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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

'The Rage of Atlantis' #FREE for a few days! ...and Typos, typos, typos...

Yes, once again, I'm GIVING AWAY 'The Rage of Atlantis', my pre-history sci-fi winner, where the hero is a female dolphin and the villains are politicians! It's a fantastic literary ride!

Come and download it for FREE and be entertained! There's even Satan on the toilet (No.2s)!

And yesterday was 'The Day of the Typos'... found some in Radnoti X, found some in Farkas Alpha...

It's difficult to write, edit and proofread (and make covers) on thin air, as I have no budget, it's a hobby, but IT'S FUN!

Come and support a struggling, self-published author :-)

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