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Monday, April 15, 2013

Ode to Eponymous Rox

If I could write an Ode, then it would be for this man, Eponymous Rox! (
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Eponymous Rox researches and writes about cops, curs and killers and has been featured on NBC and in Crime Magazine. The author is also a regular contributor for and the Gather News network, providing commentary and analysis of current events, unsolved crimes and developing cases. Explore the Killing Killers weblog, menu, tag cloud and side bar for more true crime special reports and publications, interact with the author and other readers, and anonymously cast your vote in the latest true crime opinion poll.

He just left me a comment on 'Manna-X' on AND he backed it 6 times! Just to prove how much he liked it, I guess, as you can only back once.

With your wily work, I tend to focus on what's in parentheses. (I also think you are very misunderstood...and possibly always have been.)


He was one of the few authors who actually advertised 'Man by a tree' on his own website! (Sadly, the ad's gone now, he has a new website (see above)).  Oh, here it is, way way way back in January 2012.

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