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If you'd like to know about the latest promos, offers and publications, get on the email list by using the Contact Form on the sidebar. Thank you!

Monday, April 1, 2019

NEW REVIEW! on "How to Sink a Ship"

Yes, finally another post! And another review! Thank you Maureen Larter!

"How to Sink a Ship (in eight long, excruciatingly terrifying, stinkingly evil nights!)"

March 30, 2019
Format: Paperback
A giggle a minute. To really appreciate this book, you have to have a quirky sense of humour. I loved it.

Just 48 more to go to get on that magical Amazon readers' list!
I wish my publisher would make it available in ebook form...

News: The new anthology is going well, over $8000 in the Kickstart and halfway through the editing process. It'll soon be out.
And free downloads? Going well! Over 300 last month! Still waiting for my first 1000 downloads but some are over 700 now.

A new book? Soon. Soon :-)

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Itty Bitty Writing Space Kickstarter doing FANTASTICALLY!

Well, the Kickstarter of Itty Bitty Writing Space is going FANTASICALLY well!
The initial goal was set at...$ 1,700 
but it's not at...
$ 6,580!!!
...still with 12 days to go!
Go and see for yourself, or maybe even back it yourself! Click here!

There's even an execellent graphic about the 'team', which I'm in...can you guess which one I am?

Other news.. Manna-X, after almost 500 FREE downloads the other week - there might now even be 10,000+ copies out there somewhere - I have 19 reviews. Nineteen. If anyone out there has downloaded or even PURCHASED it, please write up a review! Thank you!
Manna-X is here!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

New readers, NEW ANTHOLOGY!

I've picked up a few new readers... thank you, whoever you are! Got a ton of 'Kindle Edition Normalized Pages' read, which is very nice indeed... thank you!
I'm also involved, both as editor and contributor in a BRAND NEW ANTHOLOGY from Mr. Jason Brick, the 3rd collaboration...
After only a few hours, the Kickstarter campaign was 100% backed, and looking at it now, after only a few days, it's at over 200% and rising! Looks like a good thing is happening!
Please go over and have a look at the project, it's worth the click! And if you back it before the 31st, you can put a copy into a library of your choice!
Itty Bitty Writing Space: A Flash Fiction Anthology

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Sale, a National Presentation and a tons of downloads...

Yep, that's today!
I got the news that I will be presenting an essay on Hamlet film adaptations in the National Student Presentation Competition in a few months.
Someone also bought "Manna-X"...!!!!
...and a handful of people downloaded most of my freebies from Smashwords.
You don't get many days like these!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read and review! It's the only way to spread the word!
Thank you for all your support...! ...but don't leave yet, we've only just begun!



Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #284,467 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

                                         (Screenshot from Zeffirelli's Hamlet, 1990)

Saturday, January 19, 2019

19th MANNA-X Review!

I now have my 19th Manna-X review! After five days of FREE ebooks, with almost 500 copies downloaded across the world - the majority on - I have my 19th!!! ...I haven't kept up with the quantity of Manna-Xs out there, somewhere. Probably about 3000+ now, maybe more - though very few were actually bought. But hey, I'm not a 'name'.
So, the review?
Well, it's a 3 star, the first for Manna-X... BUT if you have a quick look at the review, you can see that...
1. The person is in some way religious or has faith in God - therefore it could be difficult for them to like Manna-X, which IS irreverent, as they say..
2. The person doesn't like Douglas Adams, which is the style of Manna-X, basically.

So, considering this, 3 stars is FANTASTIC! "...written very well and with some great dialog" YES! Thank you!
If you did download Manna-X and just haven't got around to reviewing it yet, here's the link...

