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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Review No.4... 5 stars! And... Pre-Orders moving along for Radnoti X!

Another first! My first ever Pre-Orders for a book!

I can't believe it, so many firsts in one week!

1000+ free downloads on one promotion

No.1 in all 3 subcategories (technically)

No.1 New Release orange banner

1 star review (yes, it's a first!)

Pre-Orders for my next book!

On the first item on the list, I got close with 'Manna-X', with over 900 free downloads, and the 1 star review... I once received an illegible review from an Indian gentlemen on a no-longer-existing website for authors saying my book (Man By a Tree) was religious and so therefore bad.... it is an ANTI-religious book.

As for the others on the list, truly firsts! Nothing has ever got close to this in 10 years.

And the same goes for this particular 1 star review from Australia. The review objects to the book being about drug and alcohol abuse - it is infact, ANTI-abuse, and the review which is only one line long is itself filled with errors (spelling, grammar and punctuation). This shows more about the reader than it does the book. 

Maybe I should put a warning on my books...

WARNING: This book may trigger your fears, desires, insecurities and ignorance of the society you find yourself in.

This book...

Well, infact, all my books... and stories...

And here's global review No.4! Thank you, whoever you are! You made my day! "Absorbing" is the word I love here, thank you! Closly followed by the others...LOL

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