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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Looking back (5) - On the way up? Published!

The Iron Writer Challenge...
A phenomenon. 4 elements, 4 days to write. 4 writers give stories which are voted for. This challenge is HUGE when it comes to practising the art of writing. After the first 6 months, I'd won a few Challenges, got into Preliminary Round and knew some nice people. I wrote out each challenge and made a free collection of the stories...'Dani's Shorts'

While doing the challenge, I was spurred on to write another book, and this was 'Manna-X', probably the best piece of writing so far (other than what's to come)...

6 months later, with a lot of water under the bridge and many more nice people, fantastic reviews of 'Manna-X', 'Dani's Shorts 2' came out for free :-)

 By this time, I'd got myself into the Annual TIW Open, made a lot of friends...and now...
....2 short stories will be published in anthologies by someone other than myself, 'How to', a book I started mid-'Dani's Shorts 2' might be taken by the same publisher, and I'm working on a long-time-promised Brad Shaw detective novella called 'Torn' (Puncher is my next one...'Once in a Lifetime' had made me realise I can now do that one).
But first, the TIW Final tomorrow, for one week. Get your voting fingers ready....:-)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Looking back (4) - spreading my wings

'Rage', my 3rd book, took a lot out of me, but I still needed to write. I looked around for competitions, challenges, anything that could keep me writing, feed a need for inspiration and creativity.
I found a nice little 55 word competition, which I won't mention here because I left it on bad terms, but it showed me I could write Flash fiction. It didn't matter what the 'element/s' was/were, I could always write something good. I didn't win anything, of course, only clone writing won.
I then saw a fantasy novella competition and wrote a 13,000+ word story, a 'Christmas Carol' meets 'HHGTTG'....'TDX2' (Too Dull to Die)
Of course, nothing happened.
A new book wasn't coming, so I searched for another 'challenge', and found the Iron Writer Challenge just as it started up...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Looking back (3) - Getting serious...'Rage'

After writing a 2nd satirical book which can be taken as light or heavy as the reader likes, there was another huge story which I had to tell. The 'greatest story ever told' is one thing, but the latest big story was another. There was (and still is) a huge problem with the politics in Hungary and I mixed these things all together to create my own political sardonical version of events set in Atlantis.
'Man by a tree' came out quite smoothly, and 'The Bethlehem Fiasco' poured out, after a little research. But, as I've seen, each book has its own way of coming out. 'The Rage of Atlantis' was the hardest book to write out of the first 3, it took 6 months and many sleepless nights and long laughing sessions to complete. It is also a favourite among a certain group of readers :-) It also includes my first serious female character, though she is a dolphin!

Looking back (2) - Satire amuck

'Man by a tree' had favourable feedback, from both friends and strangers. Although my close and immediate family congratulated me, the rest of my relatives either ignored or criticised me actually writing. I found that strange...but people who didn't know me loved the book and I was in euphoria.
So I thought I'd better follow it up. What did I want to write about? The greatest story ever told.
After 3 month quick months, I had my 2nd book, 'The Bethlehem Fiasco', the book that went places Monty Python didn't dare. It gained a lot of great comments on but only got around the No. 200 mark in ranking. Recently, I put the 'baby' scene on and it received many wonder ful comments there, too. A book which doesn't take itself too does it?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

When TIWs get together...Jordan Bell and 'The Rotation'

Myself and Mathew W. Weaver ( from TIW 'respectfully' struck another fellow TIW, Jordan Bell, lovely man ( on facebook. Jordan loves to change his profile picture, he has some kind of 'rotation' thing going on, you get to see the same portrait picture come along every month or so. That's why I thought we'd better 'have a go' :-) So, in an Orson Welles voice, here's a little paranoid, pulp fiction relay story :-) (hehe)

The Rotation
[All in a Deep Orson Welles voice]