Here's the short but succinct review! Thank you, 'Kindle Customer', you brought me one step closer to the 'big list'. Thank you!
 Absurd January 17, 2019
Absurd and irreverent, but ultimately only very silly. If you don't like Douglas Adams, you won't like this. Still, written very well with some great dialog.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Please READ and LEAVE a REVIEW!....In Search of TWO reviews...."Manna-X" FREE AGAIN

Yes, I'm in search of reviews, yes, more reviews for "Manna-X".
I have heard that if a book gets 20 reviews, it is put on a very long list of Amazon books and distributed in some way to readers among the Amazon reading community. If it has 50, then it goes up the list, etc.
So. the more reviews a book has, the more 'exposure' it gets among the reading community.
..."Manna-X" has 18 reviews...I need TWO MORE to try out this 'rumour'.
Can anyone please put on a review? It's a fantastic book, and I hope someone can  put on an  honest review...well, two people at least?...maybe...

LINK to FREE ebook! FREE for FIVE days!

Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year! "All For Love" on Smashwords FREE

Thank you to all who downloaded "Trilogy" in the last few days - downloads from the USA, the UK, Germany, Canada, and India!
I hope you will all give it a try, perhaps even give a review once you've digested them - a lot to read, three books in one.

In my studies, I've recently had to re-read the Greek classics and the Bible, including work by the literary critic Northrop Fyre...Why Frye? Why, indeed. Although I despise him, his work must be read and taken in, and he uses some possibly useful terminology.

Anyway...I've made a decision. Time to make "All For Love" FREE!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

"Trilogy" FREE for 4 days + "How to Sink a Ship" reader!

Just received a photo from a reader of "How to Sink a Ship!" with the promise of a review later!
Well, that makes my day...and hey, there's a plush foot in the picture too...hope it's not a squirrel!

Why don't you pop over to have a look at the book, or even go look at my freebies over at Smashwords!
Or even download the FREE copy of "Trilogy" which includes...
Man by a Tree
The Bethlehem Fiasco
The Rage of Atlantis

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

First review in AGES! "How to Sink a Ship"

Yeah! A review for my new book!
It's so good to finally get some feedback for months/years of work! One day it'll be in Kindle, but I think it's still better to get a paperback. Anyway, here's the review from my pal Jasper Scott!

5.0 out of 5 stars (December 5, 2018)
Hilarity and Mayhem!

Pirates and Zombies collide in hilarious ways in this unlikely mash-up of genres. The result is pure laughter and distraction from the weightier matters in life. The style and tone is fairly reminiscent of Monty Python, and the writing is fantastic. Dani Caile has reached a pinnacle with this book. I wish someone would make a movie out of it so my wife and I could laugh ourselves to tears together!

And here's the link to my new book!

Jasper Scott is a fabulous sci-fi writer himself, much more famous and successful than me!
You should check out his books, they're all a great read, I thoroughly recommend them.

Monday, November 12, 2018

FREE "Man by a tree" for THREE

Yes, my first ever book from 2011 is FREE for three days.
I read the first chapter a week ago and thought I'd try an audiobook...when I get the time.
But before that happens, come and download it, read it, tell me what you think!
Click on the link...
"Man by a tree" FREE

..and here's another picture in the spirit of the book (as the cover ain't so great)...

Some readers have already downloaded it...thanks!

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #13,968 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store), come along, download and read. You could even review :-)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

FREE BOOK + A few new reviews...from the anthologies!

Due to the launch of my new book (see at the bottom of this post), I'm giving my FIRST BOOK FREE for THREE DAYS!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12th to the 14th!
Just click on the title to get there...


The cover isn't so great, so I'll put this excellent picture up instead...

I've also been checking out reviews and a few have popped up recently from the anthologies I'm in.
Here's one from October and another from a few days ago...

CEA Greatest Anthology Written (the book trying for the Guinness World Record)


FLASH! (the 2nd anthology from Jason Brick)

Looks like we're all doing quite well!
Of course, my NEW book is out, you know... did you know? Have I already told you?

How to Sink a Ship... Can you see what Amazon did here?

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A sale! "How to Build a Castle in Seven Easy Steps"...

Wow! I got a sale!
That doesn't happen much. I think I have the right to celebrate...*a little jig*
How to Build a Castle in Seven Easy Steps...this one...

...while my new one is over here, the 2nd installment of the same story...

Something's also happening over at
In the last 30 days I've got three times more the usual amount of free downloads, yeah, okay, we're still talking like 'nothing' but there is 'movement' fact, it's the best it's ever been! *another jig*

Just so you know...

