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Monday, October 3, 2022

Putin, Stop

Yes, today's rant is about Russia, or more to the point, Putin. He's just a disgusting pig. Why invade Ukraine? It's quite easy if you research... go and watch this video, it's well worth it..."Why Russia Invaded Ukraine" 

If we cut out the bullshit that is 'the threat of NATO, the historical borders of Russia' and the liberating of 'their' people, you're basically left with the usual oil and gas. Ukraine has so much of it untapped, it can seriously hurt Russia's position in the market, which is why Russia wants Ukraine so badly. 

The oil and gas was found back in 2012, but Ukraine was led by a Putin puppet, so it wasn't a problem, in fact, a bonus. Then Zelensky got in and Russia took Crimea in 2014 by flying in a bunch of paratroopers and holding those politicians who opposed them there with a gun to their heads until they signed it over to Russia. Now they're trying to do the same with the two regions Luhansk and Donetsk, and now also Kherson and Zaporizhzhia with phoney referendums.

You see, Russia has to take the oil and gas to stop Ukraine being a financial threat as this market is Russia's main export. A war is just as good because Ukraine is using all their time, money and men to defend their country rather than take out these riches. Russia also has a big problem as mentioned in the video above. In terms of manpower, this is the only time they can do something like this, especially with the mobilization. Russia's population is dramatically declining, so in say 20 years time, they wouldn't be able to do this.

But how can anyone attack another country in the 21st century? Well, Putin the pig did. He thought 3 to 5 days and the country would be his. The fight is now on Day 222! Ukraine has done and is still doing something incredible. Here is a picture of a true hero, Zelensky.

If you'd like to keep up-to-date with the war, I've found this Ukrainian to be extremely informative...Denys Davydov

So, to sum it all up...

"Dear Putin,

                    Stop it already. Get the hell out of Ukraine. Pay for your atrocities and sort out your own country filled with greed and corruption."

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Dear Liz Truss, Trickle Down Economics Doesn't Work! But you already know that, don't you.

 Back on the political trail... let's try something British.

As soon as she became the UK's Prime Minister, Liz Truss stated she 'favours the idea of trickle down economics'. What a surprise.

It was proven that it doesn't work back in the 1980s with Reagan in the USA and Thatcher in the UK - I lived through that in the UK, it wasn't pretty. Give the rich tax cuts and they'll stash the money for themselves, not invest it to create new enterprises to hire more workers. Even the IMF says it doesn't work, and I think they would know just a little bit about money.

So why is Liz Truss in favour of something that doesn't work? Other than clutching at straws after Brexit (a xenophobic nationalistic ad campaign against a growing influx of migrants disguised as a planned political withdrawal of the UK from the EU). I think you should ask yourself where Truss' idea is actually coming from.

I love this quote from the late Robin Williams (one of the greatest humans to ever live).

As Robin was American, he could clearly see how money controlled politicians. The Republican party since Reagan has been the worst example of corruption so far in the political history of the USA.

So, the Conservative party in the UK (the equivalent of the GOP in the USA)... who is pulling their strings? Those same rich few who have the money and the power to 'persuade' them to implement laws which benefit themselves. For example, trickle down economics (actually a term used in criticism). You think the UK and the USA are democracies? You think your vote counts?

"Dear Liz Truss,

                Trickle down economics doesn't work. But you already know that, don't you."

Next stop... Russia and the Ukraine invasion...

Monday, September 26, 2022

Looking for the 100th and 50th rating!

It's been a while, but Under the Shade of the Sun received its 49th rating, and it's a 5 star! Thank you, whoever you are! There have been other ratings over the last few months, and now both 'book1's are at 96 ratings (Gubacsi Dulu) and 49 ratings (Under the Shade of the Sun). 

If you've read them, please go and rating them, maybe even review! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days.

New one is coming, too...

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Update 2022: Marika's Quest

This year I've been mostly proofreading for other authors, many great books, some not so great. One needed more than just editing, but unfortunately the owners of the original incomplete manuscript didn't like my additions (ie. depth and motives for characters, embellishing and filling in plot holes), so I guess it'll be published 'as was'. Good luck with that one (for family and friends only, probably).

I did finally finish the first book of my next series Marika's Quest... you can pick it up here.

I've also started thinking about the second... here's the preliminary title.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

No.1 NEW RELEASE! (for a few days)

And the BIG PUSH has 'completed', I got a few sales, a 'No.1 New Release' banner for a few days - it's still holding at No.2 - and some free downloads (which was nice). Thanks for the support (if you did, that is).

My new book is 99c at the moment, but soon (a week or two) I'll be putting up to the usual price. If you'd like to buy it cheaper, go to this link now...

I'm working on the next few books, but it could take a while... so... my new book is connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, and if you want to experience this whole thing completely, you'll have to go look at those.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Big Push... #FREE ebooks too!

And the BIG PUSH is on now! 

For a limited time only, my new book is 99c. I was thinking of making it FREE, but I put time and effort into this, surely people can allow me 35c per ebook? Or not? 


AxiCorp security officer Fauna Marika thinks taking a position on Mars colony would solve all her problems. Needless to say, she is yet again caught in the continuous flow of danger, unable to take full control of her life. Will she get a grip on herself? A claustrophobic, humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

Depending on how this goes, there should also be three more books in the same series, and I'm working on the 2nd now... maybe...

My new book is also connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, so it looks like if you want to experience this completely, you'll have to go look at those.

BOTH Gubacsi Dulu and Under the Shade of the Sun will be FREE for 3 days, the 2nd,3rd and 4th of September 2022. Just to get you started.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...

Thursday, September 1, 2022

BIG PUSH 2nd September #FREE ebooks too!

And the BIG PUSH is tomorrow, 2nd September 2020. For a limited time only, my new book is 99c, so let's see how many readers take the plunge. I was thinking of making it FREE, but I put time and effort into this, so not at the moment.


AxiCorp security officer Fauna Marika thinks taking a position on Mars colony would solve all her problems. Needless to say, she is yet again caught in the continuous flow of danger, unable to take full control of her life. Will she get a grip on herself? A claustrophobic, humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

There will also be three more books in the same series, and I'm working on the 2nd and 3rd now.

My new book is also connected to both Humanity H2O and the Bohatch Chronicles, so it looks like if you want to experience this completely, you'll have to go look at those.

BOTH Gubacsi Dulu and Under the Shade of the Sun will be FREE for 3 days, the 2nd,3rd and 4th of September 2022. Just to get you started.

And the Bohatch Chronicles are here, of course...