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Friday, February 26, 2021

15th rating (and REVIEW) for Radnoti X! Plus Goodreads Goodies! (Ratings of Humanity H2O)

Otto Neely read book 2, Radnoti X! He gave it 4 stars (which is still FANTASTIC in my opinion) and also gave a review. THANK YOU, SIR!

Yes, Radnoti X is based in a mine, which is rather like a labyrinth, and so I wanted A LOT of twists and turns in the story. A few readers have also said this book is an 'extra', but if you get to Reif's Return, you'll see it is an essential part of the story. Anyway... read it, love it, review it!

I occasionally go over to Goodreads to see if anything happened, maybe I can correlate some ratings on Amazon with those on Goodreads, and lo and behold, there were some new ratings of Humanity H2O! And from one person in particular! THANK YOU, ROBERT A FRANKEN!

It's so nice to get good ratings!!

So... NEW BOOK! COME AND GET IT! Please get it, read it, review it, recommend it!

And, of course, Humanity H2O!

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

69th rating for Gubacsi Dulu (5 star REVIEW) + 8th rating for Farkas Alpha! (4 star)

The 69th! Is a 5 star for Gubacsi Dulu! And there's a review which promises more! THANK YOU Otto Neely!!!!! I just love the title of this review!!!

And the 8th rating appears for Farkas Alpha on and it's a 4 star! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! 4 is the new 5? If you look at the picture, you'd think so... hey, is Farkas Alpha giving the finger? To civilisation, maybe.

So, my Beta Readers have read the latest book and given their thumbs up! Running through the process of publishing it and it'll soon be up to buy! Maybe I can get my friendly neighbourhood Spiderman to help me out  with a shout through the grapevines... without him I am nothing! 

But before then...

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)


Under the Shade of the Sun

Please get it, read it, review it, recommend it!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

NEW Book published! "Under the Shade of the Sun"!

 And just like that! Under the Shade of the Sun is published! Yeah, I didn't go for Pre-Order this time, maybe the second book...

Here's what a few of my Beta readers said (taken from the Foreword)


Fantastic book! I was mesmerised by the story. I just couldn't put it down. Every chapter had something new and exciting in it. There are tons of mysteries waiting for the reader to solve or find the answers to. The end is simply mind-blowing! A complete surprise. I expected many things to happen, but definitely not that. 

And this is also one of the funniest books I've ever read. Full of great jokes and references. (And I'm sure there are some more references which I didn't even notice.) The whole story shows the writer's brilliant humour and knowledge. I especially loved reading this book because I'm a big war film and book fan. From all the war books I've read, this is now probably my favourite. Mysterious, funny, exciting and easy to read—I'll definitly have to read the second book!

I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU! to Dani J. Caile for writing this outstanding book and allowing me to read it.


It was so nice of Dani to continue writing in the universe of Humanity H2O, and to write a tribute to soldiers who fought in the wars and also war films which depict them… but did he really have to put bugs in it?? I have entomophobia! Someone should give me an award or something—name a bridge after me. I suffered through the whole book. I got the heebie-jeebies. My dad thought I had an epileptic seizure. I am not joking! I HATE bugs! 

Other than that it was a good book! For the first 10 chapters I thought it is about the military... and bugs. Then suddenly I am jumping up and down the couch and shouting: RUN, Bohatch, RUN! Crazy what writers make us do, right? Dani is the only one who can make me do this! I am truly looking forward to this new series. I’d like to thank Dani for the sleepless—but bug-filled— nights! 


Under the Shade of the Sun

Please get it, read it, review it, recommend it!

Humanity H2O (4 in 1) Available in KENP! + Activity in Germany and Australia! SALES!

A few days ago I got two PAPERBACK sales from Germany! One each for Farkas Alpha and Reif's Return. Definitely the same person... but who? I have a few guesses... anyway... THANK YOU! I hope you like the look and feel of them (I always do gloss). AND... a little sale activity over in Australia! THANK YOU! 

Onto the final Beta reading stage of the new book... looking good! Getting some GREAT feedback! "Action. Suspence: Intrigue. All in one book!"

And if you STILL don't have the set...Humanity H2O!


(All in ONE) It's Now AVAILABLE in KENP!!!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Dr. Seuss was Racist / a White Supremacist...

I love Seuss' style of writing and drawing, BUT you learn something every day. I'm sure I saw it earlier, but I didn't see it. I'm sure I noticed something in "If I Ran the Zoo", and yesterday I was directed to an Instagram post all about how Dr. Seuss was Anti-Black. 

Yes. A man who wished to educate children also had his prejudices. Is this a case of loving the art but hating the artist? Can we separate them? Not really. All I can positively take from this is my first sentence (see above). Was he racist? Yeah. Was he a White supremacist? Well, yeah. The Cat in the Hat was published in 1957, a time which wasn't so progressively thinking in the USA. Was Seuss a 'victim' of his times, the culture he was in? Yes, BUT he should have known BETTER, as an educator. 

Here are a collection of some of those drawings (numbers are from the Instagram post (@theconsciouskid).

"Seuss consistently drew Africans and African Americans as monkeys and apes, in subservient positions to white men"

"The Cat in the Hat was based on blackface performance, racist images in popular colour and actual African Americans"

And here's a book which can tell you more, from Dr. Philip Nel...

"Was the Cat in the Hat Black: The Hidden Racism of Children's Literature, and the Need for Diverse Books"

Instagram  Dr. Philip Nel (@thephilnel


Saturday, February 20, 2021

5 star rating for Farkas Alpha!

 Coming in at number 7 for Farkas Alpha, a 5 star rating! THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!

That graphic looks strange, it's a 4 star kinda book? No, surely not? It was a great book to write and my Beta readers loved it... and so did 30% here :-)

The new book is complete, Beta readers are on it now...:-) I've just had a few ideas for the next...

Tomorrow, Humanity H2O will be available as ONE EBOOK - 4 books in ONE. Of course, the price is higher than one book... two books... okay it's almost the same as three. So... if someone hasn't got ANY of the books (that's a crime), then they can just buy this ONE ebook!

BUT if you/someone you know HAVE/HAS one or two or three, go for the usual 4-book series!

Humanity H2O!

5 star rating for Radnoti X! (14th rating)

 And in a flash... Radnoti X gets a 5 star rating! THANK YOU! WHO ARE YOU??? (I would like to tell you I have a new book coming out! Oh, and there are the other 2 in this particular Humanity H2O series :-)) Creeping up to that 4.0...

AND.... a sale of Reif's Return! THANK YOU! 

The ratings are slowly moving forwards, sales are slowly coming in, readers are becoming aware of the series! Whoever you are, thank you! A writer creates the work but it's the reader who imagines it and brings it into being. Who knows, maybe it'll go mainstream, maybe a publisher will HAVE TO give me a contract before another one does! I've already self-published the series but there's always a chance to get second rights. Anyway... dreams... we need them, they keep us moving on!

Reading through the NEW book... and I already have an idea about the second in this new series... ideas... they just keep coming!

Humanity H2O!