Monday, November 5, 2018

#Trump story - The President's Brain I hope it won't come true!

I had a few goes at two of the recent Iron Writer Challenges, I can show you them once the Challenges are over, but here's one I did from the first list of elements for the Challenge in 2018 (the first list was later withdrawn, I think, as none of the elements match those on the website.)
So, from a non-existent Iron Writer Challenge, here's a story...about Trump!

Challenge #4
Elements - setting = hostile territory / emotion = fear of mirrors / condition = defensive / object = a flower / image = a child's blue eye

The President’s Brain

He pushed open the stairway door and ran through a room panting, a room empty of people but full of screens showing his face. His heart was beating out from his chest, he was so unfit: perhaps golf really wasn’t a sport after all. A pause to catch his breath gave him the time to read the caption sitting in bold colors on the screens. “Gotcha!” He hid his eyes from the screens, mirrors of his worst fear!

The same door he’d come through burst open and a mass of cameramen and reporters spilled out, running in his direction. He was in hostile territory, trapped in a building owned by one of the thousands of fake news broadcasters! Oh why did he think he could stroll in and tell them to bow to his supreme power? “Because I’m the bestest!” he said out loud. Without a thought – nothing new there – he ran on, past the banks of screens sneering out to him, all mirrors of himself, and out through the next door, down a corridor and into the first door that would open. It was some kind of small conference room, an oval table with chairs around, but nothing more. Nowhere to hide. He tried under the table, then realised it was made of glass. He grabbed the strings to control the blinds but couldn’t figure out how to move them. He looked around. There was nowhere left to hide. A large pot with a six-foot sunflower stood over in the corner. He ran over and hid behind it, the flower’s head covering most of his.

Outside the noise was deafening as people stomped up and down, looking in rooms and finding nothing. The conference door opened and he started to sweat… but the door closed. After a few moments, the noise diminished as the mob moved away, searching elsewhere. What had just happened? Had he got away with it? Slowly, he looked out from behind the sunflower. An image of a child’s blue eye covered his vision making him jump out of the plant pot. His five-hundred dollar shoes were ruined! With a sour grimace, he looked up to see a young woman holding a tablet showing the face of a young child.

“Do you know this boy?” she asked.

“Look at my shoes! Someone will pay for this! Where’s my detail? Do you have a phone?”

The woman walked away and sat down at the table. She took out her phone. “Yeah, I have a phone. Who should I call? CNN?”

“No!” He waved his small hands and grabbed the back of the chair opposite her. “You know, I have many friends, the bestest of friends, they’re great. They can do anything, they can get you anything you want…”

“Not Russian by any chance?” the woman said with a smirk. She held up the tablet once again. “Now, back to my question. Do you know this boy?”

“You… you look a bit fat, maybe you should go to the gym or something, maybe get that hair done, that nose… you remind me a little of my daughter…” he smiled and raised his eyebrows in his ol’ seductive way.

“Sit down!” He sat down. This woman was strong, he liked her. Who could he get $130,000 from? “This boy is my son. ICE took him away from me.”

“Well, err, MS-13 brought him into the country illegally, what do you expect?”


“Oh, so you work for MS-13?” He sat up and crossed his fingers together. “We won’t let just anybody into this country, you need to cross the border legally, and anyone working for MS-13 will immediately be detained.”

The young woman sat back and put her feet on the table, crossing her legs and showing him the barrel of a gun.

“Ah, a terrorist!” He smiled and tried to remember where he’d last seen his security detail. Ground floor, before he’d decided to make a run for it after all his lies, counter-lies, corruption, cheats and cons came to a halt in the guise of a subpoena handed over by the man himself.

“No, just a mother of one wanting to get back her son.” She took out a pad of paper and pen and slid it over to him. “Write down where he is and I’ll let you live.”

“What? Guffaw! How in the hell am I meant to know where one scrawny little kid is? I’m the Pre…”

“You signed the order. It’s your responsibility.”

“What? Responsibil… come on! What are you talking about? You don’t actually think what I say means anything, do you? Who are you?”

