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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New review of 'Man by a tree' July 2013

Just added the comment made by my favourite Literature tutor as a review on Man by a Tree here..

But, of course, here it is anyway...
5.0 out of 5 stars Review from Literature tutor January 11, 2013
Hidden away in the comments is a paragraph from my favourite Literature tutor from college which was written in July 2013 (she's got a phD in Literature, you know...:-))

"Man by a Tree is a novel containing all the required ingredients of a good storyline within the genre of fantasy literature. For readers who enjoy witty humour, lots of dialogue, a host of supernatural elements (angels, hobgoblins, devils, etc.) and continuous action, this is certainly a good read. Once started it is impossible to put down. I highly recommend it to all who want to enjoy a light summer read that manages to relieve stress. It's fun."
..and she also wrote elsewhere...
"I would give a 5 for this one." I did :-)

She also wrote this about Bethlehem Fiasco (she's halfway through)...
"Not's like a biblical story made into a cocktail drink..."
I think that's the best quote yet!

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