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Thursday, April 17, 2014

EU 'watering' verse / EU-s locsolóvers


This is my variation on a traditional Hungarian Easter rhyme when the boys 'water/sprinkle' the girls in exchange for money/fruit brandy (yes, dubious 'marking territory' tradition but none the less...) 
The original goes...

"I was walking in the green forest, 
when I saw blue Ibolyas (flowers).
They were withering, 
Can I water them?" 
(The girl then says 'yes')

For the last few years, the EU has stopped the spraying of mites (diesease-ridden insects which give Lime-disease - brain disease.)
My version...

"I was walking in the green forest, 
when I saw lots of mites. 
They wanted to bite me, 
can I kill them? 
EU says - "No!" " 

My TIW Challenge 61 take :-)

Ah, memories...
...blah, blah, blah...take written history. You think that's what really happened? Turn on your TV, watch the you'll be telling me that's true as well...omission is a lie.
Anyway, I had a little fun with the latest Iron Writer weekly challenge :-) Hope you like it...

Challenge 61 - lace shawl, revolving doors, image of a fire-eater on a beach at night, duct tape

"So, what happened to Stanley?"
"Who?" Tracy pouted her lips in the mirror, making sure the lipstick was perfect.
Her eyeliner, however, needed touching up.
"Stanley, Stanley Kundricks, you know, last time I saw you, when was it…?"
"Almost a year ago, Brigitte, almost a year, right after my last birthday."
Brigitte and herself were going out on the town, have a few drinks, do a little
dancing, maybe get lucky. With those eyebrows, Brigitte would have to be very
lucky…the lift up bra helped.
"Yeah, then." There was no regret in her voice that she’d ignored Tracy for so long,
but that was Brigitte, here today, gone tomorrow. "So?"
"Oh, that Stanley…no, it didn’t work out, really."
"But he was fantastic, a great catch!"
"Yeah, well…"
"We double dated, I remember now. Ugh, I was with that Dave bloke, yuck."
"Ha! Yeah, I remember him. Those jeans…"
"We went to a restaurant together, and then…" Brigitte lay on the bed looking in
her pocket mirror making silent kisses in the air.
"…and then the beach." Tracy was almost done, she only had to sort her hair out.
And choose an outfit.
"Oh, yeah! There were a few performances, weren’t there? A juggler, a fire-eater, he was cute. I tried to get his attention but that Dave said we should walk the Quay ’in the moonligh’."
"Yes, but…"
"And that was so romantic, when Stanley bought you a lace shawl from that old
gypsy woman and you wore it as you guys strolled along the river. Dave tried to
get the better of me in one of the alleys but I gave him a kick in the balls. Stopped
him for a few minutes. Stanley just held your hand, so nice. I wish I could find
someone like that, so gentleman like, and not these tossers I always get."
"Yes, well…"
"So? What ever happened? Last time I saw you guys that night, after Dave tried it
on again, was when you disappeared through those revolving doors of that posh
hotel on the corner."
"That Dave, had some money but no idea. Left him a few weeks later for a truck
driver. Ha, he was funny. Smelly but funny, and there was always the chance of
travel...and bacon."
"So what happened? What happened with Stanley, Tracy? Any fireworks? Any
plans? Why aren’t you guys married or something?"
"C’mon, what was it? Not enough money? Car not fast or flashy enough? Not so
manly in the downstairs department? What? What was it? What went wrong, huh,
"Lousy kisser?"
"No, I think it was when he wrapped duct tape around my mouth, tied me up and
threw me the trunk of his car, drove me to some desolate hut in the middle of the
woods and left me there to rot for six months."
"Oh, right." Brigitte went back to her pocket mirror and practised smiling.
"I think that was the clincher, really."
"Well, no one’s perfect."

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One Size Fits All -Zappa (Blogging A-Z Challenge)


'One Size Fits All' - it really does. From its collage CD cover to the wonderful music inside. This is an album that amazes, so shiny and bright...and weird and jazzy in some ways funky. What got me the first time I  heard this was how polished but alive it all seemed to be, compared to the Zappa I'd heard before - what I thought were studio albums...I later found out that Zappa edited live music in the studio, mixing drum parts and guitar solos which had 10 years plus between them in performance date...genius! But this album is a band together, playing SOOOO professionally!

This link takes you to a list of songs on the album...enjoy! Or else!

Naval Aviation In Art? (segue)

'Naval Aviation in Art'...I was sceptical of Zappa doing orchestral music, until I heard this on 'The Perfect Stranger'. I got into this part of Zappa's stuff, especially 'Francesco Zappa' - which I could play continuously - that album isn't Zappa's music, but uses the same instrument, the Synclavier. Using this machine, Zappa was able to get closer to the sound he wanted, rather than depend on educated snobs sawing wood and blowing through metal.

