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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Script - Rage of Atlantis Scene 1

Amazon has a 'Amazon Studio' who will look at your scripts and decide whether to buy the license or not, so I've started on my 3rd book 1st, then 2nd, then 1st. 10,000 dollars if they take it up, and MUCH more if they actually decide to make it into a movie. I'll try anything once...twice...thrice :-)
Here's the 1st scene...


TELAUSIS being chased by a dark figure (IOLUS) through a moving crowd of people celebrating an election victory, with flags, balloons, drinks, dancing, happy faces. TELAUSIS looking back, stumbling, moves through a city square towards a building with large wooden doors, the City Library.

Get out of my way!

TELAUSIS pushes his way to the doors and moves the large ancient knocker on the City Library’s doors.(Bang bang bang) A few seconds of silence from inside.

We’re closed!

You think I don’t know that?! Open up!

TELAUSIS looks back, searching for the dark figure (IOLUS).

Is that you, Tela?

LEUS moves the bolts back behind the doors and one side creaks open. TELAUSIS drops through the crack, falling at LEUS’s slippered feet.

What the…?



Close the door.

LEUS pushes the door closed, keeping out the noises from outside.

Now, Leus?


Do you happen to have a copy of ‘The Fool’s Guide to defusing bombs’, by any chance? Preferably by Ivor Tickonme or Arthur Greenwire?

LEUS thinks and shuffles around in his slippers.

Mmm, I don’t recall that particular edition, no…I can do a search for you on the system? Could take a while, it’s been playing up recently.

Well, then, no, I don’t think there’s…apologies, my old friend, but run. Please run.

TELAUSIS falls unconscious, his cloak opens, revealing a small pool of blood seeping from his body, and the broken head of a barbed fishing spear penetrating his frogged blazer, On the remains of the shaft is a small timebomb and explosive. Two minutes and twenty four seconds shows on the counter. TELAUSIS opens his eyes for the last time.

And if you can’t run, shuffle.

TELAUSIS dies, LEUS is in shock, then starts to shuffle away into the City Library, away from TELAUSIS’s dead body.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Funny 'Rage' comments 'wordled'

Oh, 'how I love 'wordle'. I have just enough comments now to pick out the 'adjectives' used by those who've read 'Rage of Atlantis' to 'wordle' them. Here goes...looks like the main consensus is that it's FUNNY.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

'Universe' Principle

Just listening to Marilyn Manson's 'Holy Wood' again, and realised this was the album I was listening to the most when I wrote 'Rage of Atlantis'. For myself, there's a 'Universe' Principle hidden in there, that it doesn't care, no matter what you do, who you are, it doesn't care. That's why, hidden under the fun mixed up detective story of 'Rage' there's raw violence, uncaring orders, selfish whims, unbelievably inhumane ideas, with no care of the consequences to others.
...Saying this, those who've read it say it's great!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Midsummer Nights Dream, Dani style + Fish shit

2 weeks to go for the performance of a simplified ESL Midsummer Nights Dream, the kids know their lines (mostly), but acting...well...what do you expect from reluctant 12 year-olds. Putting acting into the!
When they're done, I'm going to write it all up like a book. Why not? It's a great laugh, and it's Shakespeare!

On another note, my youngest finally named our biggest fish...Shit, due to the amount he produces. It makes great lines..."Look, Dad, Shit's swimming backwards."..."Really?", or "Shit's upsetting that other fish."..."Well, it would, wouldn't it."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Here, fishy, fishy

Yes, an extract again from 'Rage', the part with the "You humans live in shallow waters" (page 139).
We really do. We're just out of the trees, and some us have already gone back.

It was dark, she had some kind of textile over her head, probably a black cloth sack of some description. She was also in water, though not much, just enough to keep her skin wet. What did she remember? Something hard and heavy had hit her head, there was pain, and that was all. She had no idea where she was or when it was, but whoever had done this to her wasn't exactly intelligent or knew about dolphins. She made some clicks and her biosonar ability mapped out what was a small almost empty room. A short human was in the room.
"Where am I?"
"Hello, fishy."
"Where am I?" Whoever it was, they didn't want to communicate. It was a young voice.
"Here, fishy, fishy." With her biosonar she saw that the young voiced human was dangling a fish in front of her nose.
"Tell me where I am." Kang Dee got hit over the head with something hard.
"And I am not a fish." She received another sharp hard hit to the head.
"You humans live in shallow waters."
"Ehh?" This human wasn't smart, he didn't know a dolphin swear when he heard one. Or it meant that he was as young as his voice, too young to have any knowledge of her culture.
"Where am I?"
"Here, fishy, fishy."

Satan on the toilet (Rage of Atlantis)

The word 'toilet' appears 18 times in 'Rage', more than the word 'squirrel' (once).
Thought I'd just show the beginning of the 'row' between God and Satan here...(page 235)

“These monkeys have gone too far!” God had forgotten about someone. “Where’s Satan?”
“He said he had something important to do…”
“…I’ll give him ‘important’!” God made a call. “This is God. I need a code 365 on angel 666. Yes, code 365.” God listened for a while. “Yes, I know it’ll cost. Yes, a lot! I know I can’t ask for another until the next installment! Just do it!” He put the communicator down and they all waited. Gabriel and Audrey didn’t know what they were waiting for. Suddenly there was a small explosion and a cloud of smoke over to the right. When the smoke settled, a bemused Satan was sitting on a toilet, reading a comic.
“Err, hello?” He closed the comic and tried to look as relaxed as you could while sitting on a toilet in front of three people. 
“Hello, Satan. Long time, no see.”
“I’m sure there could have been a better time for this.” Satan showed that he was on the toilet.
“What are you doing?”
“A number two.” Gabriel and Audrey could sense it, and waved the air around.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pet hates

Someone gave me a short interview the other, it wasn't book related, unfortunately.
They didn't ask me the one question I wanted to ask...what are my pet hates?
Exactly. Pets, or rather people with pets. Enslaved creatures taken out of their natural environments, bred to fit our lives, to give us pleasure and joy for our own selfish needs.
Yes, okay, I have fish, but what my partner didn't realise when I said I'd like an aquarium is that I meant one without fish, just a nice colourful waterworld with bubbles...and no fish. So I feed them once a day, clean them out every so, do fish poo...and see if they live. Some prosper, some die.
But dog owners...I'll leave that for another post, I might even write an esay on it.