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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Reif's Return - 4 days to go!

 As I mentioned earlier, I put an extra line on the blurbs on Amazon...

(4-book series: Book 1: Awakening / Book 2: Realisation / Book 3: Struggle / Book 4: Control)

Let's explain those...if I have to...

Gubacsi Dulu (book 1) is where Karina is 'living' her conditioned life the way she wants to, or thinks she wants to, and then she is 'awakened' about a certain part of her society.

Radnoti X (book 2) is where Karina realises that she needs to do something about this, and also finds out a truth about her race - one reviewer mentioned they thought this book was superfluous... but he was a man (do you get my drift?)

Farkas Alpha (book 3) is where Karina does her best with what she has to make her realisation come to fruitation and struggles to do it.

Reif's Return (book 4) is when she has what she needs to gain control and find out what it's all about.

Humanity H2O... maybe you can also find out what it's all about! 42? Nah...

Reif's Return - 5 days to Publication!

 Actually, 'Reif's Return' is already available as a paperback, but come on, you're all waiting for the ebook, which will be out on the 4th of January! So, 5 more days and counting!

The series... I've just added a line on all 4 books' blurbs, just to help those reading what exactly they ARE reading...

(4-book series: Book 1: Awakening / Book 2: Realisation / Book 3: Struggle / Book 4: Control)

Humanity H2O isn't an 'all-shooting', 'all action', 'kill the aliens', 'stop the invasion' sci-fi. It's a view of our society today and how we are in fact 'eating' (drinking) ourselves, killing our planet, fighting between our differences for profit, for gain, when in actuality, life has nothing to do with our differences or how much we have in monetary gain. What is it about? Read the books! Maybe you'll find out! I have the answer? I have mine. Do you have yours?

The books are written well. Forget those who say it's slow, or has no story or is confusing. They're wrong. When I see readers putting on 1,2 and 3 star ratings on the books, I know they themselves didn't understand the books because they have a way to go in understanding their position in this universe, the lower the rating, the further away, of course. And when I see a 1 star rating from a 70+ year old Florida guy, well... sad, but true.

Humanity H2O! 'Make the State Great!'

Monday, December 28, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu latest ratings! (57th)

From the 51st till the 57th rating, Gubacsi Dulu has received mixed stars, as usual... 4,4,1,5,3,2,5 = 3.4 Not good.

The 56th, a 2 star, comes with a strange looking review, which mostly composes of a quote and blurb from my book, so she used my own writing to write her she misspelt "Scify". I'm not putting the review up here, that would be pointless again. 

AND she used 6 *s instead of the word 'shitty' in the quote from the book, implying that the book is filled with FOUL language, which it isn't. Her review is therefore DEFAMATORY to the book. What she doesn't know is that the books are psychological mirrors of the reader... and it's clear she only read the first 20 pages.

If people don't understand something, then it must be bad. These sound like ignorant people. 

But the latest, the 57th!! A 5 star! THANK YOU! There is still hope...

The other day I read a few pages of a book which IMHO was a 1 star - poor writing, description, dialogue and clone story, but it had 90% 5 star ratings... curious...

Note: Gubacsi Dulu is Book 1...the first few chapters are being called 'slow'. Any good story, book or film, won't pushed you into the action immediately. That would be some poor second-rate literature / art / media / entertainment. Any good story has a sense of lulled peacefulness, until the storm hits.

Doesn't anyone know why the first Star Wars film was actually Book 4 and not Book 1? Because they knew their audience wouldn't sit through a film of Book 1 until the genre was set by the more action-packed Book 4. Remember that film of book 1? I like it, but... did you, compared to the others? What was different?

So, Humanity H2O.... can humanity save itself from its own stupidity? Where are the people who think? 

And Newsflash! Someone is reading Radnoti X by KENP...AND someone also bought a Gubacsi Dulu! THANK YOU! Three things which made my WEEK!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Re-watching 'Tenet' - Reversal Entropy NOT Time Travel

Watching 'Tenet' for the second time. And it's not about time travel. It's about reversal entropy. There's a 'professor that tries to explain it on youtube but from what I can see of the first few minutes of his video, he's tried many times (about 3 days involved in recording at least). He actually makes a 'pig's ear of it' so there's no reason to give you the link. 

