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Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWrimo 2012 1st anniversary

Well, it's started again! 50,000 words in one month. I started writing exactly 1 year ago, so I guess it's my 1st anniversary! Where's the cake?
3 books, 1 novelette (waiting for news on the competition, then I'll publish it) , and a huge idea for a great new book for NaNoWrimo, 3 main characters, 1 crazy (The Puncher), 1 not so crazy (Graham the grim reaper), the other just plain nuts (The Forgiven, yes, no 2nd novelette, but a player in the 4th book). A crazy triangle.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

'Rage of Atlantis' review!

Got a review of my 3rd book 'Rage of Atlantis' on!
See! Definitely one for the boys!

5.0 out of 5 stars A serious detective story with a twist of parody, October 14, 2012
by zoltang

This review is from: The Rage of Atlantis (Paperback)
The latest effort from Dani is an interesting book. It melts a detective story with parody and very serious issues, creating a coherent style which you should be familiar with from the other two books in the series.
The well executed detective storyline pulls you in the center of the events and makes the book difficult to put down. All the while some very serious issues are brought up which eerily remind us of the world we are currently living in. But don't worry, the sometimes dark themes are well balanced with elements of parody so reading is a joy. If you enjoyed this book be sure to check out the other two from the series. And let's hope we can learn from our mistakes and not repeat the events of The Rage of Atlantis.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

New stuff - cheerful tone

Well, I put the intro to my 1st novelette, 'Too Dull to Die' on a forum in and I got one bite, about foreshadowing and one 'confusion' of heads. Nothing, really, except the person liked my 'cheerful tone'. Still waiting for November...who knows...fingers crossed on winning something.
The 2nd novelette...finally got a chance to write down a few ideas I've had for a while, namely 'The Puncher'. That could even be made into a movie, just that one character :-) Anyway, writing it all down, see where I get...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Respect to John Donne "Death be not Proud"

Just love John Donne, and I'd love to hear his stuff in Shakespeare's OP (Original Pronunciation)! Now that would be something, to finally get rid of the stuffy pompous Shakespeare actor 'recitals' of his work! Even those actors trying out the 'new' OP still stick too much to the past and speak in RP for half the performance. Go South-West!
'Man by a tree' is basically respect to John Donne. And Day 4 Part 12 is 'The Flea', have a read... :-)

I’m in love.”
What?” Sniff looked around the dull grey area and spotted the figure Grint had his eyes fixated on. That’s not love you’re feeling.”
Oh, she’s so beautiful.” Sniff tried to focus in on the immaculately dressed ghost standing behind the desk.
“Yes, she does have a certain classic look about her, doesn’t she?” He looked at his companion, then waved his hand in front of him to try and break the spell. Nothing doing. Grint gave a big sigh. Sniff took the time to survey this grey area.
“So this is the ‘inbetween’? Not much to it, thought it was meant to be wild, from all accounts. Not really happening for me.” Sniff took a perch on the sofa’s arm, followed by Grint. Sniff tried to break the spell again.
“Oh dear.” Sniff delved into Grint’s hair and picked out a flea. “This is the only way your blood will mix.” He flicked it in the general direction of the woman.
Ehh?” Grint momentarily came back to the unliving.
“I said…Oh, never mind. ‘Mark but this, and mark in this…” The woman made a sudden move, slamming her hand down on the desk, making both Sniff and Grint jump with a start. She scooped up something small with a sweep of her hand and made a popping sound between two fingernails.
Ah. Love denied, cruel and sudden.” Sniff expected Grint’s expression to change in light of this misfortune. It didn’t. There was still a dumb love in his eyes.
“I hope he’s not in there long, I don’t think I can take much more of this.” Sniff tried to make himself as comfortable as possible.
The woman behind the desk cleaned the flea off her nails with a tissue and placed it in the bin. She could definitely smell rotten fish.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Recap of Books

Just finished a big essay...least I think it's finished, spent enough time on it.
Okay, so, to recap.
Book 1 - 'Man by a tree' - it's about death / life / immortality us humans think we have
Book 2 - 'The Bethlehem Fiasco' - it's about organisations which ask you to follow / the followers
Book 3 - 'The Rage of Atlantis' - it's about politics / prejudice / ignorance
There will soon also be a short book with 2 novelettes available...
Novelette 1 - TDX2 (Too Dull to Die) - a short adventure based on 'A Christmas Carol'
Novelette 2 - The Forgotten (work in progress) - internal monologue of a forgotten angel
Still got a few essays to write, though...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Full Short story 'Stream of Consciousness'