“As I said, just a mother of a child you decided to put into one of your detention camps because we were crossing back into the country after visiting relatives.”

“Look, I’m just playing politics. Attack a minority that a lot of people hate, blame everything on them, say it’s patriotic to hate them and say that anything else is a lie and fake! Then with the help of some friends, you get elected! It’s as simple as that.”

“Well, that simplicity has got you into this position. In one of the what you call “fake news” buildings, alone with a mother of a child your personal racist police took from her, a mother who is also holding a gun to your head.”

He nodded sideways. “There is that, yes. But I’m sure we can make a deal, a positive deal, one which we can agree on, and if we can’t, then I’m sure it’s still a positive deal, the best deal for all, the greatest deal…” The sound of the gun was quickly followed by a sensation of hot liquid running down his forehead and nose, dripping onto the table. “You… you shot me?” He tapped his forehead and felt the hot blood oozing from a large hole.


“Too bad you missed my brain!” He laughed as his security detail ran into the room and disarmed the woman, sending her to the floor with the bestest of bodyslams.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Readers of "How to Sink a Ship!"

Readers have appeared for "How to sink a ship"...


Amazon Bestsellers Rank: 256,223 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

...and on

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #241,640 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I wonder if anyone else will be tempted?
Who knows? But for those who can't get one, there are always the freebies over at

I'm thinking of doing Audiobooks for the first books, such as "Man by a Tree" and "The Bethlehem Fiasco", and especially the favourites "The Rage of Atlantis" and "Manna-X" (over 1000 copies out there somewhere...mostly given away as freebies, though :-(  )
When I can find the time and place, of course, like, when?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dani's Shorts 5 somewhere else...AND NEW BOOK!

I found Dani's Shorts 5 on another website...
I have no idea how it got there, because I certainly didn't give permission, but... I give it FREE at, so it's now on another platform... that can only be a good thing.
Oh, and did I say?
My new book is out!
And someone bought a book in the UK! (Thanks!!)
Amazon Bestsellers Rank: 137,332 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

So, if you'd like to read the blurb, click on this link!
...or this one...!

    Monday, October 29, 2018

    How to sink a ship! Out now! Paperback at the moment...

    The second installment of the 'How to' series is here! 
    "How to sink a ship (in eight long, excruciatingly terrifying, stinkingly evil nights)"
    Why the long title? One day you'll see why.
    Here's the lovely cover by Ash Hamilton (and finalised by Thomas Lamkin Jr)....

    ...and a link to the Paperback, so you can read the blurb!
    It's so exciting to finally get another book out there...time to work on the third installment.

    Wednesday, October 24, 2018

    Thank you, Hugh Cornwell

    I once had the chance to talk to Hugh Cornwell (who you say?)...

    ...of the Stranglers (who?)...

    ...but I chickened out. I was a big fan of the Stranglers, had bought all their albums, singles and 12"s (yes, we're talking vinyl here), even their solo stuff, including JJ Burnel's, Cornwell's and Greenfield's (Burnel even passed me a Fire & Water album because I couldn't find it anywhere - another story).

    From Cornwell's solo album at the time, 'Wolf', here's 'Another Kind of Love', a great video...

    Burnel just happen to live in the village. I thought this was too much of a coincidence to miss out on, so I asked him to sign all the solo stuff. They all did.

    One night in the pub about a day or so later, Hugh Cornwell comes in looking all suave and shiny and orders a pint. I'm sitting there like "Do I? Should I?" And I chicken out. He finishes his pint and leaves. The end. I didn't get another chance to thank him for the signatures or the many hours of pleasure listening to his voice and guitar on those early Stranglers' songs.

    I'm still sad that the original Stranglers line-up had to split, but as Cornwell said in an interview, it became more like work than a life. Everyone had settled down with a family except for him, so I guess he had to do something.

    So, I'd just like to say, thank you, Hugh Cornwell.
    And yes, I do like 'Wolf', especially "Decadence" (28:03 on this youtube audio).

    And... apparently Cornwell has a new album out, 'Monster', with a tour in November...

