that the only people who I could collect emails from were other 'wanna-be' authors... what was the point? Every 'wanna-be' author wants to sell their books, not buy other 'wanna-ba' authors' books. It's like a bunch of smiling people with no ears running around shouting "Buy my book! buy my book! I'm a really happy, nice person! Look! I like you! Buy my book!" all enclosed in a small hall, and somehow they keep going, onto the next book, onto the next email because somewhere, someone DID buy one or two or more and then they got enthusiastic. I always check these 'wanna-be' authors' work out and more often than not, they shouldn't be running around. honestly. And even if I do find some good work, I wouldn't buy their book because I don't have the money for that! My money goes on food and shelter, trying to pay the bills and buy food which seems to be getting more and more expensive every week but the inflation rate stays the same...

So..."Buy my book!", really. I keep the price as low as possible. "Read my book!" is my motto because IT WILL give you something. You WILL get something out of it.

...And the 53rd rating for Gubacsi Dulu is... not worth mentioning. Congratulations whoever you are.. I hope one day you will get better, for humanity's sake.

Humanity H2O! Can you handle these books? Some people can't.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

First Beta Reader gives feedback on Reif's Return!

I think the best thing for me to do here is copy the Foreword that'll be in the book from the first ever reader of Reif's Return!

Foreword from the First Reader

"It was a great opportunity and fantastic experience to read Reif’s Return. In Farkas Alpha’s foreword I wrote that Dani J. Caile had become one of my favourite writers. Reading this last book, he became my absolute favourite writer! There’s something very special about all of his books. They are logical, exciting, fun and quite easy to read despite all the adventures and complicated things going on in them. This one made me smile, laugh and think a lot. It made me feel.

I loved the whole story. It was believable, a bit crazy, but believable. And amazingly logical. Yet again. The end was really surprising. At first I felt a bit strange about it, maybe even a bit disappointed. But all in all it was a brilliant story and ended happily. And I can’t say anything but WOW. 

I think one of the characters with my name is actually very similar to me. She is optimistic, full of energy, strange, silly, sometimes annoying, and often interrupted or ignored by other people when she talks about something she likes. And I’m really proud of her again, I feel so honoured to see she was with Karina all the time. 

I want to thank Dani J. for not only including my name(s) in Book 4 as well as 3, but also for letting me read this excellent book! Again it’s been an honour to be a part of Humanity H2O."

So, can you see how great the book is? Pre-Order now! It's coming out soon!

And if you haven't read the first three in the series, what are you doing? Use this link now!

Reif's Return out at the Beta Readers!

 Yes, I was able to read through the first draft and get it to my Beta readers! it looks like I might be able to publish it before the end of the year. 

I had my doubts about this book, but when I read it through, I realised it was SOOOO needed. Karina is finally able to take control and... [spoiler].

Not much news about the series, other than a sale... thank you, whoever you are! Keep recommending the books!

Humanity H2O!  MTSG! (Make the series great!)

Monday, December 21, 2020

Radnoti X - 8th rating! - 4 stars!

A little activity! Radnoti X got its 8th rating, a 4 star from someone in the UK! Thank you, whoever you are (I'll try not to mention Brexit...damn).

Reviews and ratings are heavily in favour of Gubacsi Dulu, so for the second book to get one, it's great! It also shows a reader moving through the series... maybe. These books were a lot of work but it makes all the hard effort worth it if someone reads them, and maybe even gives feedback. 

Remember, recommend the series to your friends! ...edited 10% of Reif's Return so far!

Humanity H2O!


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Back to the Wilderness...

It's sadly all kind of died down now, the sales, KENP, reviews, ratings... BUT Christmas is here! And I might be able to publish 'Reif's Return' before the New Year! (Probably not Christmas, that would really be pushing it.)

It has so many twists and turns, it's difficult for me to keep up! But I'm sure if anyone bothers to get this far into the series, they'll have some fun reading it. I'm looking forward to finishing it, though. I have another idea...

Looking for loopholes...

Oh, and here's the blurb...

2358 AD. Police Officer Karina Reif is dead. Or is she? Coming to in the laboratory above Farkas Alpha, Karina tries, with all she has, to take control of her new life and find out exactly what has been happening around her and why. Will she find the answers she seeks? 

A claustrophobic, subtly humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

'Reif's Return'!

Friday, December 18, 2020

First Draft Reif's Return finished

 ...and now comes the task of re-reading and editing. Reif's Return follows the 5 part storyline, setup, complication, interlude, development and climax. Yes, all good, solid stories have these stages, and if you are a good writer, they come naturally, which it did, I only saw it as a whole in the last moments. Once you've written a few books, this happens, unless there's a problem and you've forced your hand, so to speak.

Reif's Return was an after-thought, as anyone can see from the Preface in book 3, Farkas Alpha...

"I thought this time as it’s the last book in this particular series..."

which I've now changed. I also noticed I'd forgotten to hyperlink the whole document in the ebook version... damn. Now it's done. As it will be for Reif''s Return.

So, again, just a brief post, as I'm busy editing... Reif's Return! Come and Pre-Order! It might even be ready for Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Number 52 for Gubacsi Dulu!

Things are always moving on, and yesterday Gubacsi Dulu received another great 4 star rating from 'who knows who'... thank you, whoever you are! You keep the book alive... and me! 

I'm continuously writing up Book 4, hoping to get it out to my Beta readers soon and into Amazon, maybe even before the end of the year! Seeing as my estimate was the 8th of February to finish, I think I'm doing quite well. I hope I don't upset those who pre-ordered by bringing the publishing date closer. I never know. Feedback is zero to nil. The only feedback I get is reviews and ratings, and so far, that's been pretty regular. But from who? Who are you? I'd really like to get closer to my readers, for future books and ideas. Every time I write a book it's like I have to 'reinvent' myself. If I had an e-mail list of past readers who I can notify when something's coming out, that would be the best. But... but I have you... again, whoever you are.

Anyway, keep up the good work, whatever you may be doing! Humanity H2O!