Dani J Caile
The Rotation was on. They wouldn't have a hope in hell chance of finding him now. They'd be as confused as a pig in a sweetshop. The red flare effect portrait had almost taken them off his scent but now he'd upped the stakes...cap with mug.
Mathew W. Weaver
The beard was shortened too; the mass of dense twisted growth shortened to the consistency of prickly hairbrush, the kind you always found yourself landing on when you fall on the couch. It was perfect. Or was it?
Dani J Caile
Would they see through his disguise? Would they entrap him as they had done once before, a victim of their excruciating mind control behind his mirrored glasses...
Mathew W. Weaver
No. Not by a long shot. He wouldn't let 'em take him again. Never again, he had sworn... but now, as he hunkered down in the booth, peering over his coffee mug, the bill of his baseball cap covering his eyes, he could see them, one at the bar and another by the door
Dani J Caile
In the time it took to eat his twinkie and down his coffee, they had swooped over him, each taking a shoulder and leaning into his own personal deodorant space, squeezing him deeper into the booth.
Mathew W. Weaver
"Hey, buddy," one whispered in his ear, shoving something hard in his side, "Long time no see." The other grinned, and patted the suspicious bulge under his coat.
Jordan Bell
You guys are f**king awesome. Lol.
Dani J Caile
"No, not now...why now?" He tried to run but they held him down, their hands like iron clamps. Despondant, he surrendered and slumped back into his seat. "Now, buddy..." The second slammed a pad on the table in front of him. "Get writing. We've been waiting long enough for that damn relay." The first handed him the pencil and he had no choice, no choice whatsoever. The Rotation had failed.
Mathew W. Weaver
 Sweat started to dribble down his face. Silently, he applauded himself for not taking the razor any closer; he knew that they smelled fear, and the beard masked that stench
Dani J Caile
He dropped the pencil and pushed his feet, unseen below the laminated hardboard table, against the edge of the seat's supports. The second turned the pad to himself. "Hey, buddy. That ain't gonna make it. " At that moment, the door of the diner opened as a group of laughing business types entered, ready to order their usual apple pie and crumble.
Mathew W. Weaver
He kicked, and the seat collapsed. One of them pitched backwards with a surprised yelp, and before the other could react, he threw the mug along with rest of the chocolate milk at his face.
Then he was up and gone, pushing past the shocked customers and the wide eyed waitress.
The piece of paper, fluttering like a leaf in the wind, finally landed on the floor, face up to show to the world in general the words:
"Not today, pal,"

Looking back (1) - NaNoWrimo 2011 + authonomy

Already finished my piece for TIW final and did Weekend Quickie 35 and I can't imagine a life without writing. When did it all begin? Where? In November 2011.
Some time in 1995/96, I wrote up my experiences of being in a band and tried to change it into fiction. This was my first serious attempt at writing and I even sent it to a came back with a 'Thanks but no' note. (When I was 9 I wrote my first story about a family who lived in a speck of dust).
After moving to Hungary, it never came into my mind that I should try again until someone said 'You should write a book about that', a sarcastic remark, I think. Mid 2000s, I did write a children's ESL book but the project was destroyed by a manager who 'fed' his friends.
Anyway, I saw on the internet an advert about NaNoWrimo, "write 50,000 words in a month" challenge.
For 30 days I wrote. And I got 51,000 words. I won the challenge. I then saw another thing about '' and uploaded my 'book' (after some editing). It received 44 backers and got to No.81 (good for that website) with a ton of comments and help. After a little more cutting, 'Man by a tree' was born. The ride had begun.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

TIW Weekend Quickie 35

Here's my latest TIW Weekend Quickie, mixing a few TIWs with the elements given in that great little nursery tale.
Go see it, on the site (and the comments) and many more stories from other TIWs (including Jordan :-))

"Little Red Shiny Jordan"

Little Red Shiny Jordan listened to his darling mother.
"Now, run along into the forbidden Iron Writer woods and take your Aunty Brian his weekly beer and jello."
"Arr, Mom! Do I have to?"
His mother rubbed his shiny little head.
"And don't forget to start that nice little relay idea of yours in his website's forum when you get there…What's wrong? You look suspicious, my little man?"
"Someone's been sitting in my chair…"
"Wrong tale, son, wrong tale. Now get going, he's waiting. And what have I told you about wearing sunglasses in the house?"
Little Red Shiny Jordan skipped his way through the woods and past the "Don't go in the woods" sign put there to stop the fly-by-nighters' voters from entering.
Suddenly, from behind a facebook comment, out popped Mamie Fox and Amanda Wolf.
"Hello there. What's a fine-looking little chicken leg like you doing in the woods?"
"I'm running an errand for my Mom. Ooo, Mamie Fox, what big hair you have."
"All the better to mess your mind up with."
"And Amanda Wolf, what strange big mesmorising eyes you have."
"All the better to twist your little heart up. Come, Mamie Fox, supper has arrived...."