    I'll go and check some of the songs out...

    Ooo, hang on, what's this...'Totem & Taboo'...

    And here's Cornwell's website...

    Monday, October 22, 2018

    Famous quote pages...fantastic!

    Once in a while I look through the web, and find... myself!
    Dani J. Caile has two 'famous quote pages...not only Goodreads but these...


    ...not to mention the many places the ol' camel quote appears!
    It's nice to know I've made a little mark on the internet somewhere.

    Sunday, October 21, 2018

    "It’s wonderful to know that this planet is still offering human beings such as Dani J. Caile..."

    As you all know, I've been an 'Iron Writer' for years, though recently I haven't been contributing much. I did, however, win the last Annual Championship with my story "With Love and Admiration", found in "Dani's Shorts 7".
    So, yesterday, after writing an entry for the latest Challenge (7), I wandered over to The Iron Writer website and browsed...went over to the author archives, looked at my page and Lo and Behold, way back in 2014, this was posted from...

    Dani J Caile reflects true and significant talent. He is blessed with skill and a wonderful eye for detail. On a 5 Star bases I defiantly and with great enthusiasm… give him 5 Stars. His talent is obvious and well presented. It’s wonderful to know that this planet is still offering human beings such as Dani Caile. Great talent!

    Oh my! Thank you Dr. Stephen J. Briggs!
    I'm sorry it took me over 4 years to see it...
    And it looks like Dr. Briggs is also an author! Go over to Amazon and have a perusal!
    This book of his looks promising...
    "Just Another Nobody"

    Monday, September 10, 2018

    Manna-X FREE went well!

    Yes, quite a few people took the opportunity to download Manna-X at the weekend!
    I hope I can get a few reviews from them, though it usually comes around to one review per 200 downloads...not a good ratio!
    AND Smashwords Freebies are still going well...

    Waiting for "How to sink a ship"...

    ...but while I'm waiting, I'm brainstorming this one...wish me luck!

    Saturday, September 8, 2018

    Free MANNA-X this weekend! (8+9 September 2018)

    Yes, every day someone picks up a FREE copy off my Smashwords page. It's so nice to see that someone is doing that somewhere in the world. Hopefully they'll read them, too...
    My new book "How to sink a ship" is being worked on at the moment, I think the sticking point is the cover, but I'm sure it's out soon!
    MANNA-X is FREE right now, just come on over and pick it up. If you could, please go back and review it, too! It only needs a few more to reach those wonderful Amazon searches in the sky...

    Pick up your FREE copy...

    On Saturday it was...
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,516 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
    #71 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Humor & Satire > General Humor
    #222 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban

    Now it's...
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #3,034 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
    #43 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Humor & Satire > General Humor
    #139 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban

    Sunday, July 29, 2018

    Free Downloads going well

    Long time no hear! ... but I'm still around!
    This last month, the FREE downloads from Smashwords have done quite well, double the usual rate - yes, two a day instead of one - BUT HEY! It's something! Someone out there, buying the anthologies my stories are in are looking me up on Smashwords and downloading - it's something!
    If you STILL HAVEN'T got them, or need them on another device, you can download any of my FREE stuff from Smashwords here...

    There's Blue Haze...
    ..even TDX2...

    As for "How to..." part 2...well, after 2 years waiting, I hope it'll be out soon...

    Saturday, June 2, 2018

    Kickstarter Project! Illustrated 'Alice on the Outside-In'!

    I've started a small Kickstarter project to see if I can get enough interest in an illustrated version of my little children's story Alice on the Outside-In based on Alice in Wonderland.

    29 days to go and no backing yet, but it's early days. I already have almost half of the pictures done in the style I wish, a simple, digital, strong lined cartoonish reminiscent of the original Powerpuff Girls.

    But I need some funds to give the illustrator so that they will finish the work.

    So, if you feel like getting a copy, or just helping me to spread the news, please come and have a look!
    Kickstarter Project for Alice on the Outside-In

    Monday, May 21, 2018

    Anthologies are Fantastic!