Here is a really nice video of 'Naval Avaiation in Art' on 
...and for those who want to listen to some dead 18th century Italian composer music played on a computerised instrument, here's 'Francesco Zappa'...(of course, that's 'F' but hey :-))



Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Guitar wants to kill your Mama (Blogging A-Z Challenge)


...has to be 'My Guitar wants to kill your Mama'...but not the one on 'Weasels Ripped my flesh'. I bought that fantastic 6 part double CD set 'You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore', and on Volume 4 was a rendition of this. You can find it on youtube here..(or something very similar, I can't remember).
It reminds me of some snobbish mothers way back when...

...but then 'M' could be the 'Mammy Nuns' from 'Thingfish'...I had the vinyl to that, with a special booklet and arsehole who thought there were two types of people, the wolves and the sheep, well, he borrowed it, sold it for drugs and killed himself by crashing his motorbike into the back of a tractor. Complete waster. He actually did look something like this...(this is a Mammy Nun)...remorse...some...

Monday, April 14, 2014

LTYTTB/Little Green Rosetta (Blogging A-Z Challenge)


I couldn't make up my mind between 'Lemme Take you to the beach' (Studio Tan) and 'Little Green Rosetta' (Joe's Garage).
Both songs make me happy whenever I hear them and I need to join in like some stupid teenager. Nowadays I change Little Green Rosetta to 'Little Green, White and Red Rosetta' to match the Hungarian flag when I see some overzealous Hungarian Nationalist wearing one a day which isn't customary, and 'Lemme Take you to the beach' when we go to a strand (Hungary is known for its 'artificial beaches', openair fun swimming pool areas - it gets very hot in the summer good!
But, of course, BOTH songs are speaking about the same things....
Okay, so here are the songs on youtube :-) Hope they also put a smile on your face....

Lemme Take you to the beach...(this is a very...well, I've never seen this Ren & Stimpy episode!...hope you're under 18...)

Little Green Rosetta...(just the'll need this one after that Ren & Stimpy cartoon...)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Steampunk! TIW Weekend Quickie 31

Wrote a Steampunk Weekend Quickie, it could be a small part of a larger thing. My first Steampunk short story, 'Tracer's Choice' will be published in May 2014, but this one may be the start of something big...
Here it is...and go and see the other 200 worders here ..

Tracer aimed Amelie's sights on the nearest Zepplin's main rope, the central of four keeping the airship steady in the night sky. The dozen or so Zepplins lit up the area around the British camp, making any assault impossible without major losses.

"Tracer, y'er gonna bring d'em British pigs on us, y'are."

"Ireland, you haven't got much confidence in my abilities."

"Nah, but optimism, yeah. If yer don' mind, I'll skedaddle back t'lines an' watch the fireworks back there. Gunnin' fer yer!"

Ireland ran back, leaving Tracer alone. A slight breeze blew across no man's land and Tracer turned Amelie to the furthest left of the Zepplins. He aimed at the main rope and fired. It cut and the airship rose almost imperceptibly. A few of the troops in the camp looked into the darkness. Tracer opened Amelie's breech and out popped the empty case. He placed in another bullet and fired, cutting through a second rope. The Zepplin slowly floated over the British camp. The troops were now in a panic, some due to the shoots, others due to the impending danger. Tracer's third bullet brought a fireball down on the camp.

"There'll be some bacon tonight!", he laughed.

UPDATE: I've edited this piece, it now stands at about 400 words, and is the beginning of a new 'Tracer' story...more to come...
Tracer aimed Amelie’s sights on the nearest Zepplin’s rope, one of three keeping the airship steady in the night sky. The dozen or so Zepplins lit up the area around the British camp, making any assault impossible without major losses.
“Tracer, y’er gonna bring d’em British pigs on us, y’are.”
“Ireland, you haven’t got much confidence in my abilities.”
“Nah, but optimism, yeah. If yer don’ mind, I’ll skedaddle back t’lines an’ watch the fireworks back there. Gunnin’ fer yer!”
Ireland ran back, leaving Tracer alone. A slight breeze blew across no man’s land and Tracer turned Amelie to the furthest left of the Zepplins. He aimed at a rope and fired. It cut and the airship rose almost imperceptibly at first. A few of the troops in the camp looked into the darkness. Tracer opened Amelie’s breech and out popped the empty case. He placed in another bullet and fired, cutting through a second rope. The Zepplin slowly floated over the British camp. The troops were now in a panic, some due to the shoots, others due to the impending danger. Tracer’s third bullet brought a lethal fireball down on the camp.
“There’ll be some bacon tonight!”, he laughed. - See more at: