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Sunday, February 14, 2021

5 star rating for Gubacsi Dulu! (67th rating)

And we're back! Another 5 star rating for Gubacsi Dulu! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! You keep me going, really (Yes, blame this person, and those others who give me good ratings). The book also has an average rating of 3.8 on, so getting closer to a chance to advertise it! (Need 4.1)

AND another Radnoti X sale! THANK YOU! (Maybe you're the same person who put on the rating, who knows?)

The new book, "Under the Shade of the Sun" is going well, over half is completed: some action, some humour, a lot of twists and turns... I'm enjoying working it all out. I hope the readers will enjoy reading it! (I hope I can get some help from my friendly neighbourhood Master for this one - it might go far!)

So... Humanity H2O! Still going strong!

43 Republican Senators

 Political Post. 

McConnell logic: You can't prosecute Trump for the things that he does when he's President because he's the President, and you can't prosecute Trump for the things that he did when he was President when he isn't the President... 

Anyway... 43 Republican Senators couldn't see that Trump incited the TERRORIST ATTACK on the Capitol Building on the 6th of January. Trump was acquitted in his Second Impeachment. I hope those 43 Republicans get a lot of money for that because unfortunately for them, this is...

Yes. Those 43 Republican Senators are ALL DOUBLE TALK and HYPOCRACY. Things are only good when it suits them, things means the things they mean when it suits them. These people will go down in history for allowing Trump to get away with his crimes against Democracy and for the deaths and injuries he incited. But then, no surprises, what with all the meetings these Senators had with the TERRORISTS  beforehand, and also the MESSAGES they sent to them, telling them where to find the Democrats in the Capitol Building. They should all be locked up. 

You do realise that this is a repeat of history. Hitler and the Nazis tried to take power of Germany in 1923 - the Beer Hall Putsch (Munich Putsch). He failed, but because nothing was done, he rose to power and eventually took over as Chancellor in 1933, and we all know where that went. If you think that was a good thing, you have much to learn. Much of how the Nazis rose to power is similar to how  Trump gained the Presidency and also what happened during his four years... and, of course, now. Trump hasn't disappeared. If nothing is done about these NONSENSICAL Republicans and Trump Supporters, the US will suffer from Trump yet again.

These people below. Vote them out when you can. Though you probably can't because they rig their votes (Mitch McConnell did. Research it.)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Something completely different...Spams/Scams

Just put this picture here... a stranger wrote this about me once :-) You can see it on the side of the blog...

It's Saturday, so not much is happening...

I've been running through some new comments on my blog and found a few interesting things, but there were mostly spam messages. Then I thought... let's have a look in my email! (Yes, I've got to a difficult part in the writing process... how to kill your procrastinator). I found these...

I just think it's amazing that somewhere someone thinks this is going to work. The first says 'Dear' with no name and then continues to try with the line 'probably related to you'... if you go back far enough, like back to the trees. Or maybe even further, as we didn't come from the same trees. and the second... that sounds legit.

Anyway... this is where we're going? No. We're going in the direction of...

Humanity H2O!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

5 star review of Reif's Return (Amazon UK)

 For some reason, some reviews and ratings don't move across the whole of Amazon, so I have to keep on the look out for new reviews and ratings. Yesterday a 5 star review appeared on from my old regular reader, Frank Clark. Thank you for the review!

Looking at it, the review seems to invite other readers to try out the whole series of books, which can only be a good thing (as I always say!).

So... try it out! Ask a friend! Stop a stranger! Humanity H2O IS the future, the now, the past!

More sales of Reif's Return!

 Yes, yesterday and this morning... more sales of Reif's Return! This can only mean good things! THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE! (Really, no idea, I wish I could find out exactly who has a copy!)

This is such a boost for me, I'm writing the new book and I need all the help I can get! A sale goes a long way.

Now, didn't I say something about looking at my old 2013 points about 'good' literature? Maybe I'll write a short essay about it, but I think I can post the main things here...

What is 'Good' Literature? 2013 (New thoughts in brackets)

1. It has a plot with conflicts, symbols for readers to recognise and POV/s of character/s to follow.

(Every story, book, film, TV series HAS a basic order - setting / conflict / development / finale. If a book doesn't have these, then it is not 'balanced'. It also must have some 'substance' inside and also a thought process which the reader can follow)

2. It is not formulaic, a set pattern given by the writer in other works. 

('Formulaic' means you can guess what the writer will do next, ie. Stephen King, OR you can replace names and places to create any other book they have ever written, ie. Dan Brown)

3. It must have some message, purpose and/or 'good' feeling the reader can take away from the experience.

(The only thing to add here is that the 'take away' doesn't have to be just a 'good' feeling, but ANY feeling at all, that the work has 'shaken up' the reader—without using obscenities and violence ie. rape scenes)

4. Characters and features should be based on the writer's experience, perhaps not as a single entity, and not some stereotype.

