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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Why is football so important in Hungary?

In the last few years, stadiums are sprouting up everywhere, including the infamous one in the tiny village Felcsút (which just happens to be the birthplace of the PM...
In 2014, Ferencvárosi TC, Debreceni VSC, and Pukás Académia FC. There are more on the way.

Why is football SO important in Hungary? The football is of poor quality (though the national team FINALLY got into the European championships after decades of nothing) and no one goes to watch them play.
Billions of forints are spent on stadiums...

...Billions are diverted from other programs such as feeding the poor...

What can be SOOOO important?
Let's have a look at Ferencvárosi TC football team, they have a new stadium, AND they can donate FIVE HUGE SECURITY GUARDS to BLOCK DEMOCRACY.
(see my earlier post - remember to come back, I'm not finished yet...
Using the information from here, the Hungarian Wiki, it can't be wrong, LOL...
This season, they've had 11 matches, with a total of 88,578 attendance (average 8053 per match). The problem is, they have a 23,698 capacity stadium, meaning on average, it is 66% empty (yes, I'm a glass half empty kinda guy :-)).
Mmm, let's look at the other 2014 new stadium...Debreceni VSC football team...11 matches, 33,056 attendance (3005 average) with a 20,340 capacity stadium...85% empty. WTF?! Something's not right here.
Vasas, the new team which won the 2nd division and moved up this year, announced they will receive 7.5 billion forints between 2015 and 2020.

At the moment, they have a small stadium, but their figures are a little better...but still, a TON of money for a sport. Average attendance per match: 2117 with a capacity of 4500 (53% empty).

It's all getting to look a little DODGY, this Government money, sorry, TAX PAYERS' money, going to one sport...a sport, and not some facility or service more in need, like hospitals, education, infrastructure, pensions (they already stole the private pensions), etc.
And why is FOOTBALL so important, in terms of sports? Other Hungarian sports have almost as large attendances, and in some instances, more!
Women's Handball  - Champions League
2016.02.05. Nagybánya - FERENCVÁROS 32-24 - 2.300 – néző
2016.02.13. FERENCVÁROS -  Rostov 29-29 - 4.000 - néző
Basketball  - NB I.
2016.02.13. ZALAEGERSZEG - Falco Szombathely 84-49 - 2.400 – néző
2016.02.10. -SOPRON - Körmend 61-80 -2.000 – néző
Women's Basketball  - EuroCup
2016.02.04. DIÓSGYŐR - Nymburk 77-50 - 1.800 – néző
Women's Volleyball -  Hungarian Cup [Final]
2016.02.12. Békéscsaba - Vasas Budapest 3-0 - 1.800 - néző (Érden)

Something is SOOOOO DODGY.
Can you smell that? That's the smell of CORRUPTION on a VERY LARGE scale. 
And what's being done about? Nothing. Because you can't. Democracy has been suspended here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Referendum Run - PLEASE SHARE

Okay, it's got so silly in this country that I have to write up the latest happening. This is so stupid and transparent. Why can't anyone see this?
Last year, the Government closed all shops larger than 200/250m2 (can't remember the specifics) on Sundays. Their reason? They don't need a reason, do they? Something about people needing to go to religion and politics should mix, huh, and closing shops would make people go...anyway...

The Opposition Party wanted a Public Referendum for a question similar to "Should all shops have the right to be open on a Sunday?" They registered at the correct office one week in advance (as that's the law) and 40 odd seconds before they could hand in their question, an old woman who owns a small shop that is allowed to be open on a Sunday miraculously handed in a question about the same topic. The Opposition Party was not allowed to hand in their question because the law states that only one question on the same topic is allowed per year. The old woman's question was later rejected (who knows why) but because she'd handed in that one question, the Opposition Party had to wait a year.

Back story: for years, the Government have been putting BILLIONS into football in this country, including building stadiums which aren't up to holding first or second class matches, or stadiums which will never be filled. Watch a match on TV and you'll see an almost empty stadium.

Now the time comes for the Opposition Party to try the Public Referendum again. They register one week ahead. They go to the correct office to hand in the question...BUT...five huge muscular guys physically get in their way, and while they try to get past them, a little old woman (yes, the same one) sneaks by and hands in her question.
It's the stuff of novels, really. This is so dumb.
The Opposition Party find out that these five muscular guys are security men who work for the most aggressive football team in the country, the director of which is connected to the Government.

Transparent, eh? What do you think? This is so wrong. And yet nothing is done. Demonstrations are not shown on TV (because of censorship) and no one can speak against the Government. Almost every day, something like this happens...and nothing is done...other than people getting into trouble for speaking out.

UPDATE: The 'little old woman' is in fact the WIFE of a Pro-Government village ex-Mayor. This transparency has got to STOP!

Comments are SOOOOO welcome and please SHARE this around. People need to know.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Infatuation - a poem?

 "All For Love" is still out there, waiting for someone to read it.
The book is basically about 'infatuation', but it has a secret message hidden inside, a personal message for those special people who give a shit :-)

Here's a little 'poem' about it. I don't write poetry.

