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Monday, May 6, 2013

Manna-X 1st edit is ready!

Yes, the 1st edit of 'Manna-X' is done and my first 'beta-reader' is reading it as we speak. It's hard for a writer to assess their own work, and my 1st reader is a very busy person at this moment, he's 'becoming famous' right now. Good luck to him! I'm so envious! (I'm sure you all know who I'm referring to).
And now it comes down to on Amazon is what I need, so I guess I'd better find more 'beta-readers'...
How do I feel about the book? I don't think I could have gone any further than I did, this is quite possibly the 'oddest' thing I've ever written. There were some parts I laughed out loud at, and that's after reading it for about the 10th time. There are some lines which are direct references to great works of literature, and only those who know will know...and there are some which are connected to trash/popular films. I think it's all in this one, the humor, the quirkiness, the seriousness, the strangeness, the classics... maybe this is the one which will go 'all the way'...'that's the way they go'....:-)

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Yes, the title of this post is 'ill'...I have a temperature ATM.
Found 'Jim Jam' on my TV...there's a program with 2 white puppet seals, they find things and put them on their heads...I can't believe someone got paid for that...then there's 'Kipper', those ducks in the pond should be twice the size, those animals are always throwing food at them...and then there's....blah blah...but 'The Mighty Jungle', luv it! That's what my old project 'Let's Go' should've looked like, and not the dark, miserable, Hunglish (Hungarian English) crap that Project Manager turned it into...
I'm ill, I need to work, need to edit, need to get ready for final exams, etc. but all I can do is use my last few brain cells and 3 remaining fingers to type this post up...:-)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Iron Writer Challenge 11- May 9th!

Look! I'm in the Iron Writer Challenge! Put May 9th in your calendars!! (I'll write a post, of course)
I've already written the 500 (exact) word story, and I like it :-) Perhaps it's a glimpse of a new future genre....

And, yes, it had to come, I've been banned from playing in Brigg's playground...[censored because I'm very very very paranoid...:-)]

So, here's the last time you'll see my 55 worders, here, not there :-)
The last 3 got into 'Manna-X' in some form or another...yes, I'm still editing...

Not Me (January 2013)
The pints flowed that night in the pub, him and me drinking through his personal hell. His girlfriend was pregnant and he knew it wasn’t him. I backed him up all the way, I’d help him find the guy. I’d make sure he wouldn’t find out it was me.

A True Teen Adventure (February 2013)
The sweat oozed through his vest, every step was agony.
Was it idiotic to brave the onslaught from this dragon in its foreboding lair?
Closer to his goal, with one last breath he was ready to suffer whatever backlash fate decreed. He pointed to them.
“A packet of three, please.”
“Ribbed or regular?”
It's a Mystery (March 2013)
The blonde or brunnette, I couldn’t decide.
The blonde evoked nights of lust and passion,
the brunnette the usual romantic, sweet night cuddled by the fire.
The blonde.
“Come, let’s roam the streets and scream the houses down.”
“Not likely. Me and Flo here are gonna go eat that fish supper in the kitchen bowl.”
It doesn't matter (March 2013)
“Decide. Is this okay?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Like this?”
“No, not like that.”
“No, turn it around. Yes. No. Like that.”
“Like this?”
“Yes, that’s better. Err… no, no, it’s not.”
“So, it doesn’t matter?”
“No, no, it doesn’t matter.”
“Like this?”
“No, not like that! Oh, I’ll do it.”
In the night (April 2013)
“What if someone was paying attention? What if someone heard? What if someone cares?” He peeped through the curtains to the empty street.
“What if you just shut up and come and help me with the body.”
“Right. What if…?”
“What if I put this crowbar over your fat head?”
“Okay, got it.”
What if he was right (April 2013)
What if he was right?
“There is!”
“An afterlife! I must get back to tell!”
“Yes, I called emergency before I took the pills.”
“You didn’t read the box properly, or reckon on those new roadworks, did you?”
“Don’t worry, stupidity is not part of the criteria for going up…”

Thursday, May 2, 2013

No need for fanatics...

