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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ban the Electoral College Vote!

I'm not an expert but a vote originally based on the number of slaves each state had back in the 18th/19th century just has to be banned.
When it was first introduced, the Electoral College vote allowed THE WHITE PEOPLE in each US state to have an equal influence in voting by taking into account how many slaves each state had - added to this that these slaves didn't have the right to vote AND that each slave was consider 2/5s a vote, ie. 2/5s of a 'REAL'/WHITE person.
"All men are created equal" - unless you're NOT WHITE.
Of course, a lot of regulations and changes to the Electoral College vote has happened since then, but basically this has all been to try and DISGUISE THE RACISM IN THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.
(Sorry about the Capitals there, but somehow this has to be shouted out)
From Wiki itself, here are the reasons why the Electoral College vote is good for the USA:

"Supporters of the Electoral College argue that it is fundamental to American federalism, that it requires candidates to appeal to voters outside large cities, increases the political influence of small states, preserves the two-party system, and makes the electoral outcome appear more legitimate than that of a nationwide popular vote."

Bullshit. All that I understand from this is that the racist white people can keep their white supremacist power if the Electoral College Vote is used.

Direct voting or nothing. 
Ban the Electoral College Vote based on racism.
One person, one vote. 
And of course, Mail-in voting works!
(There are other countries with voting problems, too... later)

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Whoops! New Novel on Amazon for a second!

Yesterday while playing with the 'keywords' in Amazon's KDP, I accidentally hit 'Publish'!
There's no way to cancel this action, which I find strange. You have to wait until the book becomes 'LIVE' and then immediately 'Unpublish'.
Problem is, the book is then on Amazon but 'unavailable'. 
It was once... invisible to the world and now it is visible... with the wrong cover. I'm waiting on a new version of the cover from a friend of an acquaintance.
I've given up on the last submission. Another acquaintance said they'd give me a 'shout out' through their email system, so hopefully that's still on. 
All I need is some readers, some recognition, some people who see there's some worth in all this...
Anyway...Book coming soon!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

New Novel Rejections

Although my writing has been described in many ways as a mix of both Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, no one wants my latest...
Four Rejections so far...

"While I did enjoy some of your worldbuilding details... overall the story does not match up well with the other stories I am publishing. There is a lot of imagination here, but it is just not what I am looking for right now."

"I'm sorry it didn't strike me as quite suitable to our present needs."

"We're not publishing new authors at this moment..."


To think you can write a book and get it published by someone is a bit of a dream.
Publishers already have their next publishable book in mind and get people to write them. If you write a book, they don't want to know.
You can get lucky, like JK Rowling — the story: an enthusiastic reader of a literary agency gets her represented, she is rejected by 12 publishing houses, and is only taken on by Bloomsbury because the chairman's eight-year-old daughter demanded to read more, and even then she is told to get a day job. The rest is history.
That kind of success is rare and a writer's dream. 
I don't need that dream, I just need a little recognition. 
"Who? Oh, him... didn't he write...? Yeah, I liked that." 
That kind of thing.

Dani's Shorts 8+ is still FREE (like forever)...

Monday, June 29, 2020

Catch 22 of Publishing

Yes, there is a simple Catch 22 of publishing that family, friends and close acquaintances don't seem to understand.

Of course, there are many ways to create a fan base, you can self-publish, get exposure doing interviews, competitions, freebies, etc. — which I've all done — but the best way is to get a publisher.
I do have Line by Lion for my 'How to' series (still thinking about the 3rd book) but I'd love to have another for my new sci-fi...

Oh, and if you didn't know, Dani's Shorts 8+ is out FREE at Smashwords...yes, a freebie!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Dani's Shorts 8+ out now! #FREE

Yes, collection number 8 is out, on Amazon as a paperback, and on Smashwords for FREE.
Did I say free? Yes, of course!
Flash fiction for me is a way to exercise my literary mind, whereas novels are the prize (which you can pay for or pick up when I have a free promotion).
One day someone might see what I have, and I'll get some recognition, a pat on the back, an award or even a sale (?!?!)
You never know, maybe even a review...the cauldron of gold at the end of a rainbow!

