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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Radnoti X ready! Waiting for the 5th of October...

 Got the finishing touches to Radnoti X today, two forewords, one from the 'master' himself, Jasper T Scott, USA Today Bestselling Science Fiction author, and the other from Karina Reif herself (the real one).

Here's what they said...

Foreword from the Master

I’ve known Dani J. Caile for seven years now, pretty much since my writing career began. He’s been there since the beginning, helping me edit and proofread my own books. He’s consistently made improvements to my own work over the years, for which I am deeply grateful. Throughout that time, Dani has been writing his own books, perfecting them, and putting himself out there time and again.

Dani Caile is probably one of the most underappreciated writers I know. He deserves to have a much bigger audience than he does, but with the popularity of this latest series I think perhaps he’ll finally get there.

I’ve read several of Dani’s books now, including this latest series, and I can say without reservation that his writing has only gotten better over the years. This latest book is a superb example of that—mystery, twists, and deep compelling characters with flaws that make them feel like people you’ve known for ages. Radnoti X and the entire Humanity H2O series is truly excellent sci-fi, but it’s even better writing. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a typo in Dani’s work, and even harder-pressed to predict what’s coming next. I couldn’t stop turning the pages, and I’m quite sure that you won’t be able to either.

If you’ve gotten this far, read on! Because you’re in for a treat.

Jasper T. Scott

USA Today Bestselling Author


Foreword from the Muse

Yet again I was immortalised by Dani – in name only – and yet again he blew my mind! I read it all in one sitting as I couldn’t put it down. When I finished I wanted to find out what happens next so my first thought was go to where Dani lives and camp outside his house until he showed me the third book. The whole story is too good to be true, it really speaks to your soul, it’s like a small package of knowledge, a guide. I probably learnt more biology, physics and human nature than I ever did before! If anyone knows where I can get a brain implant let me know, I have an abstract algebra test coming up!

I want to thank Dani for the experience and for showing the world in its real form. I’ll have to make sure I put the whole trilogy on my bedside table when they all come out... the first one feels lonely there.

Karina Reif (the real one)

If those aren't enough to want you to read the second book in the Humanity H2O series, I don't know what is...

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