You were Never There

You were an idea, an infatuation,
One that almost destroyed me.
You played the game, and the game was me.
But it was all me, and never you.
You were never there.
It was all me.

Yep. That's why I don't write poetry. LOL

But I do write the cover.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekend Quickie 167 - 200 words of #KanyeWest

Yep, it's time for an Iron Writer Weekend Quickie (167).
Go see them on the website...

...AND see mine here:-) Thought I'd go 'popular'
200 words of 'class'...HA!... Kanye West...

WQ 167 – image above, controversy, ground rules, business as usual

"Calm down, please. We're here to make some ground rules between your fat ass mouth and bubble butt brain, Mr. West. We need to stem this rush of controversies you have created recently," said the suit, a lawyer from his record company.
"Dat's 'Kanye' West to you, white boy! You can't change a black man's name like that! You ain't got no right!"
"I was merely showing respect, 'Kanye' West, sir." He straightened his tie and coughed.
"How dare you label me, white boy!"
The lawyer turned to West's bubble butt brain. "I'm sorry, but as you have seen, your fat ass mouth has run away with itself so many times in the last few months, you are in danger of being spewed out with all that hot air. I strongly advice you to find other accommodation."
"He ain't goin' nowhere! He stay wid me and we make the bestest bestest music ever!" screamed Kanye. "I'm the most greatest human who ever live!" He stood up, taking his brain with him and made a pose to imaginary cameras. sent out a tweet asking for another 1 billion dollars and left the building.
"Oh dear. Business as usual," sighed the lawyer.

...and "All For Love" is still out there, a 'black' comedy about infatuation...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

"All For Love" Paperback! + C145 Win!

"All For Love" paperback is finally out on Amazon! Don't all rush at once!
Somehow I broke the 100k on the Amazon Author Rank (#94,275) for a day :-)
And thank you, Annoymous, for your latest comment. No, I don't think those sex websites would be good to look at.

And...I won the Iron Writer Challenge 145 with a nice little story called "Dalloway's Clown".

Can you see the 4 elements?

Dalloway’s Clown

The whiskey bottle, black eye and forlorn look said it all. Another failure. “How did it go, the birthday party?” she asked.
“I quit.”
“Oh, that well.” She hung up her coat and went into the kitchen to make a coffee. “Did you do your song and dance thing with the water squirting flower?” He grunted and she heard him take a swig.
“It’s my opening act. Went down like a turd in a playground.”
“Did you do your $1 changing to a $2 trick and then back again? I like that one.” She put the kettle on and prepared her cup.
“The kid only had a $10, so when he saw it change, he got upset and ripped it up.”
“But that $2’s a collector’s item!” she said, getting out a spoon.
“Tell that to an eight year old.”
“Where did you get the eye?”
“From his dad.”
“I was strangling the git!”
If only he would go back to his street performing she loved so much and not do these cheesy, pathetic children’s parties. She remembered when they first met, her falling for his colourful baggy trousers, red nose and him juggling knives while blowing fire from his mouth. She swooned at his mixture of Chinese and Celtic tattoos and they went for a burger on his takings. He was such a man then, but now? Now he was a mere clown. “You can’t find the answer in a bottle.”
“I can try. This is the last one. Have we got any more?”
She looked around the kitchen; he’d drunk the whole place dry.
“I even drank that piss poor vodka in the jar.”
What vodka? They didn’t have any vodka. “Why didn’t you try your balloon animals, that’s always a winner.” Her water boiled and she made her drink.
“I did. They said my poodle looked more like a woman’s genitalia.”
“Eight year olds?”
“What about your X-ray glasses gag? That always gets the adults going. That’s half the fight.”
“Yep, did that one, too. I think I’m gonna be indicted for harrassment.”
“Oh. How about your joke cigars?”
“Second indictment.”
A sip from her coffee took the edge off. “So, bad gig, then. But come on, you’ve gotta look ahead, try out new routines. Have you got any new things from that shop of yours?”
“Oh, ‘that’ shop? The one you said was full of crap?”
“Yes, that one.” Why did she even say that?
“Haven’t been there since we went. It was so embarrassing, you saying it was so lame. And then you bought Sea Monkeys. Sea Monkeys!”
“They looked interesting.”
“I’m sorry I let you see that shop now. Last time I went in they laughed at me. I’m quitting this clown act. I’ve had enough.”
“Maybe you should. Speaking of my Sea Monkeys, where are they?” She went into the room and held up the empty jar. Why was he now puking on the carpet? He could never hold his drink.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Neuromancer by William Gibson...fantastic!

In terms of science fiction, I was more into Greg Bear and his "Blood Music" and lately "shoot-em-ups" from my friend Jasper T. Scott  but now I bumped into William Gibson's masterpiece "Neuromancer" again. When I first tried to read it, I couldn't. I stopped because I didn't get it. But now... it's a fantastic book. Okay, the end is a touch flat but the rest is a fresh air to the mind! I can understand how some people can say they 'don't get it' or feel that's it's 'forced', but it's a certain style and I sped through it. I really enjoyed this book.  Putting a 5 star review on Amazon now...

...talking of's the full paperback cover of "All For Love"! Still not available yet, but soon...the Kindle ebook is here...