(I would say that the MAIN characters and features should be based somehow on the writer's experience, as when we move along in real life, we briefly meet those characters and features which LOOK like stereotypes on the surface, but if we had more time, they, of course, wouldn't be.)

5. It must be appreciated by someone, by readers, groups or expert bodies.

(Appreciated by readers who have reached a certain awareness in their life. So many readers and groups suffer from the 'sheep mentality' and 'conditioning' from society. Expert groups suffer from their own corruption within their industry and themselves.)

 And 'trash' sci-fi? Most, using the points in (brackets), score anything from 1 to 3, maybe 4, perhaps, the better writers. If I remember correctly, Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code failed on almost all 5 elements of the 'good' literature definition BUT I did say it was probably one of the greatest examples of  'popular' fiction, finidng the right style and level to please a large number of readers. 

And is Humanity H2O 'good' literature? Yes. it scores 5 out of 5, of course!

Humanity H2O! Join the future (the now)...

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

And another! And another! (Good Literature)

Yesterday, a Radnoti X sale... THANK YOU! ...and this morning, a Farkas Alpha sale...THANK YOU! Well, that was a pleasant surprise! And so, this is how it sits at the moment (

Really, Humanity H2O has been the biggest success for myself connected to this writing market. And that success comes from its readers. Readers are the kings and queens in the world of literature. Whatever they say, goes. It doesn't matter whether the writer believes they have a masterpiece on their hands, it all depends on the readers, their thoughts, opinions, expectations. If, of course, you can sway these things with multi-million dollar advertising campaigns and interviews/reviews in all the right places, you're gonna be successful. I think Dan Brown is a genius hack because although IMHO his writing is [censored] his marketing can't be beat. I have some of his books. I wrote a thesis on 'The DaVinci Code' way back in 2013. 

I created a 'checklist' in this thesis as to whether something can be classed as 'good' literature or not. What do you think?

...this collection of data can be used to analyse and compare any piece of writing from any author from any corner of the globe on a common base, without prejudice or discrimination of any kind. With this list of features, literary work can be compared equally.

Firstly, it can be seen that a literary work of merit must have a collection of elements such as a plot which includes conflicts, the use of known symbols for the reader, and a/many point/s of view to show the story through the eyes of a character/characters. Secondly, the written story should not be formulaic, following some set pattern laid down before in previous works by the same/other author.

Thirdly, there must be some meaning and purpose written under any entertainment features within the literary work, and so there must be something ‘special’ for the reader to take away with them after the reading experience which may/may not effect the life of the reader. If that ‘special’ something is merely the feeling of enjoyment, then perhaps this is enough, to give the reader a positive effect which influences their future actions.

Fourthly, there is mention that the characters and features of the literary work should be based on any experiences and real people from the author’s life, perhaps not as a singular entity, but, for example, as a mixture of people to create one character. The characters and features should not be based on a stereotype or ideal held by any specific group, such as a religious or nationalist group, ie. not be dogmatic or merely ‘art for art’s sake’. There should be something real within the pages of a ‘good’ piece of literature which the reader can believe. 

Lastly, the literary work must be appreciated in some way, by readers, groups, or expert bodies and institutes of literature. There will always be critics of any form of art, but so long as there is someone who recognises the literary work as ‘good’, there is a chance that it is actually ‘good’. 

Looking at this list (from 2013),  there are a few things I would change now to be more specific or accurate due to the things I've learnt since (see tomorrow's post). Any guesses? 

So, Humanity H2O... is it 'good' literature? I'll analyse these points tomorrow.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Another sale! Farkas Alpha! (Humanity H2O)

 ...and... a sale of Farkas Alpha! THANK YOU whoever you are! It's gone a little quiet on all fronts again, but there you go, suddenly, from out of nowhere, a sale, without promotion, without pushing anyone... I just hope it continues.

And the 'fight to write' Under the Shade of the Sun is also continuing. I know what I'd like to write, it's just HOW can I get it on the page?

Anyway, while you're waiting, recommend to a friend Humanity H2O! Learn all you can of Bohatch, because he's coming! If the success goes on, I'll write more little stories about his days in the military.

Humanity H2O!