So here it is, come and download, read and hopefully find something you enjoy reading!
(Gubacsi Dulu coming soon!)


AMAZON (Paperback and Kindle soon (yes, you can buy it, too))

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Last Ditch Effort UPDATE

Wow, that kinda worked... not.
A few more people downloaded RAGE for free, thank you! I hope one day someone will write another review or at least give some feedback on that one.
At this moment, I've just finished adding words to "Gubacsi Dulu" to make it 60k - it also has a title change, but I can't reveal it just yet. Keep fingers crossed the publisher will like it!
If they publish it, you can buy it, and if you buy it, I'll write the second part... and the third.

So, I've been writing since... late 2010, almost 10 years. What do I have so far?


Man by a Tree
The Bethlehem Fiasco
The Rage of Atlantis
How to Build a Castle in Seven Easy Steps
How to Sink a Ship (in eight long, excruciatingly terrifying, stinkingly evil nights)


Alice on the Outside-In
All For Love
Blue Haze

Self-Published collections of flash fiction and short stories/plays

Dani’s Shorts (1 to 7)
Six More Fantastic Short Stories No One Gives a F#ck About
Five Murdered Shakespearean Plays

A ton of flash fiction inside...

Ironology 2014: The Iron Writer Championship Series (TIW Anthology) (Volume 1)
Ironology 2015: The Iron Writer Challenge (Ironology - The Iron Writer Challenge)
Ironology 2016
Ironology 2017

Single (or two) short stories in anthologies

Itty Bitty Writing Space: 104 Stories by 104 Authors (Flash in a Flash)
CEA Greatest Anthology Written
FLASH!: A celebration of short-short fiction
Baby Shoes: 100 Stories by 100 Authors
Spectrum: A Colorful Collection of SmartyPants' Best (SmartyPants Spectrum Book 1)
Circuits & Steam
Desert Bus
DISARM: A Gun Sense Anthology (Black Heart Digital Anthologies Book 2)
Christmas Lites V
One Star Reviews of the Afterlife (Alternate Hilarities) (Volume 5)
Everything I Need to Know About Love I Learned From Pop Songs
The Indie Collaboration Presents: Tales From Darker Places: A Chilling Horror Anthology
Tales from Even Darker Places: The 13th Halloween Collection (The Indie Collaboration Presents)
Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice: A Second Children's Story Collection (The Indie Collaboration Presents Book 9)
Spectacular Tales 2: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection (The Indie Collaboration Presents Book 10)
Summer Shorts 2 (The Indie Collaboration Presents Book 11)
72 Hours of Insanity: Anthology of the Games (Volume 2)

Coming soon very soon…

(Gubacsi Dulu)
Dani's Shorts 8+

Coming a little later...

(Gubacsi Dulu) (Parts 2 and 3) ...maybe...
How to float your boat (under eleven odourless green, deliciously lavish, ostentaciously lucid, ubiquitously authentically omnipotent skies)  ...maybe...
The Beginning of Something Better  ...maybe...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Last Ditch Effort - RAGE #free for 3 days

I'm still waiting on any confirmation as to whether my latest manuscript (Gubacsi Dulu) will be accepted or not, and everything other than my short story writing and 3rd 'How to' which I work on every week is winding down... interest (none), free downloads (none), retweets (none), post likes (none), sales (HA! What are those?)... and all my new stories are systematically being rejected wherever I send them...
So, in one last ditch effort, RAGE, perhaps the favourite of all my novels, will yet again be #FREE for THREE days, starting NOW...
RAGE is a conglomeration of ideas on racism, prejudice, political dictatorship, terrorism, 9/11, species interaction, gender roles, intelligence, technology, genetics, origin of  humanity, etc.
If you haven't downloaded it or bought it (What?) already, here's your chance.

Some words about the book from readers...

Flash Gordon meets Water-world!
Heck, I'd buy it!