    If it wasn't for anthologies, Dani J Caile would have been lost in time with a few unrecognised cracked masterpieces and some collections of short stories.
    But anthologies are fantastic! They're the lifeblood of many unknown writers including myself.
    I have another novel coming out soon, a wait of almost 2 years, but hey, it's coming out, but before that, here's a short rundown of these fantastic anthologies.

    Most Recent Anthologies
    These are the ones which are up in the charts at the moment and keeping ol' Dani's Amazon Ranking up above 200k. I also edited 'Baby Shoes'.

    Publisher Anthologies
    These two anthologies are from my publishers, Line by Lion and Three Fates Press. 'Circuits & Steam' is only available in paperback and it's a fantastic Steampunk collection.

    Other Great Anthologies
    Here are some which I was able to get into, and these are also great! Unfortunately, 'One Star Reviews of the Afterlife' is out of print, but if you'd like to read the story, I can send it to you :-)

    Ironology 2014-2017
    There 4 titles are based on a competition which had challenges with elements, and I have tons of short stories in these. They are filled with stories from over a hundred different writers through the years, all 'Iron Writers'!

    The Indie Collaboration
    I have some stories in these anthologies put together by this wonderful group of writers, all trying to break into the market. These are cool.

    Saturday, May 19, 2018

    Spectrum! The Old Woman short story

    Wow! I almost forgot I had a short story in this fantastic collection of short stories from Smartypants Publishing! A great story called "The Old Woman"...

    Come and have a look inside....

    Saturday, February 10, 2018

    Blue Haze - available FREE on Smashwords

    Yes, 'Blue Haze' is now available for FREE on

    It's been a while since I published anything, mainly because I've been waiting for my new book to come out - which, by the way, is very soon!
    60k words of complete insanity about pirates, politics and zombies... "How to sink a Ship (in eight long, excruciatingly terrifying, stinkingly evil nights). Part two of the "How to" series :-) It'll have one FANTASTIC cover!
    And you can help me. Yes, you can! You can become a Beta reader! (That's someone who reads the book and puts up a review once it becomes available online). Just put a comment on this post and I'll contact you about it! ...a journey always takes one first step...

    Friday, February 9, 2018

    Blue Haze available now... as used?!?!?! Without selling a copy?!?*!

    I wrote a short story for a competition - it went a little off the parameters, but it's better for it!
    After its rejection, I decided to publish it - only 6k words (34 pages), so it'll be available on Kindle too in a day or two...BUT...'s been available on Amazon for less than a day as a paperback and already it has a price for 'Used'... no one has bought it yet! How can it have a 'Used' price?!?!?!*/*!%!

    It's over here on Amazon (the paperback - later the Kindle will appear)

    Thursday, October 19, 2017

    Won the 2017 Iron Writer Annual Championship!

    After many years of trying, I've finally won the Iron Writer Annual Championship!
    This is a big thing for me, the 4th championship, and I've been there since the beginning.
    Here is my winning story  :-)
    (Here it is on the Iron Writer website with the other contenders)

    Elements: The Temple of Truth, a question, an answer, either a lie or a truth, you must not say which (500 words)

