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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Winding down (?) the Gubacsi Dulu Party...?

Yes, it's been one hell of a ride! So many firsts for myself in my writing career, all due to the help of a certain few and of course my readers! 1000+ free downloads, KENP reads, pre-orders, ratings and ranks, even 1 star reviews, all milestones reached. Yes, we're not talking big numbers but it is something! I'm not writing to nobody, there is someone out there.

And now, as the dust begins to settle and things calm down, hopefully more reviews will come in, squashing those two 1 stars into oblivion (Yes, they're still there... 74-year-old Bernard G. needs to go back to education and smart up, methinks, the other one is a lost cause)

HANG ON! There's an upsurge again! And #1 New Release again! I'll take all you can give me!, as I wait (and plead) for those readers who understand my writing to send in their thoughts and reviews of Gubacsi Dulu, Radnoti X, the second book in the series, is being finalised. A little shorter than the first, it is fully-packed with lots of goodies, mainly ***SPOILER***

So, in a few more days, I'll pass it over to my star reader, Miss KR herself, to give her view on the book and then I can go through the process of publication. 

If you're interested in seeing how Officer Karina Reif gets on, pre-order is possible... many people have!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Desperately looking for reviews on Amazon International sites!

 As you know, I have 8 reviews so far for 'Gubacsi Dulu', which all show up on

Unfortunately, on the International sites (the UK, Canada, Australia, etc.), only 4 reviews appear...

This doesn't look good. I know, I know, people keep telling me, ignore the stupid 1 star reviews, but due to the success of the free promotion (1000+ free downloads), the book went everywhere, including to the illiterate, brain-dead 'don't make me think' horde. Out of 1000+ downloads, there's a chance the book will get into the hands of some people whose reading level is low... I find it strange that a 74-year-old man doesn't understand a book written in his own language when I know 9-year-olds who had no problem. His lawn could do with some watering, too. And what's he hiding in that huge basement? Anyway, if you've read the book, and you're not American, please leave a review (hopefully not a 1 or 2, that'll be just spiteful). Don't let the stupid take over. Please!

Keep up the good fight! Educate, educate, educate!

Here's if anyone wishes to see the book there...

Here are all the relevant Amazon International links...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Another FIRST! ..though still looking for reviews...

 Oh, this keeps getting better! For the first time EVER, my three latest books (1 available, 1 almost complete and 1 on the 'writing' board) are together in my Amazon Rank page!

Okay, so the ranking numbers aren't great, but this is the first time the same series has done this, and that I've had three novels all sitting together. I kept 'Baby Shoes' on the screenshot because it's always in the Top 5. All three books are also in the Top 100 of the subcategory 'Children's Steampunk' (#17,#52,#68) and Gubacsi Dulu still holds the #1 New Release. 

So, good news! ...however... I'm still looking for reviews, especially due to those two crazy 1 star reviews, one from an illiterate and the other who rates something from reading 1/60th of the whole. So, PLEASE, if you have a little time and the possibility, write a little review for the book, every one of them helps.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Gubacsi Dulu reviews 6th, 7th and 8th - two 5 stars! (and a 1...)

Gubacsi Dulu is STILL the #1 New Release in a subcategory Amazon gave my book... it keeps moving 1st, 2nd, 3rd, but due to KENP reads, it's there!

Radnoti X also has half a dozen Per-Orders, and orders for Farkas Alpha have started as well! NEVER in the history of my 10 years has this happened!

But the BEST news? 

The other day I was honoured... I received two 5 star reviews, one from the great sci-fi series writer Jasper T. Scott on, and another from Chris Graham, 'Chris the Story Reading Ape' blogger. Both of them were essential in the success of the Gubacsi Dulu free promotion, so it was a special feeling to see such good reviews from them!

I really can't ask any more from these guys, they've been fantastic! 

And of course, I'm still looking for reviews from you! The more the merrier, and more reviews means a greater opportunity that the book will be noticed...

