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Sunday, December 4, 2022

97th rating for Gubacsi Dulu... and its a 5 star!

Yes, the 97th! Three more to go to hit the BIG 100! And the 97th is a 5 star! Thank you, whoever you are! That made my day! Infact, things like this spur me on... yep, dangerous, I know.

So, I've started writing 'How to' 3, and the publisher will get back to me about it. But first I must write it. The title? How to Float a Boat (there's a subtitle but I'm not putting it here yet). How to 1 = land, How to 2 = sea, How to 3 = guess.

Anyway, while we all wait... please go and buy, read and rate these books, maybe even review them! They are my food of existence. Without them, I am but a mere grain of sand in the 'Amazon' desert, an unknown author without sustenance.

There's also my NEW book, In the Midst of Fools available, book 1 of Marika's Quest. If you haven't had a go, why not read it on KENP? Yes, it was 'No.1 New Release' for a few days. A few.

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