    With Love and Admiration

    Alex stood under the intricately carved gateway at the main entrance of the Sanctuary of Truth. Both herself and Morgan had gone to Thailand to see its splendors and the Sanctuary was the pinnacle of their tour together. There was definitely something intrinsically fine about the building, with each whittle unleased showing the sculptor’s skill and creativity, bringing a sense of awe and respect to whomsoever looked upon its beauty. But a worrying cloud of doubt and inquiry hung over the mood inside. It was certainly a great work of achievement on the part of all involved, but was it a ‘truth’? Alex couldn’t move from the thought that this place was nothing but a copy, a rich man’s folly filled with sculptured oddities and cultural adornments of his own design. Nothing here was real except as an object of its own aesthetic pleasing.
    Morgan came over and touched Alex’s shoulder for one tender moment, only to disappear once more into the shadows of a mass of mythical figures fashioned from wood. Alex went back to the Naga guards standing over by the stairs. These snake-like female forms were nothing more than an example of the excellent worksmanship of the sculptor and the depth of a pocket. There was no truth in any of it. The website said it used art and culture as a reflection, a mirror of the ancient knowledge and philosophy and there was truth in that, but Alex saw a similarity with Plato’s cave. No matter how elegant the sanctuary looked, it would never rise above the magnificence of the real world some meters away lying under the blanket of the sun.
    What was this place but a recepticle to hold all that was dear of the Eastern culture laid down in the mind of one, for the greater duty of his own heritage. There was no supreme categorical imperative at work here; the walls, the carvings stank of heteronomous reason and self interest misunderstood as a semi-educated autonomous motive. This construct was as aestheically pleasing as a masquerade mask with the grotesque self-satisfying ego showing through the facade of a false pride, revealing an empty shell made from paper mountains and shallow rationale.
    Alex watched Morgan step from one sculpture to the next in a silent reverence, being completely enthralled by it all. They had come, they had seen, and Morgan was happy. In this alone, Alex found integrity. There was worth in their visit, purpose in their strides. Although tempted to turn and walk away from what she considered an opulent blemish on the face of the Earth, Alex calmed her angered morality of the impurity permeating deep in every grain of wood. Maybe she’d found the truth she had been searching for.
    “How do you like it?” asked Morgan.
    “I’ve never seen such a place like this before. Thank you for bringing us here, it’s given me a lot to think about.” She smiled and hugged her partner with love and admiration.

    Sunday, October 15, 2017

    Going for a Guinness World Record! CEA Greatest Anthology Written

    Yes, in one week I have two short stories out in two anthologies!
    AND this anthology is going  for a Guinness World Record of the most authors in one anthology (108)!
    To be recognised, it has to sell  1000 paperbacks... now that'll do something to my Amazon rank :-)
    Go here to see it...

    Thursday, October 12, 2017

    FLASH Anthology out now!

    Yes, this is the 2nd anthology I've help Jason Brick with, 100 authors, 100 stories, maximum 100 words per story.
    My story, Emily and the Box,  is an analogy for something else. If you can guess what the story is REALLY about, then you can see why it was rejected by a Women's Web magazine...
    Go and have a peep! (A peep is free)

    Wednesday, September 27, 2017

    Quick-E 53 (2017)

    Hello there!
    Yes, I'm back to, irrespective of robots or not.
    I was on Niume, I was successful, in a way, even  became a Moderator of the Humor and Literature Spheres, but now, sadly, the site will close.
    So, yeah, here I am...
    What's new? I have a few shorts in some anthologies coming out soon, and a novel, too.
    But just to wet your brow, here's my latest Quick-E (53) - similar to the Iron Writer Weekend Quickies, which have sadly stopped. Anyway, hope you like it!

    Quick-E 53

     Elements – image of a castle and two knights on horseback, a new friend claims that someone will need to find a new home as this current place will be demolished by the government. A large sum of money will be paid if it is left within the week, "What if somebody is orchestrating all of this?" Bonus - someone is using an animal not suitable to be used as a mount as a mount.

    "It's so good to have a companion on this road," said Sir Russell to his new friend Sir Rowe.
    "Yes, it's much better in two. Someone to talk to while we travel on our way," replied Sir Rowe.
    They both smiled and rode their turkey steads through the thick, dark forest. Once on the other side, a valley appeared with a castle sitting proudly by a lake.
    "And here I am, my destination!" said Sir Russell. His companion looked shocked. "Why, Sir Rowe, what's wrong?"
    "Why, Sir Russell, this is my destination, too. I must tell the owner of this castle that they will need to find a new home as this current place will be demolished by the government. A large sum of money will be paid if it is left within the week," said Sir Rowe.
    "Why, Sir Rowe, it is I who own such an establishment. I placed a sum of money on it but two days ago," said Sir Russell.
    "Then it's your lucky day!" Sir Rowe handed over Sir Russell a large sack of money, which after weighing, he placed under his saddle. Then Sir Russell stopped.
    "But a moment, my dear companion. This is quite irregular, so many deals in such a short time. What if somebody is orchestrating all of this?"