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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Number 52 for Gubacsi Dulu!

Things are always moving on, and yesterday Gubacsi Dulu received another great 4 star rating from 'who knows who'... thank you, whoever you are! You keep the book alive... and me! 

I'm continuously writing up Book 4, hoping to get it out to my Beta readers soon and into Amazon, maybe even before the end of the year! Seeing as my estimate was the 8th of February to finish, I think I'm doing quite well. I hope I don't upset those who pre-ordered by bringing the publishing date closer. I never know. Feedback is zero to nil. The only feedback I get is reviews and ratings, and so far, that's been pretty regular. But from who? Who are you? I'd really like to get closer to my readers, for future books and ideas. Every time I write a book it's like I have to 'reinvent' myself. If I had an e-mail list of past readers who I can notify when something's coming out, that would be the best. But... but I have you... again, whoever you are.

Anyway, keep up the good work, whatever you may be doing! Humanity H2O!

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