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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Manna-X update - almost done editing

Russia, USA, United Kingdom, Serbia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Canada, France, Poland, Macau, Hungary, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, China, Sweden, United Arab name a few more countries this blog has got views from this week! 
The Big 5 are of course, USA, Russia, UK, Hungary and Germany... with the Netherlands, Ukraine, France, Poland the Top 10.
News? Well, I've polished 'Manna-X', re-writing the acknowledgements piece and working on the amendments from my beta-readers. I'm really excited about this 4th big book of mine. It has everything I wanted in it, and what I feel as a fantastic end line which sums it all up...on many different levels, personal and philisophically and (blah blah blah) :-)~ I never really like getting too deep when describing my writing.
All I can say is that my books are screenplays for the mind....Hey! That's going in the acknowledgement!
And after this latest 'polish', I can say that this is my best 'all-rounder'.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Surprised post

It surprises me when I see who is reading my blog. Of course, I have absolutely no idea exactly 'who' but I know the countries. Today, Brazil, Pakistan to name but a few. Who are you? Why are you here? Who or what sent you? What are your motives?
I'm happy you're here...make me happier, buy a book, read my stuff, laugh, think and make a difference :-)
Getting to the end of editing 'Manna-X' with the help of a few friends, polishing up quite nicely. It's strange how a few words here and there can make all the difference between good and great.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Another win! Caption Competition!

Well, well, 2 wins in 2 days!
I entered Clive Eaton's (author of The Pyramid Legacy) Caption Competition, the 2nd week in a row, and won!
I re-used a quote from a Batman movie about hungry dogs to make a joke, and I won! (There couldn't have been many entries, really) :-) See the caption and picture here (the dog in a Batman suit)
Just entered again, for the 3rd time. You never know...(My caption for the new one is..."Nah the plugs are okay! Try it again!" (man on car in water))

And a big 'thank you' to Anonymous Á for donating 'Bethlehem Fiasco' to the school library. The kids now have twice as much chance to be a victim of Dani J Caile...perhaps even more so, that book could turn heads..:-)~

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Iron Challenge 11 - WINNER!

A win! Finally I won something! But only with huge support, only with the help of my friends!
Thank you to everyone who helped!
Hopefully there will be 'Winners' book, and I'll be published elsewhere...a dream come true...well, almost :-)~Here's the result...
...Manna-X...soon, still in editing, getting better every day :-)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New review on (Bethlehem Fiasco)

...still working on 'How to'...:'Dani's Shorts 2' coming soon...

Okay, as of 22 Sept 2013...
'Dani's Shorts' and 'TDX2' are still available FREE here...
All my other books are on Amazon :-)
Please review wherever you can :-)...
And I'll be in the Iron Writer Autumn Equinox Open VERY soon. Please get your voting fingers ready :-)

Fantastic! I've got another review...for 'Bethlehem Fiasco' this time, from 'Rebecca'...thank you, every review moves me closer to more readers...more reviews, more interest, more people who are willing to try and read a book!
So, here it is on I've also copied it here :-)
It's an 'Amazon Verified Purchase'...well, it was yesterday, I don't know what's happened now...

4.0 out of 5 stars Exceptionally Entertaining 13 May 2013

By Rebecca


The Bethlehem Fiasco is an outstandingly entertaining version of the world's most famous story. Dani J Caile's intriguingly imaginative writing creates characters and scenes that are worthy of great chortling from the off. The book is fun to read with good pace and structure and, dare I say, is uncomfortably believable!
Definitely one to buy if you appreciate Monty Python type comedy; definitely not one to buy if you're a staunch believer of the Christian faith!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Iron Writers + Manna-X Update

So far so good, 38 votes against the closest 16...but it ain't over until the fat lady sings, and my is she fat (and a little miserable on the side)!
If I win, there's a chance I'll be in a compilation of winners at the end of it all...that's why I'm 'having a go'.
Where was I? Oh yes, added a few things to 'Manna-X' the other, yes, that's it. I realised that there was also one comment in particular in 'TDX2' that I would like to say again, so I did! I re-worded it a little, but who's to say ya can't recycle the same thing, especially if it's a corker!
So, just waiting for my reader to come back to me, maybe the end of this week, and then I'll publish (once it has been ironed out, of course!)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Not asking for flattery!

Am I upset? No.
Am I asking my readers to 'flatter' me with good reviews on Amazon? NO.
All my readers have said only GOOD things about my books, either on other websites or by personal communication. All I'm asking is that a few of you go just one more step...I know some of you already have, and I thank you for that!
I am not a published writer, I don't have a group of editors, agents and a large team of marketing personel pushing me on the internet and in shops (even if I were in the shops). They do exactly what I'm asking from readers, to help the 'push'. When a new book comes out, they already have dozens of readers ready to review the book and give it some exposure, before it's even in the shops. They have interviews set up, reviews ready for literary's big business.
Anyway. If you can, please review on Amazon :-) If you can't, just read and enjoy :-) That's what it's all about, anyway!