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Friday, March 5, 2021

A Call for Reviews! FREE copies available!

I'm in a Catch 22 situation.

In order to get my new book advertised to A TON of sci-fi readers (I'm talking 5000+ REAL sci-fi readers), I need 5 reviews. 

But in order to get reviews, I need to advertise to those readers because that's the audience who will not only buy it, but read and review it.

Catch 22.

I'm talking about my new book... Under the Shade of the Sun. Action, fun, suspense, intrigue. And more action. 

SO... if there's anyone real out there (which is a BIG question at the moment) and if you can review a book on Amazon (ie. you're an Amazon member or have spent over 50 dollars), message me, I'll send you the book for FREE! Without those 5 reviews, the advert isn't going out, the HUGE audience won't see it, it will wither and die in the literary desert that is the Amazon book graveyard. Hell, if you can't review, I'll still give it to you for FREE! You'll like it!

Here's the link for the book if you're thinking of buying it a or recommending it and supporting my work...(And maybe even pre-order the 2nd!)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A sale! And Book 2 in progress!

The first sale of 'Under the Shade of the Sun'! ...THANK YOU! I'm trying to guess who it is but that's tricky. Yep. One. And a paperback. I'm surprised. And I've just changed the Preface (it felt a bit pretentious) But, yeah, I'm surprised... 1. because it's a paperback 2. that there aren't any ebook sales. Readership is so strange. From success to 'bust', all within a few weeks. 


I already have some ideas and a semi-plot for book 2, so it will probably be ready quite soon. It's up fro Pre-Order already, though I've set the publishing date way ahead to give me time. Here's the cover. Can you see the continuity? Bohatch is a character from Radnoti X (go and look at the cover), and of course, book 1's cover. But here's the cover of 'Slaughter Under the Bridge'...get it? Uh-huh...

And here's the link for book 1, 'Under the Shade of the Sun' it, read it, review it! Then pre-order the 2nd (see above) because the 1st is so good!

And, of course, Humanity H2O is still available! 

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dr. Seuss' Enterprises Public Statement #SeussBirthday

It was Dr. Seuss' birthday yesterday, and his company gave this statement...

Okay, I understand, they can't 'call back' all those books, but they did the next 'best' thing and cancelled publishing them, for some 'inappropriate' pictures showing other races stereotypically.

I found one in 'Mulberry Street', reinforcing a cultural stereotype...

But what about 'The Cat in the Hat'? I love the style but I never got on with the main character, there was always something wrong with the Cat for me. I couldn't put my finger on it - because I'm sometimes quite slow, especially seeing as I was brought up in a 'white' environment. But now I know the Cat is based on Blackface and African American stereotypes, now I can see why my brain refused to like him.

But of course, how can Seuss Enterprises cancel The Cat in the Hat? It's their main product! The hypocrisy is killing...

Here's a Washington Post article... omiting this question...

Monday, March 1, 2021

Humanity H2O series looking pretty!

My first sci-fi series is looking pretty with all those ratings... only 2 ratings away from 100 in total! (Hopefully they're good ones...)

And I hope that one day my new sci-fi series will reach such heights!

Book 1, 'Under the Shade of the Sun' it, read it, review/rate it!

And, of course, Humanity H2O is still available! 

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)

Sunday, February 28, 2021

New Book + 70th Gubacsi Dulu rating!

A milestone. Gubacsi Dulu reaches its 70th rating... and review. It's a 3 star, but the reviewer seems to be in two minds about it, neither liking nor disliking the book. Says more about him than the book... I wonder if he'll go on with the series? Probably not. I seem to be dealing with 'single' readers now, not like a dozen or so at once. Never mind. I know the literary desert so well.

I HAVE a NEW book out. My Beta readers say it's even better than Humanity H2O, book 1 of The Bohatch Chronicles, "Under the Shade of the Sun"...there may be a 2nd, or 3rd but no more. And by the response so far, that's about right. 

It's based in the same universe as Humanity H2O but 25 years earlier, and has SO MANY references to war and scifi movies that I've enjoyed through the years. I've used famous quotes throughout the book (changed a little to fit the situation).

And, of course, Humanity H2O is still available! 

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)

9th rating of Farkas Alpha! (5 star!) + FIRST 10 MESSAGES...

THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE for the 9th rating of Farkas Alpha... a 5 star!

AND, I DO HAVE a NEW book out. My Beta readers say it's even better than Humanity H2O, book 1 of The Bohatch Chronicles, "Under the Shade of the Sun"...

AND... if you are one of the first 10 (TEN) people to send me a message with a contact email THEN I will GIVE YOU a FREE e-copy of this book! (In any format you wish! (epub, mobi, pdf, etc.)

Oh yes, I will!

And, of course, Humanity H2O is still available! (like I'd unpublish it...)

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)

Saturday, February 27, 2021

4th rating for Reif's Return! ANOTHER 5 star!

 Yes, they're slowly coming in, ratings, and on, there are now FOUR 5 star ratings. THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE! I guess once readers get to book 4 of a 4-book series, they kinda like it! :-) 

However, there are no reviews on, but there are on other Amazion sites, a 5 star review from the UK and a 4 star review from Australia (from the Top 1000 reviewer ... I think she gave the books 3,3,4,4.

So on COM = four 5 ratings, UK = one 5 review and one 4 rating, AUS = one 4 review. They all 'live' on Amazon separately. Together they make five 5 star and two 4 star (7 total). Damn good.

Anyway, I DO HAVE a NEW book out. My Beta readers say it's even better than Humanity H2O, book 1 of The Bohatch Chronicles, "Under the Shade of thr Sun"... yes, a strange title. I already have an idea what book 2 is about... yes, I also like a surprise!

And, of course, Humanity H2O!

Humanity H2O! (the singles)

Humanity H2O (together as one)