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Saturday, July 3, 2021

Promo is going well!

 Oh yes, it's going well. Could be better but who am I? I'm merely someone who writes for pleasure and hopes someone out there will like it just as much as I liked writing it. I now have a few 'fans' and also a handful of pre-orders for my next two books. 

If you want to support someone who wishes literature to be for both entertainment and education, come and read my work! If you're here for any other reason, good luck! 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

TWO BOOK PROMO!! FREE + Special Offer!

Today brings a PROMO!

Under the Shade of the Sun - FREE for 3 days! (July 2nd to July 4th) Get it if you haven't yet!


AND Slaughter Under the Bridge - 99 cents for 7 DAYS! (July 2nd to July 9th). If you haven't got it yet, here's your chance for a cheaper price!

And look what happened yesterday? This is cool... seeing as 2 are pre-order and one only has about 1000 words so far! 4th, 5th and 6th!

Things are happening -PROMO!!! July 2nd!

Shade got its 23rd rating... a 4 star, THANK YOU, whoever you are! 

KENP is also moving along, both for the Bohatch Chronicles AND Humanity H2O, namely Radnoti X and Farkas Alpha... if that's you, HELLO!

AND Books 3 and 4 of the Bohatch Chronicles got their FIRST PRE-ORDERS!!!!! THANK YOU, KIND READER! (Book 4 is almost complete... yes, Book 3 comes before Book 4, but it's 'special')

AAAAANNNNNND... Tomorrow brings a PROMO!

Under the Shade of the Sun - FREE for 3 days! (July 2nd to July 4th) Get it if you haven't yet!


AND Slaughter Under the Bridge - 99 cents for 7 DAYS! (July 2nd to July 9th). If you haven't got it yet, here's your chance for a cheaper price! Under a dollar... what else can you get for under a dollar? Suggestions in the Comments section, please (I'll put them in the next book).

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

More Action... and more!

 Shade now has 22 ratings... the least said about that 2 star, the better. I can only imagine the person who put that rating up... 

I know a TON of scifi books which need 2 star ratings but will never get them, or if they did, the hundreds of 5 stars from friends and acquaintances will cancel their effect. My books? I don't have that safety blanket against braindead or spiteful people.  I write for pleasure, and most of those who've read my books enjoyed them. And I hope more will in the future. Due to these braindead people (spiteful are also braindead), the Bohatch Chronicles will probably be the last series I write. I've had enough of the idiots.

Sooooooooooo...Please, come along and read, rate, review and recommend Slaughter (the 4 R's!). Support an indie today, while they're still here.

Monday, June 28, 2021

EVEN MORE action - sale, KENP and a rating!

 Yesterday, EVEN MORE ACTION! A Sale! And KENP! And a rating for Shade (4 star)! THANK YOU whoever you are! It's going well! Here's Shade's 21 ratings, now my second highest number of ratings for a book (Gubacsi has 84, so there's a long way to go... hoping for 100 for Gubacsi one day).

Sooooooooooo...Please, come along and read, rate, review and recommend Slaughter (the 4 R's!). Please! Support an indie today! And tomorrow! Let's beat this monopolisation and 'dumbing down' of readers from the few big publishers! Put my books around.

Sunday, June 27, 2021


Yesterday, EVEN MORE action over on KENP...THANK YOU, whoever you are! Every page read gives me the push to move forwards. Thank you to whoever read Farkas Alpha in under one day! I hope you liked it! (Or maybe there were a lot of people reading 10-20 pages...)

And look! Due to the KENP, Slaughter is now 3rd in New Releases in a sub-category!

And my translator has started translating Gubacsi Dulu into Hungarian! GREAT news! Having someone read it through... the 'real' Miss Karina Reif!

Sooooooooooo...Please, come along and read, rate, review and recommend Slaughter (the 4 R's!). Please! Support an indie today! And tomorrow! Let's beat this monopolisation and 'dumbing down' of readers from the few big publishers! Put my books around.

Friday, June 25, 2021

EVEN MORE action on KENP for 'Slaughter'

Yesterday, a little MORE action over on KENP...THANK YOU, whoever you are! Every page read not only keeps me going, but I also get 0.4 cents! So that's 4 cents per 10 pages... but hey! And I'm so close to finishing one of the two books left in the series.

Slaughter has already been translated into Hungarian, and my translator wishes to start translating Gubacsi Dulu! This is GREAT news!

Sooooooooooo...Please, come along and read, rate, review and recommend Slaughter (the 4 R's!). Please! Support an indie today! And tomorrow! Let's beat this monopolisation and 'dumbing down' of readers from the few big publishers! Put my books around.