But I'm not really happy about this 1 star review... the guy read one chapter... out of sixty, and put up a 1 star review...


That's like someone...

...stepping into a restaurant and shouting "This place sucks! The food's disgusting!" without trying the food.

...seeing a bus go by and saying "Wow, this bus service is really shit!" without even wanting to get on it.

...looking at a brand new car in a showroom and saying "Man, this drives like a whale!" without getting into the seat.

 He asks... "Maybe it's me." ...maybe it is.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Book 3 - Farkas Alpha, available for Pre-Order + Gubacsi Dulu 5th review! 5*

 Yes, Farkas Alpha, Book 3 in my sci-fi Humanity H2O, is now available for Pre-Order! It'll come out on my birthday (January 11th 2020).

Of course it's not written yet, but the ideas are rolling through my mind and the setting, general plot and message are already set. It will only take me a few months to write out the first draft and hopefully the deadline will push me on to finish this fantastic sci-fi series. I already have a nice cover, as you can see.

And can you see on the right? I've added my 'accolade', Gubacsi Dulu getting a #1 New Release orange banner... a big thing for little 'ol me!

And another little thing which is big for me... another review for Gubacsi Dulu! The 5th! And a 5 star! As you can see, Amazon are weighing the one poor (poorly spelt, bad grammar and 1 star) review heavily in the rating. Three 5*, one 3* and one 1* = 3.6 out of 5? At that rate, I'll need two more 5 stars to push it over 4 out of 5, IF I'm lucky, probably three more. Anyway, THANK YOU, whoever you are, for the 5 stars!


Sunday, September 6, 2020

KENP is a Wonderful thing!

 KENP...Kindle Edition Normalized Pages... what's that, you say? Well, if you're a member of Kindle Unlimited, you can read whatever is on Amazon for 'free' - for the price of the membership fee, of course. And there are lot of people, I guess, who are members.

And do you know, some members of Kindle Unlimited from the USA, the UK, Canada and Australia are reading Gubacsi Dulu! This is so wonderful for me to see. I have no idea whether anyone is reading the whole book, how many people are reading it, all I can see is the amount of pages they have turned. It's not a lot... so far... but it's enough to say 'Hey, I can go get a pint with that!' - which of course I wouldn't, I'd probably go out to an antikvárium and find another ancient classic book to sink my teeth into...yummy.

So this is yet another first for me, really. I have had pages read before, but not in this quantity.

Gubacsi Dulu is still stuck on 4 reviews globally, needs a little help if you can!

And Radnoti X is available to Pre-Order! I have some... but not enough for a pint... ancient classic book! All I can say at the momentr is... it's even more claustrophobic and full of goodies than the first!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Conceptual Continuity: Book 3 ideas are appearing

Would you believe it? I haven't even finished the second book in my new Humanity H2O sci-fi series and now the ideas are coming for the third book. Here's the cover...

Until the second one's out, I won't be able to tell you anything about this one, not even the blurb because ***spoiler***

But let's discuss Conceptual Continuity. As Frank Zappa said...

I'm a HUGE fan of Zappa, not only for the professional and 'different' music but for how he did his business, without the system, without the large corporations in the music industry. Dweezil is still out there, fighting the good fight!

And I like to do the same as Zappa, have some continuity in my work.

First of all, notice the 'colours' of the covers...or shall I say, the 'light'...sure, they're not so professional but on a budget of air that's what you can come up with.

And the titles...

Gubasci Dulu, Radnoti X, Farkas Alpha

There's something going on there, but unfortunately, it will be lost in time because I won't tell. Sometimes a code appears which can't be broken... well, no one has even bothered about 'All For Love' (free on Smashwords here) - that's ALL written in code. It was a 'labour of love' and great to write. The code in the three titles doesn't need to be broken, it's only there as an inspiration for me! Just another way to spur yourself on when writing!

News very soon!