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Friday, January 29, 2021

Reif's Return - No.1 New Release AGAIN!

Over a month later after first getting a No.1 New Release (and a No.1 Best Seller in the subcategory), yesterday Reif's Return (book 4 of my wonderful Humanity H2O sci-fi series) received the honour once again for a short while! And it's still at No.3 now.

Yes! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! It seems there were quite a few readers over on KENP which brought the book back into the charts, No.1 in that subcatgory and No.5 and No.6 in the others. Maybe I'll reach another 'first' soon!

I now have a title for the new book based on an earlier time of Bohatch..."Under the Shade of the Sun". I'll show the blurb another day. Still working on it.

And another rating for GD! A 3... again... at least it isn't a 2 or 1! Any reviews out there? What do people think? Well, actually, I already know... Hey, another little thing, the averages so far: Gubacsi Dulu 3.6, Radnoti X 3.7, Farkas Alpha 4.0, Reif's Return 5.0! (Actually there is that 4 star somewhere) Looks like either the story gets better as it goes along, or the books find their readers! (Or the readers find themselves...)

Humanity H2O! It's the truth, you know it is...

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Radnoti X and the Misconception called Freedom (+12th rating!)

Slowly but surely, more ratings are coming in. A review would be nice because these ratings are anonymous... no one to point the finger at! No, really, a review shows me where people's heads are... but another 3 star rating? Thanks, better than a 2 or a 1, and honest, too. That's what really matters. Being honest with yourself. (Can't these people see I've created a mirror?) 

Radnoti X is Book 2... Realisation... of what? That FREEDOM is a misconception in the reality of civilisation, a carrot to hang over our heads. Although Karina escaped her situation on Gubacsi Dulu, she was immediately 'imprisoned' on Radnoti X by the system, by civilisation, by others, by herself. We make ourselves prisoners. That is the 'realisation'. As that last review mentioned 'Lord of the Flies' in Space. Anyway...

Working on the second series, a spinoff about Bohatch, pre-Karina Reif. It's interesting to be able to do a war film type story. So many references, so many little gems... though where it's going (only I know).

So, while you're waiting, try and find the references and gems in these! Humanity H2O!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Inside the 'Reading' World of Small Fry Me

 Thought I'd do something a little different today and tell you another side of writing... READING!

Yes, I do a lot of it, but not what you'd think at the moment. I'd love to read more classics and books people tell me I should read, but time restrictions keep me reading only the things I MUST read. And I LOVE to read the things I must read, which of course are books and stories under the process of being published by other people. Not only do I keep my eye in for typos and things, I also get to see a whole range of genre and ideas. And when I read a good piece of work from an unknown (or known) author, it's a great feeling to know there's still some good literature coming out from somewhere. Perhaps not many people will see it in the end, but I have and I've learnt from it. And all this, all this 'new work' can only improve my own writing and thought processes.

And this is also a MUST read for you! Humanity H2O! (Still working on the new book, based on the character Bohatch)

Monday, January 25, 2021

Farkas Alpha 6th rating - a 5 star rating on!

 Yes! Although there's a 5 star over on, this is the first 5 star rating over on! THANK YOU whoever you are! I hope you will continue the story all the way through to the end! And a 4.0 average! ...just need a few more reviews and then I can advertise on a few websites (IF it stays 4.0 or above).

Reviews and ratings keep me, the writer, alive and wanting to do more to entertain, to share thoughts, ideas, inspiration. Recommend it to your friends! Sooner or later (probably later), the series WILL break through into the main market. YOU, the reader have done and will do your part! Read, think, and it will happen. Positive thinking? No. just thinking, that's all that's needed.

Humanity H2O!

Sales, KENP and a New book coming

Would you believe it... sales! And KENP! And an interview is coming in a few days on a popular blog! AND an article on Chris the Story Reading Ape's excellent blog seen by many!

Of course, this is tiny stuff compared to my million-copy selling comrades, I'm looking for my first four-figure over here, let alone six.

But it is STILL happening, slowly, quietly. Which makes me want to move on and write... Yes, I've started on a new book. I still have a long way to go but some ideas are there, but... there's always time needed to think, to think, and think again.  Maybe a series, maybe just a one-book spinoff... who knows yet. Does the world need another book from Dani J. Caile? Do I need to write one? There are still many things I'd like to share.

But hey! Humanity H2O! It's out there... have some time off and read a great series.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

I was an 'Awesome Author'... on their newsletter

Yes, I got onto the 'Awesome Authors' Newsletter which went to... who knows how many people on the 12th of January 2021. Did you see it? No? Okay, well, here it is! (I have a few more things like this coming soon).

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am an English teacher and proofreader living and working in Hungary and love to write. I’ve written 10 novels and many novellas and short stories with an extensive list of publications.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is ‘Reif’s Return’, the fourth (and final) book in my sci-fi ‘Humanity H2O’ series. I was inspired by the genius (and craziness) of my students at the High school I work at to continue on and write after over 10 years of being in the ‘wanna-be’ writer desert of obscurity, and now I’m finally getting some recognition and success.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Due to lack of time and too much life, I write where and when I can. An idea can come at any time, and one usually creates another or more. Once the ‘scene’ is set in my mind, it flows onto the ‘paper’, so to speak.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
While doing my BA and MA, I studied British and American literature, as well as the classics, way back to the Greeks and the Bible. I have a soft spot for anything Aldous Huxley, Douglas Adams and John Milton. However, both TV and film have their influence on me, too, as any of my readers can tell you.

What are you working on now?
At the moment, I’ve just finished working on an anthology of short stories called ‘Worth 1,000 Words’, the fourth collaboration of 100+ authors, and I am thinking about writing a spin-off of my new successful sci-fi book series.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
The best method would be an email list, if I had one, though with the help of some acquaintances’ email lists, I was able to use this method to gain some success. I also have a blog which has a regular readership, and I use both Facebook and Twitter to announce any news.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write. then write some more. I read the beginning of a new ‘wanna-be’ author’s manuscript the other day, and it was awful: POV was everywhere, tenses, thought, dialogue, imagery all bad, but saying that, there was a story. Once you have a story, everything else can be learnt and worked out.
Also, create a readership before you finish your first book… yes, it sounds crazy, but get an email list as soon as possible, collect those who wish to read your books.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
As I said above, “Write, then write some more.”

What are you reading now?
I’m reading ‘Studies in Shakespeare’ (Oxford Paperbacks 1964). I love to get into the nitty gritty of 17th/18th century literature.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Promoting my ‘Humanity H2O’ sci-fi series and trying to increase its readership, on all four books. And writing that spin-off.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Complete Works of John Milton, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Crome Yellow’.

Humanity H2O! Going well, going well :-)

Friday, January 22, 2021

KENP just keeps on giving (touch wood)

As the title suggests, KENP just keeps on giving (touch wood). The strange thing is, most of the pages read are of the first book, Gubacsi Dulu. Will those who read it go on to the second at some point? Time will tell, and I think it would be a shame if they didn't. Those using KENP have already paid to read whatever they wish, so they have freedom of choice. I hope they soon chose to read on.

I'm already working on the next series! Okay, it's really early days so far, but I've written about a 1000 words, and it's looking good! It's a spin-off based on Bohatch, the guy who... (spoiler). I'll keep you posted!

Humanity H2O!