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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The next book and the Qu'ran(!!)

I've been working on my next book for quite a while, in fact, longer than "All For Love", which is already out (still waiting for the paperback release).

Every book is different in terms of writing process. I wanted to write it with one the ways I've done books before, but unfortunately for me, that's not the case this time.
"All For Love" was a strange process, probably never to be repeated by anyone again, including myself. I tried. It didn't work.
This next one? I have the characters, the plot, the character's motivations and main actions within the story. I also drew not a map but a picture of the place it's set. But writing? Not a sausage. Okay, I have a few 'scenes', a few words here and there, but that's it. It's going to be an adventure to figure out how to write this. Maybe I need to wear a funny hat or something.

Talking of funny hats, I read the first few pages of the Qur' felt like someone was bashing me over the head with a big stick. That book is a bully, more so than the Bible. There was a part about 'faith' which reminded me of the old Medieval "Ducking stool" it, it's so 'Catch 22', it's unbelievable. I also found a passage (I haven't read much at all, only a few pages) which states that you can kill those who you feel oppress you. What? And another about 'fasting'...."You must do this for three days, and then a further seven, making ten in total..." What? Sounds like the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. I feel the book is oppressing me...can I kill it? I need to read on...

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