So, my first go at the 'stream of consciousness' in full. Probably won't do much of this, but it was fun.
"Never Forget"

what is that sound like some plane in the sky so blue yet those clouds moving so quick I see a dog last time I did this school where are they all now Gaz might be famous what have I done I done nothing I’m a waster wasted my life get up do something what’s the point a shark big teeth gone now wind’s picking up cold breeze from somewhere maybe it’s time zip up my coat where is she she said she’d come can’t trust any of ’em rest enjoy just relax when do I get the chance to do this coffee would be nice KFC past a KFC in the street can’t be bothered no money anyway work work and no money where does it what’s that noise a dolphin that’s a nice one oh look is that her no not her too tall walking away shit relax she said she would relax hungry cheese sandwich lasagne canteen bloody awful cold hard women in uniform not for me no old way too old yuck she’s the one I is that her could be hang on no damn sun’s out hot nice I’ll wait a little more no hurry might rain no it might rain then what umbrella damn had one left it at home shit why don’t I think she’s here wow looks good smiling that walk jesus that smile better get up no
“Hey.” her hair great smell I can smell her wow windy perfume strong warm face wow touch lips warm sweet she’s great longer hot so hot that smile kills her eyes so brown deep love clouds heart I see a heart a big heart she’s great
“What’ya doing?”
cinema plaza streets pizza ground no not that plaza show her off jesus her face smooth to touch smile oh god kiss now yes plaza colours shops look in windows meet the lads show her off yes grab her come on hold her warm breeze cold on back take her there her hand’s so warm
“Where we going?”
“Come on.”
where's he taking me going the right direction he's okay hope we're going there looks like it good I look good two hours in the mirror mum didn't see creep in later going to the Plaza great maybe just maybe that's why I'm here guy's a dope what's he look like can I take this yes we're going there a chance to see him he might be there I hope he's there definitely the Plaza nothing else 'cept the pizza place too early to eat unless he's could be bored so bored smile quick good Plaza yes the Plaza is he here is he
"Come on, me mate's around here somewhere."
so good she looks great where are they at the games shop usually or watching the screens upstairs her smile happy feel full good not hungry people all these who are they can't see them at the shop look around tugging what shoes right shoes girl that's okay know nothing about them nod yes whatever stay by me I know them girls saw us great together they saw us do they know don't ask weak smile yes nod come on come on shoes red black green green god no how much moving away fantastic shoes boring looking smile those girls whispering she looks away what she embarassed what of me she embarassed of me what the kiss oh yeah feels good lucky lucky me that smile light happy where what oh me mates where are they escalator messing she's fun looks good and fun what more me mates great haven't seen us Jon turned hey turned back what's that a huddle what's going on she looks good wow her face alive wow so pretty smile hit me big smile
good start feel great smiling smiling look around don't focus look at Buddy more yes good glance at him don't stare Taz oh Taz my heart god so fast excited sweating he looked he looked he looked what can I do let go no wait time time to move I'm here now it's enough wait just wait
"What'ya doing, guys?"
"Nuthin' much."
he's got a girl shit that one's good wouldn't mind it she's looking hey that ain't right she wants it am I do I what the yeah why not Buddy get over it sure worth it dunno again she's at it again big smile jesus yes why not he don't deserve I do I'm the man yes shut up Bud set him up get him out of here what think look at her yeah look
"I'm thirsty."
"Wanna drink?"
gone good look at him smile big smile the best working he's looking where is he gone good
"Guys, go get a drink."
where are they she where is she what me mates where are me mates me girl where shit what Taz no Taz no mates girl where's me girl cold this drink go no one sees me good go shit shit why what happened what am I gonna do me mates where tastes bad empty so empty

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stream of Consciousness

I've been wanting to try some 'stream of consciousness' for ages, though I had to do a bit of research. Have a read, the beginning of a short story...

what is that sound like some plane in the sky so blue yet those clouds moving so quick I see a dog last time I did this school where are they all now Gaz might be famous what have I done I done nothing I’m a waster wasted my life get up do something what’s the point a shark big teeth gone now wind’s picking up cold breeze from somewhere maybe it’s time zip up my coat where is she she said she’d come can’t trust any of ’em rest enjoy just relax when do I get the chance to do this coffee would be nice KFC past a KFC in the street can’t be bothered no money anyway work work and no money where does it what’s that noise a dolphin that’s a nice one oh look is that her no not her too tall walking away shit relax she said she would relax hungry cheese sandwich lasagne canteen bloody awful cold hard women in uniform not for me no old way too old yuck she’s the one I is that her could be hang on no damn sun’s out hot nice I’ll wait a little more no hurry might rain no it might rain then what umbrella damn had one left it at home shit why don’t I think she’s here wow looks good smiling that walk jesus that smile better get up no
“Hey.” her hair great smell I can smell her wow windy perfume strong warm face wow touch lips warm sweet she’s great longer hot so hot that smile kills her eyes so brown deep love clouds heart I see a heart a big heart she’s great
“What’ya doing?”
“Nothin’” cinema plaza streets pizza ground no not that plaza show her off jesus her face smooth to touch smile oh god kiss now yes plaza colours shops look in windows meet the lads show her off yes grab her come on hold her warm breeze cold on back take her there her hand’s so warm
“Where we going?”
“Come on.”