'Tenet' is a spectacular movie based on the idea of reversing 'entropy'. So, 'Tenet' is a film dealing with reversal entropy where things which belong to the 'other reverse universe' can go backwards under the guidance of thought. On the other side of those turnstile doors is a mirror universe where time runs backwards (Time Inversion) and that's where the reversed entropy objects can be found. In that case "Bravo!" It's a wonderfully cinematic film about that - though the characters are shallow and the dialogue is worse. You must suspend your disbelief to enjoy this movie...(turn off your brain).

And how about time-travel? The Grandfather paradox? Different versions of yourself? Look at this video... (it gives you many thoughts and ideas about the film).

TENET EXPLAINED: Time Inversion, Entropy and more! | Tenet (2020) | Film Analysis | TBFR

And there's a nice one about the storyline, too.

BUT for me, all these are nice ideas but they don't hold up well, there are too many loopholes... for example, Time Inversion... you don't poop in the toilet, you collect your poop from the toilet... yuck! And what about the bit in the movie where the gun pulls the bullets out of the wall? Well, you push the trigger to allow the bullet to leave the gun, so, in order to 'catch' the bullet, you need to do the reverse action with the trigger, which means the bullet goes into the gun when you 'release' the trigger? Plausible. (The video around 10-12:00 deals with the problems of the bullets and MAN there are some problems!) But I'm telling ya, don't stay in the 'inverted universe' for long because you'll have to eventually go for a pee or poop...

So, do you want a plausible story? Humanity H2O! It's so plausible... actually it's been happening for centuries and you don't even know it! (Hypothetically, of course).

Reif's Return set for 4th of January 2021!

Gubacsi Dulu received its 55th rating... a 3 star... well, at least it wasn't a 2 or a 1! 3 stars is still like "What's your problem?" but hey! ...And where did the reviews go? It's all 'hit'n'run ratings nowadays. ...and more Russian BOTs... but  now the MAIN news...

Over a month earlier than I'd previously planned, Reif's Return, the 4th book in my Humanity H2O series (and final one, honestly), will come out as an ebook on the 4th of January 2021!

It will answer all those nagging little questions the readers had from the books before - and probably create some new ones... but there's always another series. Even now I realise there are some 'loose end' characters which can have a new life of their own. There are a few from this latest book, but also others from before.

Anyway! You HAVE to read the 4th! Reif's Return! Pre-Order to start 2021 with the answers!

2358 AD. Police Officer Karina Reif is dead. Or is she? Coming to in the laboratory above Farkas Alpha, Karina tries, with all she has, to take control of her new life and find out exactly what has been happening around her and why. Will she find the answers she seeks? A claustrophobic, subtly humorous, psychotic future of people who no longer know why.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas, BOTs! + Jesse Tate & 'Tenet'

Yep, the blog got hit by BOTS yesterday, all from Russia. Why do I even bother with this? 

Next idea... now that I've written a great 4-book sci-fi series that I'm happy to share with the world... maybe it's time to write it up as a film! If there's one sci-fi series that deserves a 4-part film series, it's this one, isn't it? Great look, intrigue, some action, a lot of thinking... rather like some Christopher Nolan movie... better than Tenet... I'm going to analyse that movie and find out why I think it doesn't work - maybe I'll find out it does! But this is what I'm talking about... 

'Tenet Thought Experiment: Everything Wrong with Nolan's Time Travel" -

And of course, the initial film review...

(These are done by Jesse Tate, great thinker!

...And Gubacsi Dulu got its 54th rating... a 5 star! THANK YOU, whoever you are, you give me hope!

Humanity H2O!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Another Tribute to Jasper T. Scott!

As I sit here and wait for something to happen, good ratings, bad ratings, any sales and KENP at all (and writing, of course) I'd just like to give another tribute to Jasper T. Scott, the USA Today Best-Selling Author! I've read all his books from the very beginning of his career as a sci-fi writer which started over 10 years ago. Out of all those sci-fi writers on Amazon, he's the best by a mile. It doesn't matter which series you choose, you'll be entertained for hours. He doesn't need an advert from me, but I'd like to give a moment to him. Here is a list of things his book are and have:

Easy to read - those pages just flow past like good wine.

Incredible worlds - you can imagine yourself there.

Believable characters - you can recognise these people.

Realistic dialogue - you hear conversations you once had (except for any alien stuff and future tech, of course)

Logical technology - and talking about tech, yeah, plausible.

Enticing Stories - as I said, it's not only because it's easy to read, the story hooks you in.

Entertaining - and also keeps you entertained. Isn't that the reason why you're reading?

Jasper T. Scott!