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Friday, April 4, 2014

Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow - Blogging from A-Z Challenge April 2014

Yep, it's 'D' already in my 'Zappa and how he has affected my life' theme on "Blooging...Blogging from A-Z Challenge"!!

Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow. It just tickles me pink, I've seen it so many times (and probably done it in some drunken state. It also reminds me of Bob Rivers' Christmas song, those damn Twisted Christmas Tunes! here's that one...(
As with all Zappa songs, there's a serious side and I'm all for banning seal culling or fur trapping or whatever it's called. But it also gives a fantastic imagery! (See, I'm well into musical imagery). That's it for today :-)
Here's an animation of 'Don't Eat the Yellow Snow'!

And when you're done here, please go over to the fantastic K.A. DaVur's 'Blogging A-Z Challenge' here...:-)

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