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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Reviews are mixed... or are they? The UK vs Australia

Following my first 3 star review from for 'Gubacsi Dulu', I received 2 new reviews yesterday, one from the UK and one from Australia. Luckily, the UK one is seen across the Amazon sites and not the Australian one, which can only be seen there. Let's have a look at them...

The UK... a 5 star review, a reader who liked the book, the character development, etc. and will read more books.

Australia... a 1 star review, a reader who believes the book is about drink and drugs.

Mixed reviews (still an average of  3 stars) and my first 1 star review on Amazon in 10 years. People say you only know you're successful if someone says you're the worst, so... is that what this is? Because... a way, the book shows how drink and drugs harm you and can change the way you see reality, so in fact, this book is an ANTI-drink and drug book... so this reader didn't get that message. I didn't expect that, but then... yeah, kinda. Not everyone can get it.

"A book is meant to be felt." (Dani J Caile, 1 September 2020)

BUT... Fantastic news! Can you see what I see? 

Yes, it's a No.1 New Release orange banner! won't be there for long, I guess, or can I keep it?

Anyway, it's a first for me and a great success!

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