Before I go off on a rant, I just wanna say, congratulations for Jasper T. Scott on his successful launch of his new book 'Dark Space'. He's just tweeted that he had over 2500 downloads!
If I could get even a minute quantity of those numbers, I'd be happy! TDX2, my free novelette, is at 146 downloads, and 'Lejöttünk?' (only the 1st 4 small parts of MBAT in Hungarian..almost half the 1st day of 7) has had 123 views.

Still battling with my destroyed master document of 'Manna-X', what with it's missing bits. I'm at 28,000 words with the 1st read and hit a few things to 'iron out'. Just can't wait to release it...okay, don't all shout at once!

And now a little rant...Hungary has banned (limited) the use of certain symbols, the swastika, arrow cross, red star and hammer & sickle...maybe that should be the 'Sziget' festival T-shirt for this year...just to confuse those left and right wing people...we need fanatics and politics like we need organised religions...NOT! (As they used to say in the 90s)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Struggling in editing

Not only am I struggling to make 'Manna-X' the greatest writing I've ever done, I'm also struggling with my computer. Halfway through the 1st read, my computer decided to corrupt my master file, losing hundreds, maybe thousands of random words...I hate my computer.
So, I've been listening to Leonard Cohen songs and covers, Hannah Trigwell is FANTASTIC with Hallelujah.
Anyway, so it's back to the grindstone, find those words, add what was lost...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Lejöttünk? Első könyv fordítása...

Első könyv fordítása...Első nap (1-5)...:-)~

Az eredeti cím: "Az ember egy fa" nem működik a magyar.
(The original title 'Man by a tree' doesn't work in Hungarian.)
Több jön...:-)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Star Trek Green Girl Fiasco

Yes, I seem to be in this type of fiasco, what with my Hungarian translations... one seems to understand me (as Eponymous Rox says). It's like the 'Green Girl Fiasco' in the Star Trek's pilot, 'The Cage', as mentioned in William Shater's 'Star Trek Memories' (page 66-69) (This book is a 'MUST READ'!).
The story: no one had seen a green girl on TV before, and no one had tried to make skin green. Every time they got the rushes back from the lab, the girl's skin was pink. So, they kept trying and trying, spending more money and time, and still the rushes came back pink. Roddenberry called the lab and thec technician said "I've been working overtime the last three nights trying to correct your actresses' lousy green skin tones".
So, I'm in the same boat with translation, I put certain words together, sometimes they've never been put together, I try to stretch the language a little in my own tiny way. Unfortunately, it looks like only my wife and can translate my books correctly...but she doesn't have the time.
A guy I know wanted to translate 'Man by a tree', as he thought it was fantastic. Now, this guy is a great translator, so I was very pleased. Then I got the first few pages and noticed he'd changed words, taken some out and added some too. So, not so great. My wife has done about 25 pages so far...
I'm still waiting on 'Bethlehem Fiasco'...
Now, 'Rage', I asked someone else to have a go at the 1st 3 parts. I was surprised. Without checking it, I immediately saw something. In Part 3, the first line is actually the first line I wrote in the whole book. It was going to be the 1st sentence but the structure changed. This is it...

“Phew! I’m so tired I could watch a dog grow.” 

It was translated to ...
- Fű! Olyan fáradt vagyok, hogy mindjárt összesek. 
...which if you re-translate (Google Translate + me changing it back to correct grammar)...
Phew! I'm so tired that I could collapse. (actually, Google Translate said "Grass" and not "Phew")

This is nothing like the original. Even Google Translate can do something with it...
- Pfuj! Olyan fáradt vagyok tudtam nézni egy kutyát nő.
...oh what to a writer it is my responsibility to get the reader to understand. But how far do I have to reach? And how far does the reader try?